Mel and Tionne

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Tionne drove down the highway with the windows down and Mel riding shotgun as the wind blew through both their long hair. Tionne looked over at Mel and smirked .

"Um so where were you last night"? Mel smirked back "You just like a big sister... Asking private questions".
"So what" said Tionne smiling.
"If you must know I have someone on the side that I creep with from time to time" Mel admitted while staring at Tionne.
"Oh really?? With whom"?
Mel Chuckled "You all in my business".

Tionne rolled her eyes with a smirk "Um you are my business did you forget"? She said laughing.
"Oh ok... So since we going there who were you with last night"? Mel questioned. Tionne frowned because she wish she was with Nasir when truth be told she was just down at the water by herself, thinking.
Tionne smiled "Now who's being in somebody's business".

"No it's cool... Nas is cool as fuck like my dude is" Mel said laughing as she assumed that's where I was last night. Mel knew all me and Nas, but what her and Janay didn't know was that I break it off with him. I wasn't ready to tell them that part just yet because I already knew what they would have said.

Tionne glanced over at Mel " Robert"?
Mel frowned in confusion like how did you know face, Tionne gave her a look as to say I already knew.
Mel smacked her lips and sighed "Look Te don't tell nobody except Janay Because he don't want Nobody to know".
Tionne threw her hands up "We been knew Mel and why do you think he doesn't want nobody to know"?
"Because my age... I already know".

Tionne shook her head "No baby... It's because he's Lexis baby dad".
Mel gave a expression as if she seen a ghost.
Tionne noticed her slight mode change before focusing back on the road "Listen Mel nobody fears Lexis at all that's not why I'm telling you that. I told you because they still fuck with each other and I don't wanna see you get all rapped up in this guy because you think he loves you and then he turns around and hurts you".
Mel nodded "Your right, but Rob isn't gonna hurt me. He does actually care about me. And frankly I dont care about Lexis one day me and Rob are gonna be fully together".

Tionne raised her eye brows and listened to Mel speak what was on her heart. After Mel stopped talking silence filled the car, you could tell Mel was in deep thought as she stared out the window. Tionne decided to change the subject.
"I was thinking about what we talked about before... You know far as us going back to school and I really think we should go for it like asap" Tionne said. Mel looked over at Tionne with a peaceful smile.

"It can be a start for us, a start to get us outta this shit we in" Tionne continued.
"Te you know I'm down with that" Mel said.
"I'm serious Mel" She said glancing at her before looking back at the road.

Mel paused with a closed mouth smile "Me too... I need to start somewhere. Its like Everytime I get to the point where I want to change my life you know kick the shit with the drugs... and all something pulls me back". Mel had recently confessed to Janay and Tionne that she been doing Coke on and off for about two years now.
"Things will get better once to get to that point in ya life when you actually get tired and you say no more that's when all the changes are gonna come" Tionne said feeling so bad for Mel.
"Yeah... I guess ya right" Mel answered back in a low voice focusing back out the window.
"Just can't wait til my body rejects all the pain and hurt in feel inside and release itself" Mel continued. Tionne glanced Mel then back at the road biting the side of her lip "It will happen trust me".


Later that night:

Mel grabbed the cup filled with liquor off the hotel stand and climbed back on the bed with Robert. He laid naked under the covers while she wore only her white see thru panties and bra. She sat in front of him taking a sip from the cup before passed it to him,he then sipped from the cup.

"Why didn't you tell me you was with Lexis"? Mel asked pulling her legs up to her chest.
He shoved his shoulders and looked away "Didn't know it matter". She frowned her eye brows "Of course it does Robert".
"Listen I don't want her I want you okay". Mel inhaled and looked down.
Robert got out the bed in search of his clothes which made Mel give him a sad look.

"Where you going"?
"I gotta go" he said putting his boxers on.
She sat up straight on the bed "Why"?
He sighed "Listen I got in a jam and now I have to fix it".
"What type of jam"?
"Mel I owe someone money and instead of laying around I need to be out there doing what I do best" he stated with a serious tone.

"What do you need"?
He sighed "Almost two G's". Beings though she was out of money from shopping earlier today she figured she would do something quick to help him out.
She stood up walked over to him and kissed his lips seductively "I'll get it for you baby don't worry... Just stay with me".
"How Mel"?
She licked over his neck from one side to the other before they locked lips again.
"Just stay with me" she moaned out. "I'ma take care of it".

When those words left her mouth he picked her up she wrapped her legs around his waist as their tongues wrestled rudely. He ripped her panties off and laid her down on the bed and entered her open wound roughly causing her petite body to shake uncontrollably.
He had her wrapped around his finger to the point she was willing to risk her life for him. Not saying he didn't have feelings for her either because he did anytime he was willing to risk his freedom for her.


Two nights later:

(At Phatz,Daniel's club)

I'm in love with a Stripper Blasted through the speakers in the club as Tionne twerked her body in her all black on piece lingerie. She climbed up the pole and  flipped upside down doing her trick that she knew would draw most of the attention in the club. Two other strippers shared the stage with her, but the money was barely being thrown at them, Tionne had all eyes on her.
Off in the corner sat Nasir, Pappi and Janay at a table watching the performance. Nasir listened to the lyrics of the song and smiled to himself as he thought about Tionne. She was doing her thang on that stage he couldn't wait til he could have his personal time with her.

Nasir hated the fact that other men got to see her half naked although he never once judged her, he played his cards right... He knew it was only a matter of time.  Even though she still hadn't came back to him, it didn't stop him from trying. He promised himself he would always be there for her no matter what. In his mind once everything was done and over with no other man would see Tionne half naked or even on a pole except him.
      A shocked expression hit Janay face when she looked down at her phone and read the text she just received. She jumped up and rushed up towards the stage making Nasir and Pappi looked at her suspensionly.
Tionne's dance was over, she bent down gathered her pile of bills and walked off the stage to meet up with Janay at the bottom step. Nasir and Pappi watched as Tionne's face expression changed to serious once Janay whispered something in her ear. Tionne rushed away to the back, Janay took a deep breath and looked over at Nasir and Pappi.
       Tionne ran down to the dressing room changed into a pair of joggers, a black belly shirt and her Jay's Grabbed her car keys and rushed out.
She speeded down the road cutting off other drivers, running red lights when her cell phone rung. She hit the button on her radio that was connected to her phone and Answered Jarvis's call.

"Do you know where she's at"? She raised her voice alittle.
"Yeah... Down the street from Nasir's club.... Tommy bitch ass out her wildin' ".
"About what?? What did she do"? Tionne asked still carelessly speeding down the road.
"Money" Jarvis replied.
"I'm on my way keep her safe for me" Tionne said disconnecting the call.

Tionne spung around down the block and bent the corner doing at least 60 miles on her way to the street Jarvis said they're on. She was furious and was determined to get there as soon as possible to see what all the fuss was about even tho she somewhat had a feeling what this was all about.

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