I Trust You, Don't Fuck With Me

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    Tionne stood face to face with G, still with her gun aimed at him. Confused and stuck to what was going on she waited for G to explain. Here they both were standing in the night, on this dark bridge that only held off lights from the tall poles with nobody riding by or pedestrians in site at all, just the two of them. Technically if he wanted to end him or vice versa one of them would have already been dead.

"Tionne I lost my brother too... so why don't you put the gun down and let me help you" G stated as he watched her contemplate with tears in her eyes. Finally coming to the conclusion that he obviously he was naked far as weapon wise and she was the one holding, she slowly put her gun down.
"I'm sorry about Luke G" she said as she wiped her tears and at the same time put her trust in him. "Thanks".
" So What's your plan"? she asked.
G took a deep breath and looked up at her " You have to take pictures of ya dead body and send them to Daniel then I'm supposed to come and finish Jarvis off. He had a million dollars on Y'all heads and the best part about it is the nigga so dumb he doesn't even recognize me... he doesn't know that Luke was my brother".
A confused expression hit her face " Wait so he never planned to let Jarvis go"? G shook his head no and bit down on his bottom lip " No... after you, I finish him off".
Tionne nodded her head as she felt the tears start to build up again, she just wanted all this to be over with and her brother's safe return home. "Okay... Let's go with your plan then" she said. And they both of them walked back up the bridge and disappeared in the night.


       Back at the house, Janay was sitting in the living room in the worse stage she ever could have been in. She was so worried about Tionne and Jarvis but at this period of time, it was nothing she could do. Tionne was smart leaving Brandon with her, less she didn't have to worry about Janay coming to look for her. It didn't stop her from blowing up Tionne's phone at least thirty times, she even called Nasir and told him to get back a.s.a.p because she didn't wanna talk over the phone. And about fifteen minutes later, the front door opened and in walked Nasir and Pappi with three other big, muscular dudes. Pappi noticed how shook and hysterical his girl was and rushed over to her side, and by the look on Nasir's face, he kind of had an idea of what happened.

"Babe what's wrong"? Pappi asked concerned, especially noticing the heavy tears that were pouring from her eyes.
Her voice cracked " Where were you two I've been calling and calling"?
"Jay I told you we were on the way when you called we got back soon as possible what happened... where's Tionne and Brandon"? Nasir asked as he looked around the room with his eyes.
"Brandon's in my room sleep and Tionne's gone". When those words left her mouth, Nasir's heart sank. " Wait what you mean gone"? he asked he gave simple instructions for her to stay here and wait till he returned but here he comes home and she's gone.
Janay replayed the voicemail that Tionne had left on her phone so that Nasir and Pappi could hear it on speakerphone. Anger filled Nasir's body so quickly, he picked up a glass vase that sat on the inn table and threw it across the room, hitting the wall as it shattered. "Fuck" he yelled while covering his face with his hands, causing Janay to jump at the sound of his voice and cry harder. " I don't even know where to find her at... I can't even begin to tell you where because I know Daniel... we know how he gets down and trust me he's not at the club. None of us have even seen his mansion but Tionne, I have never been there" she confessed as she stood to her feet and paced the floor.


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