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A year later:

Daniel had brought his main girls Tionne (Tempted) ,Janay (Juicy) ,Midnite, Lexis and Star a mini five bedroom two bath mansion fully furnished with marble floors the girls literally had it laid in the house. He took care of them especially with them being the strippers he had. Eighteen year old Tionne plopped down the couch reading a Zane book. Sometimes she wished that a man would come along and take from all this pain but as good as that sound in her mind it would never go that way. Janay had just walked in the house when she seen Tionne sitting on the couch as she screamed her name running towards her.

"Oh my God Tionne where have you been I missed you"She said excitedly literally jumping in Tionne's lap.

It wasn't til Tionne jump a Little from the pain in her body that Janay noticed her face. She jumped up and frowned her face up "What happened to your face Tionne"? She had a busted lip and a lightly but noticable bruised face .

"I'm okay I just got into with somebody ard" She said trying to brush off the fact that she had got into some type of altercation with someone and Janay had no clue about it. "Tionne your not ok look at your face, what happened to you why haven't I seen you in days"? Janay asked with a concerned voice tone.

"Ugh, I was in the hospital and I just wanted to be left alone" Tionne said as she got up from the couch and walked away. She was really trying to avoid the conversation in her mind her bestfriend could never understand the pain she had to endure when she went M.I.A. for days.

"Janay I really don't wanna talk about it.....its No big deal things happen" after saying that she disappeared out the living room leaving Janay with a million question to ask.

All she knew was she hadn't seen Tionne in a couple days and wondered why let alone why she didn't tell her she was in the hospital. She knew that she would be there for Tionne, but at this moment Tionne was blocking her out from doing so.

Tionne went in her room where she locked the door and fall down on her bed in deep thought. She literally shut everybody out even Janay, she couldn't stand to be around anyone at the moment. Her life was hell and it didn't seem like it was gonna get any better. She laid flat on her back staring at the ceiling replaying the incident that had lead her to the hospital a couple days ago.


Tionne stumbled down the fancy decorated hallway of a house dressed in a small white shirt and a pair of blue Boyshorts. She held on to her lower stomach as blood gushed down her legs "Ahhhh"She moaned out in pain as she tried her hardest to walk. Her face was bruised badly and her pain was unbearable.

Her breathing Becoming heavier and the hallway began to spin as she tried to make it down the long hall. Within a few second she collapses to the floor. Her legs had went out on her completely and before she knew it she had passed out. When she woke up she was laid in a hospital bed with a bunch of tubes and wires hooked up to her. Slowly she started to remember the horrible events that lead her here as tears trickled down her cheeks. She looked around the empty hospital room realizing she was all alone with nobody at her side. She knew for a fact Janay and Jarvis would have been there for her, but she was glad they wasn't here knowing both of them would be ready for war if they found out. So she knew it was best to keep this a secret and take this to the grave.

Flashback over:

Tionne was still laying in the same spot with tears tickling down her cheeks questioning why God was punishing her so much and at this moment of her life. Here she was suppose to be enjoying her first few adult years, but since she met Daniel it had been the worse time of her life.  Sometimes she wished that when she had passed out, she would just have died, then there would be nomore hurt or pain. She no longer wanted to live life she was ready to reunite with her Father,Aunt and her Unborn child that she had just lost, but she knew it just wasn't her time to go it was a reason she was still here.

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