After Math

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  After the shot went off Mel felt her hand down to her chest. She felt wetness and as she looked at her hand she seen blood. She looked up at him with blood tingling down her bottom lip, he had shot her directly in her chest. She opened the door and slowly got out took few steps before collapsing to the ground. Robert sat there unable to move his mouth was opened forming a O, and tears poured from his eyes. He had just shot the real love of his life. He got out the car and rushed over to her and fall down beside her crying his eyes out as he pulled her dying body towards him. It was like his high was instanlty gone and he had came back to his senses.

"I'm so sorry baby... I'm sorry... What did I do... Get up baby... You gotta get up now please" Robert begged as he held her weak body close to his.
She was struggling to breathe and her heart was slowing up on it's beat, she was fading away fast.
"You... You..." she said as tears rolled down out the corners of her eyes.
"I know baby... Im sorry... Stay with me" Robert begged.
"I... I want Tionne" she managed to get out as she took her last breath.
Out of no where a dude comes up and grabs Robert and starts beating the shit out of him while another dude tried to save Mel, but she was gone.


I was bout to go inside the food joint to grab some food before I meet back up with Nasir when I noticed a big crowd of people in the alley across from the store. Me being nosey nigga that I was, I jogged across the street and damn near passed out at the site that I had seen with my own two eyes. I saw two dudes holding this nigga Robert on the ground and a few inches from him laid my sister's friend Mel. She wasn't breathing and there was blood everywhere, I instantly dialed my sister's number.


I was standing outside in the night air pacing back and forth trying to keep calm. Shit was weird as fuck tonight, Janay wasn't answering, Mel was nowhere to be found I was going crazy. My phone interrupted my thoughts when it started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw it was my brother calling.

"Talk to me Jarvis" I said.
"Tionne where are you"? He asked as he seem to be breathing hard.
"At Daniel's club".
"Why you there... Do Nasir know you there... Tionne it's not safe it's alot of shit goin on right now" he said, not knowing how to explain this her.
I sighed "I know I'm going crazy... I haven't talked to Janay all damn day she won't answer the phone it's off... Mel was supposed to meet me here and she's not here I'm going crazy bro I don't -" I said, but just then Jarvis cut me off.
"Tionne about Mel" he started which made me frown my face up.

"You know where she is"? I asked.
What he told me next had me running down the street like I was on a track team. I damn near ran two blocks so fast not stopping, when I got there I saw them putting Robert in the back of a police car and the coroners zipped up a body bag. Tionne screamed so loud when she saw Mel's necklace on the ground which confirm to her that that was Mel in that body bag. Jarvis walked over and held his sister as she screamed and cried.
"What did he do... What happened"? She screamed. Her body became weak and she slide down on the ground still in Jarvis's arms.
"I'm so sorry baby girl" Jarvis whispered in her ear as she kept crying and screaming.
"Melody.... Melody please... Don't leave me I need you" she cried.

A half in hour later ~

Tionne sat on the ground with tears still falling. She couldn't pull herself together, Mel was gone another person that was close to her dead by the hands of someone who she told her was no good for her.

"Tionne baby I need you to pull yaself together I need to tell you something" he said but didn't get a response from her.
"Tionne come on sis" he said and still he got no response. She just sat there with her head held low to the ground, she couldn't even focus right now.
Jarvis gently pulled her up, even though She was so weak her legs felt like spaghetti noodles, but she still managed to stand up.
"I know what happened to her" he said and that caught her attention as she finally stared up at him.
"What happened"? Tionne asked.
"That shawdy down at the club... She's Robert's baby mama... She set Mel up and got Robert to kill her" Jarvis said breaking the rest of the bad news.

Tionne seen fire after that, her heart pounded in her chest and by the time she made it back to the club she went to her car and grabbed her nine. She cocked that bitch back and stormed inside the club like the mad woman she was. Soon as she spotted Lexis on the stage twerking she hid the gun behind her back and Walked up on the stage slowly. Lexis climbed down from the pole when she saw Tionne and frowned. Just then the music cut...
"What"? Lexis said throwing her hands up.
Tionne shifted her weight to one side as she tilted her head to the side looking at Lexis like she was crazy. From the corner of Tionne's eyes she noticed two of Lexis homegirls creeping up on the stage.

"Back up" she warned with out even looking their way.
Lexis strutted over to Tionne with a smirk on her face "What's wrong Tionne you look a bit stressed"? Lexis said rubbing her hair Through Tionne's hair.
Tionne struck Lexis so quick in the face causing her to stumble back. After that first hit Tionne and Lexis were going blow for blow but Tionne was getting the best of Lexis. She climbed on top her and started banging her head on the hard stage floor. The crowd stood around and watched the female brawl before their eyes.
Tionne reached for her gun and quickly aimed it at the two sneaky homegirls who were still trying to creep on the stage. "I said back the fuck up" Tionne yelled as her voice cracked.
The two girls backed up with no hesitation, Tionne focused back on Lexis as she laid on the stage rocking and moan in pain.
"I fucking told you this day would come. And maybe if I would have whooped ya ass before maybe Mel would be here. She's dead... Because of you" Tionne yelled as tears fall from her eyes. She aimed the gun at Lexis head. "Why you do it"?
No response.
Tionne started kicking her hard  in the stomach and back "Answer me bitch" Tionne yelled.
"I don't know" Lexis finally cried out.
"Yo Tempted give me the gun the police comin yo" one of the security guards said as he ran up on the stage.
Tionne ignored him and squatted down to Lexis and jacked her up alittle by her shirt "I would kill you but that would be to easy... Every single day that you live in jail you will regret what you did to her. You took her life and now ya life is done and what's so sad is them kids have to grow up with no jus one absent parent but two. So bitch you live with that" was Tionne's last words before she pushed her back down on the ground causing her to hit her to bump her head on the floor.

Tionne passed the gun to the security guard Bo and walked off to the bathroom. She splashed her face a couple times with water and took a few deep breathes. She heard the bathroom door open and close and soon as she opened her eyes and stared in the mirror her heart stopped at the individual standing in front of her....

     No... Fuck no it can't be....

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