Pregnant Fear

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      Tionne had walked down the long hall on the first floor of the house to the bathroom with a black book in her hand. She went in closing the door behind her and sat the book down on the counter after she pulled out a pregnancy test box. Her little friend hadn't visited her in last month nor this month so she was curious.It was just her and Pappi in the house since Janay went to visit her mother's grave and Nasir made a quick run to the store. He sat back on the couch in the living high as shit tripping off Friday after next. After about five minutes of Tionne being in the bathroom she stood next to the sink in deep thought with the positive pregnancy test in her hand. There was definitely two lines on the one in her hand and the one on the sink. She couldn't believe what she was reading how was she pregnant when the doctor's told her she could never get pregnant after her incident. Sliding the two tests in the book she headed out the bathroom with her head low to the ground. She was so focused on her thoughts she didn't even realize Pappi was walking towards her to go to the bathroom to. When her eyes finally connected with Pappi her nervousness caused her to drop the book on the floor. Pappi laughed and shook his head at her already knowing he had just scared the shit out of her. They both bent down at the same time to pick the book up but shine just so happened to beat her to it.

"I'll... Umm".... She started, but now the book was in the hands of Pappi.
"You ard girl?? I was just going to the bathroom you all scared and shit" he said. The sound of two objects dropping caused him to step aside and look down but Tionne didn't even budge. He bent down once again but this time picking up the two tests that were down by his feet.
"Yo... Shit ... Tionne you pregnant"? He asked with a smile plastered on his face and excitement in his voice.
She hushed him quick "I'm not" she lied as she took the tests out his hand.
He chuckled "That's not what them test say. I ain't slow Tionne I'ma smarter than you think". He said rubbing his chin. "Yo my boy bout to be happy as shit" he added in a hype voice. He knew Nasir wanted kids so he already knew how happy he would be when he got the news.
"No Pappi no one can know about this. I'm serious" she said in a whisper voice. His smile changed into a frown real quick as he looked her up and down weirdly.
"Why not"?
"I just can't have this baby" was all she said before she stormed off quick leaving him standing there confused.

        Days Later:

Tionne and Pappi sat in the waiting room down at the clinic. He tried his hardest the whole ride for her to really think about the move she was ready do, but all that was in her mind was to get the shit over and done with. She begged him to take her because she didn't feel good and knew she couldn't drive herself. Her body was aching and she barely was able to keep food down and that was bothering her bad. After she had signed in and filled out her paperwork she waited patiently. Minutes later a young blonde girl came out the double doors.

"Tionne" the blonde called out as she looked up from her clipboard. Just as Tionne was ready to stand up Pappi grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her back down "Tionne please don't do this. Think about what your doing your bout to make a big mistake" he said still trying to talk her out of the abortion she was about to get. She stared in his eyes for a minute, but still her mind was already made up. She got up and disappeared in the back with the blonde girl.
She was laid back on the bed in a white gown with a heavy heart and mind. All she kept thinking about was how nasir was gonna feel it had been days since she found out and he still had no clue. The only ones who knew was Tionne and Pappi and she regretted Him knowing that's what made it even harder. The doctor walked in and when him and Tionne's eyes met he closed the door and took a seat down on his stool.

"How are you Miss. Tionne"? He asked smiling.
She couldn't even respond to his question instead she just signed deeply and shook her head.
"Umm... So are you sure you would like to terminate this pregnancy"?
He nodded his head and glanced down at tje clipboard before looking back at up at her. "Well the good thing is your kind of early only a couple weeks so it makes this easier".
She nodded her head "Ok".
"I'll just go get my assistant  so we can do the procedure. It's quick beings though your in your first trimester. After this is done your gonna need to relax stay off ya feet and no intercourse for a couple days" he said standing to his feet.
"Wait... Doc can I ask you a honest question"?
He stopped and stood there waiting for her to ask away. "There's no chance I can carry this baby Right"? She asked.

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