Baby On Board

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                                          Nasir, Jarvis and Pappi rushed through the double doors of the Emergency room after recieving the call from Janay that Tionne had went into labor. Nasir's heart was beating fast through his chest as excitement rose through body that his was ready to see his first unborn child be born. He rushed up to the nurses desk and asked for Tionne's room number. After a few minutes or so him Jarvis and Pappi all were on the elevator and going up to the sixth floor.

Tionne laid in the hospital bed, dressed in a gown with Janay by her side holding her hand. Her contraction were growing stronger and the pain was becoming unbearable as she screamed to the top of her lungs. "Okay Ms. Tionne i'm gonna need for you to start pushing in a second okay" the midwife said with two nurses at her side as she sat down between Tionne's legs in a chair examining her lower parts.
Tionne looked up at Janay with watery eyes "I'm scared". Tionne wasn't the only was scared, Janay stood nervously holding her bestfriend's hand as she was ready to watch her give birth and as bad as she wanted to cry she couldn't, she had to be strong for Tionne.

"Don't be scared... i'm right here and i'm not going no where". Just then the two of them could hear the doctor speaking in a low voice to the other nurses about possible complication which made the hairs on the back of Tionne's neck stand up. And just then a sharp pain hit her lower stomach causing her to sit straight up in the bed, screaming " Ahhhh.... What's wrong hurts really bad".
Janay looked down at Tionne nervously as she tried to find the quickest way to calm her down and get her relax " Hey... hey listen to have to stay calm. Everything is fine okay...your gonna give birth to a beautiful baby boy and your gonna make it do you hear me"?

Tionne took a deep breath and tried to focus just like Janay instructed her to do. Minutes later, Nasir, Jarvis and Pappi came rushing through the door and over to the bed side. Nasir stood on the opposite side of the bed where he grabbed Tionne's free hand. The moment they locked eyes Tionne knew she comfortable with pushing and having this baby, all because the love of her life and the father of her child was here to her rescue.
"Okay you gotta start pushing for me" the midwife informed and with that Tionne squeezed both Nasir and Janay hand sat half way up and pushed as hard as she could. Jarvis and Pappi stood back both lean against the wall praying that she was gonna have their nephew without any complications.

                                        After a few pushs and Twenty minutes of labor, Their baby boy was born. He was seven pounds, eight ounces with a head full of hair mixed with both Nasir and Tionne's features and his name was Brandon Cooper named by Nasir. While the midwife worked on Tionne Pappi, Janay and Jarvis crowded around baby boy's bed taking pictures and adoring him as he opened and closed his little eyes.

"Yeah he looks just like you boy" Pappi said as he looked up at Nasir who was still beside Tionne holding her hand.
"Yeah he do bull" Jarvis chimed in while Janay continued to snap pictures of the newborn baby ever chance she took.
Nasir nodded his head and smiled, he couldn't been more prouder, and so was Pappi. He looked over at Tionne with a smile and nodded his head proudly " I told you" he mouthed to her letting her know he had faith when he told her a while back that she was gonna be fine.
" I'm proud of you baby and i love you so much" Nasir whispered in her ear before pecking her lips.
She smiled as she took a deep breath " I love you too".


                         Janay had went back home to grab Tionne some fresh clothes so she could take a shower. She packed her a pack of clothes and just ready to head out the door when she noticed Pappi sittiing on the steps by the living room. 

"Where you bout to go"? he asked.
She took a deep breath "Back to the hospital... what's wrong"?
"We need to talk Janay".
Janay took a deep breath and looked down at her shoes " About"?
"Listen Janay I never meant to hurt you or carry you some type of way. I can't even hid it no more or lie to you i have strong feelings for you... I've tried to push them feelings away but i can't and What I'm".... before he could finish Janay started walking to the front door shaking her head, which made him hop up and reach out for her, although she pulled away and faced him with tears in her eyes.

"What's up with you? I'm trying to tell you how i feel about ya ass and you trying to walk away".
"Yes... yes I am because I refuse to let you play with my heart. I've  been through so much and I'm not gonna let you walk all over me and play me like I'm some random chick who just let you fuck with no feelings.... Pappi I have feelings and yes i do have feelings for you but I've lost some much in my life and I'm not about to let you have the opinion to take the one thing i have left... my heart" Janay screamed out with tears rolling down her face.

Pappi stared deep in her face, for the second time he noticed all the pain she was carrying and it hurt him more. He never felt no way about no female let alone love the way he loved Janay. "Janay".
She looked up at him as tears continued to fall "Umm". By now she was all ears, letting out all her frustration was the best thing she done in a long time and now she was ready to hear all he had to tell her.
He walked over to her and took one of her hands and held it tight and cuffed her face with his other hand so she would know he was serious "I love you... no games played i really love you and i wanna be with you if you will let us just start over. The way i see you is like we were made for each other and i never wanna see you hurt again, i promise to be the man in your life and be all you need me to be for the rest of our lives if you let me". Those words made her heart skip a beat instantly, no man ever made her feel the way Pappi made her feel let alone with the words he just said to her she would forever cherish them. One thing she did know was that Pappi wasn't no clown nor was he so lying ass two timing nigga so she knew those words meant everything coming from his mouth. "Can we start over"? he asked again when he realized Janay still hadn't said anything. But she couldn't, she was stuck and the words wouldn't come out all she could do was stand there and stare in his eyes.

 Finally she nodded her head "Yes... we can start over".  And at that moment he kissed her lips so soft causing her to almost melt in his arms. He had took her to love paradise just that quick and hadn't even knew it. But the sound of Pappi's phone ring interrupted the moment they were having, he paused their kiss and answered all in on movement "Yo".
She didn't know what that call was about but at that moment Pappi's face expression became more serious than ever and within seconds he was ending the call and tell her he had to rush to Nasir A.s.a.p.
"Is everything okay"? Janay yelled out, but Pappi was already gone out the door and into his car.

There was only one thing for her to do to find out and that was call Tionne and make sure her and the baby were okay. She knew Nasir was okay, but Tionne and the baby were her first thought.

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