Mel's Troubles

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I looked down at my phone and saw Tionne was calling me again for the tenth time. But I couldn't answer her right now I was facing my own problems without involving her this time. Shit was so hard, Daniel had me working the corners selling my body I cried hard as I rocked back and forth on the hotel bed. One of the John's had just left I never sold my body but it was Daniel's orders that I had to follow.
I decided to leave Tionne out of this one, I couldn't have her once again stressed out about me. I had to do what I thought made me happy... Which was go get high. I washed up and left the room in a rush. I made my way down to the house where I knew the dude loco was at. He was ready to support my habit little did he know I was ready to get stone cold high off him tonight.I had to I didn't have enough money because I gave it all to Robert. He told me he was making a run and would meet up with me soon but he never did nor did he return my calls.
Before I knew it I was getting high with loco and trust me it felt to damn good.


Today my brother wanted to meet up at our favorite old joint Benny's that we use to eat at together so here we was chowing down. We both had double burgers with season fries and two large half in half's.
"This is still and will always be our favorite spot" Jarvis said biting into his double burger.
I chuckled "Yeah... I remember mom and dad use to always bring us here when we was kids... We use to be like fuck a McDonald's take us to Benny's" I said laughed making Jarvis laugh too.

He laughed as he wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin "Damn right".
"I miss us young" I said reminiscing.
"I know right... We was always together having fun" he said.
A sad expression appeared on my face "I miss mom and dad".
"I know you do... I do too" he said. "How do you think she is now"? I asked him hoping he could cure my curiosity. He shrugged his shoulders "I don't know but I hope she's good".
I glanced down at my phone for the time and realized we had been here for a whole hour in a half. I knew Daniel would be looking for us soon.
"Well we better get going" I said, and he already knew what that meant.

I started wrapping up my food and he did the same. Jarvis took one last sip of his half in half before chunking it in the near by trash can. We both stood up and headed for the door.
"Hey how bout you ride with me real quick then I bring you back to get ya car. I'm not ready to part from you yet sis our time was so short" he said making my heart warm. I really missed being around my brother and I know he missed me to at the end of the day far as family we were all we got. I nodded my head and agreed to go with him so he could go make his drop real quick and bring me back.

20 minutes later: night time

Jarvis pulled up in front a crack house and my skin instantly began to crawl, I hated being around these type of places especially because of our mother's condition. Jarvis cut the engine and looked over at me. I inhaled deep and locked eyes with him.
"Why we here Jarvis"? I said giving him a crazy look.
"Come on sis you know this is what I have to do don't start" he said calmly.
I chuckled and shook my head "A crack house Jarvis... A fucking crack house" I said raising my voice a little. I knew he had to make a drop off, but not at a crack house though, if I knew I wouldn't came.

"I don't wanna be here Jarvis" I said.
"I know that Tionne" he said sighing. I looked down and shook my head in disbelief.
"Are you coming in or you sitting here"?he asked. My head shot up and I was staring him down with a crazy look. "Are you fucking kidding me"?
"What"? He asked as if he was confused.
"Just hurry the hell up jarvis" I said rushing him. He got out the car and seconds later disappeared in the crack house. I decided to sit back and relax and close my eyes while he did what he had to do.

Ten minutes later:

I opened my eyes and realized he still hadn't came out yet. I inhaled deep and stepped out his Range Rover walking up to the door. As I walked up the five porch steps I could fussing coming from inside, before I went to tap on the door it flew opened and Jarvis stood in front of me with a shocked face.

"Jarvis what's going on in there"? I asked trying to look past him. Jarvis blocked the door "Nothing sis go get in the car I'm coming".
"No... Not til you-" but I was cut off by a strong angry man's voice.
"Melody you bitch... You owe me stop playing games" the man yelled.
I stood in front of Jarvis confused as he just closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"Jarvis is Mel in there"? I whispered pointing inside the house.

Jarvis looked away from me as he stood there holding on to the door. I shook my head and pushed past him storming in the house. Jarvis followed close behind me and closed the door behind him. I could hear Mel's voice, but I couldn't see her due to all the smoke and fiends in here.

"Fuck...fuck you nigga" Mel said but I still didn't see her. Then suddenly she appeared around the corner.
When She seen me she stopped and locked eyes with me, she looked shocked to see but hey im sure I was the last person she expected to see here. She looked bad, her hair was messy all over her head and she held heavy bags under her eyes.
"Why Mel"? I asked throwing my hands up.
Mel laughed as she stumbled catching her balance. "What's wrong Tionne"?
Tionne lowered her eyes "Why you doing this to ya self... Why you doing this to me"?
Mel looked around from side to side "I'm just here because I came to visit" Mel lied.

"You were doing so good Mel... So good and now you standing here in front of me high as shit" I said with a soft voice. Mel looked down at her feet and smiled.
"What the fuck is wrong with you"? I said raising my voice a little. Mel's mouth dropped, she never heard me talk to her like that.
"Why you making things so serious when it's really not"? Mel asked with no care in the world.
Tionne shook her head "I'm trying so hard to help you, but what else can I do"?
Mel put her head back down ashamed as I literally chew her ass.

"Why should I keep braking my back if you not gonna do what's right"? I asked.
"Then don't" Mel barked. "Don't help me I dont need ya Fucking help, Can you help me when I'm abused and already damaged?? Can you help me when I'm on them corners doing what I have to do because Daniel decided to put me out there and not give a fuck about what happens to me"Mel yelled. She took me by surprise I knew she was hurt by all this shit, but damn.
"And this is the life that you gonna let Bring you down... I told you I didn't want you involved"? I asked her then I waited for her response.
"It's not bringing me down because what you don't realize is my life is already fucked... How much worser can it get"? Mel yelled again with watery eyes.
"I have nothing at all" Mel continued.

"You have me" I yelled back pointing at myself.
"Yeah... But for how long you already ready to give up on me and to be honest im ready... I'm use to it" Mel said with low eyes.
"I can't believe you just said that" I said shaking my head in disbelief. Mel twisted up her top lip and shoved her shoulders carelessly. A tear excaped my eye, but i wiped it before anyone noticed. I took a deep breath and looked from side to side then I walked up to Mel And stood in her face.

"You always had me... I would give you the shirt off my back with no hesitation... I was always there even when you was to dumb to see it for ya self" I said rolling my eyes. I bumped Mel's shoulder as I walked pass her and out the house slamming the door behind me.
I inhaled hard and plopped down on the cold steps and began to cry hard covering my face. I literally broke down and Mel was the blame, why couldn't she see that she was hurting me to. I loved her I grew to love her and i understood she was going through shit and was under alot of pressure but why go this way... Why go down this road??? I really cried for Mel.

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