Do Or Die

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      Daniel sat back in his chair behind his desk in his office with his head back resting his eyes. He was alone and it was so quiet in his office you could actually hear a pen drop. The events replayed in his head of all that's happened in the pass two days, shit was crazy Lexis was now facing murder charges for her part in Mel's death, Janay and Jarvis would be dead tonight all he was waiting for was for Ro to call and confirm that Tionne was dead. It hurt that he put a hit out on Tionne, but she crossed him in so many ways and he wasn't gonna let that slide.

"Surprise" the sound of a familiar Female's voice interuppted Daniel's thoughts. His eyes shot open and he was staring at Tionne and her gun aimed at his face. Her hands shook and that's was because she had never used one and never planned to, but Daniel had it coming for everything he did to her.
"Wait... You killed Ro"?Daniel asked as his face frowned up in Confusion.
"No... After he realized he couldn't kill me he killed himself" she said with a straight face.
Daniel Chuckled "Really"?
"Don't believe me I don't give a fuck... But I would never killed Ro. He was like a brother to me... you sent the wrong person to kill me... Guess you didn't know our history" she said softly with the gun aimed at Daniel's chest.

"Well I guess I-" Daniel started but Tionne cut him off.
"Shut up... Now I talk" she said waving the gun in his face as she raised her voice alittle. "Why did you do it"? She added wanting answers. He put her life Through hell and now she wanted to know why.
Daniel flashed a smile and nodded his head at her as he was impressed. He never seen her so hard and cold Before only with words but now she was standing face to face with him and a gun in pointed at him.
"Well since you seem to think this is funny I'll be sure to laugh when I kill ya ass... Where's Janay"? She asked.
He laughed "Somewhere where  you won't find her"?
Tionne held on to the trigger wanting to blow his ass away as she bite down on her bottom lip, fighting back tears. He was definitely playing games about Janay and the last thing she wanted to find out was that she was dead to.

"Muthafucka I'm not playing with you... Where is she"? She asked again but this time in a more aggravated voice.
Just then a click Sound came from behind her as she felt a gun being placed at the back of her head. It was one of his guards Jackson ready to blow Tionne away.
"Put the gun down Tionne" Jackson said in a deep voice.

Jackson was a big black husky bald dude who loved to put in work for Daniel no matter who it was. The power that Daniel had over these niggas heads was crazy, it could be his mother if she had to go then she had to go.
"No... I'm not putting shit down" she said with her cold eyes on Daniel.
Daniel Chuckled as he walked from behind his desk. "It's my turn to talk" Daniel said as he smirked at her before his face became serious. "Tionne I killed ya father" he said bluntly.
She frowned her face as tears started to burn her eyes from those words that slide out his mouth. "What you say"? She mumbled.
"I killed ya pops bitch ass" Daniel said with no remorse.
Tears fall from her eyes as she began breathing hard "Why"? She spat at him with her gun still aimed at him.
"Just give me the word boss" Jackson said ready to take Tionne out soon as Daniel said so.
"He felt like he was bigger than me... so I killed him" Daniel said again with no cut cards.

Tionne shook her head as she cried "You killed him over money and power... Did you stop to think that when you killed him you took a part of my life too" she cried out.
"Tionne... Sweetheart I didn't care" he said. "You were all part of my plan to take you and ya Brother for his debt and make you my property" he added straight up shoving his shoulders.
"Ya aunt too... Suicide my ass. That bitch would still be here if she wasn't so damn nosey. She knew I killed ya father and I couldn't take no chances" he laughed hard.
A shocked expression hit her face after she realized what he just said.
"I made ya mama run away too... I feed her ass drugs and got her hooked. The bitch cried to much about ya punk ass father's death, but to me she was just to damn sexy and miserable to kill just like you" he said laughing again.
"You killed Mel to did you"? Tionne asked as her voice cracked and more tears fell.
"I approved of her being killed but no... Lexis wanted that bitch dead more than me. She wanted something that's wasn't her own" Daniel explained.

"Your so dead to me.... I hate you with everything inside me" she said with tears streaming down her face.
He walked up closer to her and tried to touch her face, but she quickly backed up. That made him laugh again.
"Close ya eyes Tionne" Daniel said calmly as he nodded for Jackson to pull the trigger.
Just then the door to the office flew open and in walked Nasir with a gun, Pappi with two guns, Jarvis with a shot gun and three other goons of Nasir's.
"Put ya piece down fat boy" Pappi said putting one gun up to Jackson's head.
"Hell naw... She gotta pay" Jackson said cursing himself for not pulling the trigger sooner.

Tionne opened her eyes and looked back at all them especially Nasir, Once again he was there to save her.
Nasir smirked at Daniel "Damn nigga you one cold ass nigga".
Daniel Chuckled "I should have known you would come to her rescue. But what you don't realize is she belongs to me... She always will" Daniel spat angrily.
"That's where your wrong... She's part of me now... Not you" Nasir said.
Tionne stared at Nasir with a blank stare, she was so happy to have him in her life. "You okay"? He whispered to her.

She nodded then looked back at Daniel with an evil stare, but Nasir walked up and pulled her behind him for her own safety.
"Nasir I do have mad respect for you and ya pops rest his soul, but I can't let her walk out this room alive" Daniel said. Truth be told he was just as scared of Nasir as he was of Timmy. Nasir's heart was different then his father's where Timmy cared about certain shit, Nasir didn't. Timmy was crazy, but the difference with Nasir was he would blow ya head off no matter where you were where Timmy plotted on the situtation.
Nasir Chuckled "Can't say the feeling is mutual for me or my pops especially with knowing all I know now. But you will let her walk" Nasir said with a serious face.

"Or will can just kill you and this punk ass bum right here with you and you know I sugar coat with no niggas" Nasir spat.
"What so ever... You can die and this bitch here" Pappi chimed in as he mushed Jackson in his head with the gun.
Nasir clicked his safety off his gun and posted up with his eyes on Daniel "So how you wanna do this Daniel it's all up to you" Nasir asked becoming impatient.
"I need Tionne she's not finished here with me she knows that" Daniel said not getting the picture.
"But we basically told you Tionne is done with you" Pappi chimed in again.
"So is Jarvis and Janay" Nasir added.

"They owe me" Daniel raised his voice.
"Fuck you bitch nigga... We don't owe you shit" Jarvis mumbled as he aimed his shot gun at Daniel. He waited so long for this day to come and now that it was finally here it would be a pleasure to murk Daniel and everyone that stood with him.
"So you tuff now"? Daniel asked Jarvis.
"Nigga I been that... I kept quiet fa my sister bitch" Jarvis spoke truthfully. He was far from a bitch but he feared of what would happen to Tionne if he jumped.
Tionne limped from behind Nasir aiming her gun back around Daniel's head.

"Tionne" Nasir warned but she ignored him.
"Where's Janay"? She asked.
Daniel mugged Tionne hard. Jarvis stepped closer and put the shot gun up to Daniel's head.
"Talk bitch" Jarvis said.
Daniel mumbled "Basement".
Tionne pushed his head with the gun "She better be at one piece" she turned and rushed out the office with two of the goons with her.
She returned a few minutes later with Janay limping along with her as her arms rapped around Tionne's neck for support. She was beat up bad but she managed to still walk and stand.
Once Pappi and Nasir saw Janay and Tionne back at one piece they both looked back at Daniel. Nasir noticed Tionne shake her head and knew she was saying not to kill him. He knew she wasn't no killer and didn't want her to see it if he had to so he decided to spare his life this time.
"Stay in ya lane Daniel I ain't playing or next I will kill you I promise" Nasir said. 
Daniel nodded with a stupid look on his face, he had just been punk by Tionne's lover and his goons and it was nothing he could do because him and Jackson were both out numbered.

He smirked as his eyes landed on Tionne. "I'll see you soon" he said.
Nasir looked up at Daniel with a crazy look on his face... The audacity of this fool after the warning he just gave him.
"This nigga thinks I'm playing with him" Nasir said, he chuckled aimed his gun at Jackson and shot him directly in his head. Jackson's lifeless body hit the floor causing a loud thump. Then he aimed it back at Daniel "Now fuck with me and this will be you next. The only reason that you still breathing is because Tionne didn't want me to killya bitch ass, but don't tempt me. I will kill ya ass and she will forgive me later " he said as he grabbed Tionne's hand and they all exit the office leaving Daniel standing there in disbelief. Now one of his guards was dead and once again it was all because of Nasir and Tionne. Daniel was determined to come up with the next plan to make them all pay.

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