I Think I Wanna Go

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Me and Robert had just got finished having long hot sex in the shower.  Once we got out we finished in the bed for another hours or so. He had me a little sore, but I would manage though.
We laid there half naked as he flicked through channels on tv while smoking a cigarette. The lights were off the only thing that light off in the room was the TV, I looked over at him and he looked back at me.

"So did you enjoy it"? I asked.
He nodded with a smile "Of course.. did you"?
I smiled " I'm here ain't I"?
"I see that, But it cause you love Daddy" he said pulling me into his warm arms. We sat there quiet for a minute.
"It won't be long though" I finally spoke up.

He looked down at me and I sat up so I could get a closer look at him. "What you mean by that"? He asked suspensionly.
"I talked to my grandmother and dad today and I decided to move with them" I said shifting around nervously on the bed.
"Where at"? I looked back up at him "It's a few hours away from here".
"So you gonna leave me like that"? He asked calmly.
I nodded my head "Robert I have to... I can't keep living like this I deserve a better life that I can't get if I stay here" I said honestly hoping he would understand.
A sad expression sat on his face, he didn't want me to leave but he couldn't help me so I had to do what I had to do.

"I'm just gonna miss Tionne alot" I said with a small smile and watery eyes.
Robert frowned. I smiled again "I'm gonna miss you to bighead".
He smiled back "Imma miss you to baby".

I smiled and climbed on his lap straddling him as I kissed his lips softly. Damn here we were at it again... Making out like we didn't just do it twice already.


     A few days later:


I woke up early and looked over at Robert who was still knocked out. Since the night I told him I was leaving soon he had been spending more and more time with me.
I knew today was the day I needed to face Tionne, I missed her so much I just hoped she didn't forget about me and still want to see me. It was still early so I knew exactly where she was at... She was in school.
When I got to the school she was sitting in the quiet library with about ten other people beside the library lady studying. The library lady was sitting at her desk on the computer drinking coffee.
I took a deep breath and headed over to Tionne who was sitting alone at a table reading a book. I walked up to the table and sat down next to her. She looked up at me with a calm expression after staring at me for a minute or two she looked back down at her book.

"Tionne please let me explain" I said softly, I was nervous and my heart was beating fast. Tionne looked up at me with a serious face waiting for me to explain.
"I know you don't wanna hear no excuses so I won't give one all I wanna do is look pass what happened the other night" I said.
"Truthfully Mel you said this before... All I wanted you to do is get better and you let me down" Tionne said calmly while staring at me.
"I'm gonna do better... That's why I'm here to tell you this... Tionne I know I fucked up but how else am I suppose to feel when everyone that I thought had my back left me" I said fighting tears.
"I never left you, most of all I not everyone else... I care for you Mel and no matter what you do... What happens I'm always gonna be here for you... My love will never change" Tionne said in a low voice. I smiled.
"I just want a change for you that's all" Tionne said.
I nodded "I know... And that's what I came here to tell you.. I'm leaving in a couple days".
A shocked expression hit Tionne's face. "Wait... Really"?
I nodded again "I found my grandmother and dad, they live a few hours away from here and they told me to come home". "You sure you gonna do this"? Tionne asked.
"Yeah I want out this life" I admitted with a serious face.
Tionne nodded. "Good" She said with a smiled.

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