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A week had pass by and Tionne still hasn't seen nor heard from Jarvis or Paris. Everyday since the day of John's death her heart was filled with hurt. She wasn't able to focus most of the time, even at school her mind was else where. All she wanted was her family back, even though she knew how hard that would be she just wanted her life back. Memories filled her head of when they were all together family time, family gathering with laughter and nothing, but joy. Tionne realized that no money would amount to all the pain she was feeling right now. With all the expensive clothes, shoes etc she had she would give it all back just to have her family at whole again.

School was over and she headed straight to aunt Lisa's house. Once she walked in she noticed it was really quiet, actually too quiet. Knowing her Aunt Lisa she was hardly ever alone, she always had people around playing card games or something was always going on. The silence wasn't normal to her at all and with no sign of Jarvis wasn't making it no better. She put her bookbag down on the table and headed upstairs to Aunt Lisa's room assuming she had laid down for a nap, but soon realized that wasn't were she was because her bed was still made from this morning. Thinking she stepped out, she went down to the kitchen for a snack because her stomach was literally doing flips.

Her Heart dropped when she walked around the kitchen table to see Lisa laid in the floor bloody not responding. Rushing over to her aid she kept shaking her and screaming her name while dialing 911. "No please you can't do this to me right now" Tionne cried out.

Then that's when it all came together, she looked down to see a empty bottle of prescription pills and to make it worse both of her wrist were slit open. "Why...why did you do this to yourself you can't die on me Auntie"Tionne said with her face wet of tears she had been through a lot in these past few weeks and it seem to get worse by the day.

In the waiting room of the hospital  Tionne sat by herself with a blank stare. Dried up tears rested on her face, she didn't even believe she could cry anymore, she had just cried her last cry. Jarvis rush through the double doors of the emergency room walking straight up to the front desk. His eyes scan the waiting room til they landed on a depressed looking Tionne sitting alone with her head down. He inhaled deep before making his way over to her, he called her name twice, but she was to deep into a daydream she didn't hear him. It wasnt until after he lightly shook her that she snapped out of it and looked up at him. Tears formed her eyes when she stared at her brother who she hadn't seen in days,she wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him so tightly.

They released the hug and then the questions began "What happened, why are you here... what's going on Te...Where's Aunt Lisa?

"She's dead Jarvis"Tionne managed to get out. Jarvis legs locked as he fall in the seat next to her "What are you talking about Te"?

"I came home from school and I found her in the kitchen. Doctors said it was suicide. She killed herself Jar" she said breaking down. Jarvis didn't want to believe what he was hearing first his dad then his mom up and left now his only aunt on his father's side was also dead and gone. Less than 2 weeks ago they bury John and now his aunt was next to join their father. After the water works had ceased Jarvis turned to Tionne "Sis,we all we got right now we have to stick together okay"?

Tionne nodded her head agreeing with what her brother had just said."I need you to go back to Aunt Lisa house and wait for me I'm gonna come and get you okay but I need you to listen to me".

Tionne nodded her head again to her brother. She watched him get up and walk out the hospital without even looking back. He knew it was time to get his money together and get him and Tionne far away from Chicago. All the money that John had put up was in Paris care and being though their was no sign of her in days they knew they couldn't turn to her.

The Same doctor who had broke the news about Aunt Lisa came up to Tionne again "Young lady I'm so sorry for your lost I know this must be a really hard time for you and your family right now". "My brother who you just seen walk out of here is all the family i have left"she said with sadness in her voice.

"You dont have any other family here, anyone you can go with"? Just as she was ready to respond to the doctor's question a male voice came up from behind her "Yes she does" said the male.

The doctor stood with a puzzled expression looking between her and the male that had just appeared in the waiting room.Tionne looked up at the male, double blinking do to her vision being alittle blurry from all the crying. That's when she recognized it was Daniel. The same man who showed up at her father's funeral and the same man her Aunt had told her to stay away from.

Not knowing if she should be happy or not that he was in her present. That was the doctor's cue to walk away after wishing her well. Daniel sat down next to her and suddenly she felt uncomfortable just like she did the first day she met him. "I'm sorry for everything you are going through Tionne,I truly am" he said giving her knee a rub before squeezing it. "What are you doing here"? she said in a whisper.

"To pay my respects babygirl". "How did you even know whats going on"? She asked curiously. "Babygirl news travels in the hood fast" Daniel said still rubbing her knee. She couldn't bring herself to terms of why all this bad was happening all of a sudden. "I told you I would be here if you needed me and I think it's best for you to come with me." He admitted calmly. She glanced up at him then back down with a ashamed look "I'm just gonna wait for my brother". Daniel smiled trying to keep calm with Tionne,but his patience were running thin. "Who Jarvis.... who do you think he's with or did you think he was making moves alone. You need me just like he needs me" he said harshly, but in a low voice.

She shot him a evil look "I don't even know you" she said lowly. Daniel chuckled "Who else do you have...nobody I'm the only help you have so get ya self together. Now meet me in the car out front" and with that he got up and exit the hospital. Tionne held her head in her hands and let out a loud exhale. She didn't know what she was going do, but at this moment she was left with no choice. Daniel had came and left, but he gave her the ultimatum. She had nobody or nothing left, but Jarvis and it was no telling when he was coming back to get her so she did what she thought was right.

The car door open to the back seat as she climbed in beside Daniel who was texting away on his phone. He looked over at her and spoke firmly "From here on out everything changes about you. Your no longer innocent Tionne Turner.....Your life changes from here on out. Forget about everything you did before school, family and friends most of all forget who you are. I'm gonna make you a better person and when I'm finished with you not only will you be proud, but your father will be too rest his soul". Tionne's eyes closed as she took in the instruction he had just gave her. She know Daniel was a dangerous man from the way he spoke and she wasn't ready to disobey his orders especially knowing she had no other choices left in life. At this moment she realized her life was now in the hands of someone else's.

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