Still Can't Resist

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Janay ❤❤

I was laid back chilling in my room on my bed watching TV, well technically the TV was watching me because I was in deep thought. I couldn't get my daughter out my mind. I missed her so much even though I never got a chance to spend with her. I remember holding her tiny body for seconds before she was taking from me, I shook it out my thoughts before I got emotional. I heard Tionne's cell vibrating on my bedroom stand and she appeared out my bathroom while pulling her hair up in a tight ponytail. When she picked the phone up a cheesy smile appeared so I already knew who was calling her, I chuckled as she answered.


I was sitting behind my desk in the club that I recently purchased when Tionne popped up on my mind. I missed shawdy bad, she was making a nigga real soft forreal andI would be lying if I said I didn't like it. We was having a little party tonight here and I wanted her and her girl to come out so I called her up to see how she felt about that. I pushed call on her contact and sat back waiting for her to answer.

"Hey" Tionne answered in a soft voice that made me smile.

"Sup babygirl, whatcha doing"?

"Nothing much sitting with Janay tryna figure out what we getting into tonight beings though we don't have to work tonight"she said.

"Oh Ard true....true well how bout y'all come down to my club tonight I would love to show you off" I said with a chuckle.

"Is that so"? 

"Yeah it's so.... come down to side of town and we can show you and Janay a good time.... then you'll get to see what it's actually like being around real niggas". We both shared a laugh about my statement, but she knew it was true.

"I mean that wasn't no offense to Daniel even though he could never be a real nigga in my eyes" I said meaning ever word.
"Oh I already know" she said.
"So what you say.... y'all gonna come out or what"?  I asked as I leaned back and sparked up my blunt.
I could tell Tionne smiled hard before answering "Yeah we can do that".
"Ard you need us to pick y'all up"?

"Nah we good... see you later".
"Ard beautiful".
"Ok...later". She said, and we hung up our call.


I got off the phone smiling from ear to ear only to look up and see Janay looked at me like I had two heads. I just knew she was ready to question my life away so I prepared myself.

"What's so funny and what did he say that got you all googly"?
"He called me beautiful" I said mesmerize as I flopped down on Janay' s bed.
"Why is that so shocking..... you are though" Janay laughed and looked at me crazy.

"Aww thank you and you are to" I said to her.
"Not like you Te, you got everything you're smart,pretty and got swag ive seen you talk you way thru some shit and I'm just plain ol Janay"she said sounding depressing.
I looked at my bestfriend and instantly picked up her mode change, but didn't understand why. Janay was beautiful believe it or not from her hair, smile, body and soul down to her beautiful light complexion. Any man would be a fool to not want her, her loyalty itself was perfect.
"And you are too.... come Janay tell me what's bothering you". She was looking down playing with her fingers.

"I miss my daughter" she said in a sad voice as she looked up and locked eyes with me."I never got to know her or anything I just miss her... all I looked for was to be her mother"she continued.
I nodded my head feeling her pain for some reason, even though she didn't know. "It's okay bestie I know actually how you feel". Truth be told I did understand how she felt little did she know.
"So what's going on tonight fill me in" Janay said curiously. I smiled before responding " Oh so Nasir wants us to come out to his club tonight you down"?
"Oh hell yeah... umm is Pappi gonna be there"? I sat up with a shocked expression on my face "Wait... you like Pappi"? She blushed and began giggling " Girl the boy is fine I can't help it".

I laughed "Oh shit let me find out". "I just like him okay... I don't think he likes me".
"Girl bye... why wouldn't he"? I said.

She twisted up her lip giving me that girl please look as she got up and
went into her closet to find something to wear for tonight ... I left her room and went to do the same.

Later on that night:

Me and Janay was definitely dressed to impress, I was wearing short black dress with a pair of black stilettos with a Boss chain and my other accessories. My long natural hair was curled and hang down to my mid back. Janay wore a pair of black tight leggings and a half of Red shirt revealing her belly and some red bottom stilettos. She wore her haor pin curled Long and straight, We was bad and we knew it.
Just as we was heading out, we over heard Lexis and Star sitting at the kitchen table whispering about us as we got to the front door...

"And the bitch look a hot mess with this dress on" Lexis said as her and Star started to laugh.
I reached for the door, but quickly turned towards them with a smirk on my face "You bitches got something to say cause I can change clothes real quick beat yall asses and still get back pretty... Wassup" I said pointing at them.

Instead of saying anything back they just sat there staring at each other as to say if you jump I'll jump.
Janay walked over and pulled me away "Fuck these clowns they aren't worth it as you can see ain't neither on bout that life.... let's go"she said loud enough for them to hear her.
I laughed in their faces as she pulled me away "Oh I know... i just had to make sure they ain't grow balls over night and feel the need to jump up".
When no comments left their mouths, we decided to let them be ... so we left out the house and hopped in my car and made our way down to Nasir's club.


My club was lite.... We was partying Forreal for the first night open. The DJ was blasting Gotti thru the speakers and we was definitely popping bottles. I watched my some of my boys hover over some of the hoes and gold diggers in the club while me and Pappi kicked back and enjoyed our liquor and the view.
One of my guards walked over to me and whispered to me letting me know my guest were here. I stood up with a smile as my eyes landed on the entrance where Tionne and Janay both stood. Damn... I said to myself Tionne look good enough to eat. I nodded for him to walk them over to us and he did so but me and Pappi met them halfway....

"Hey wassup" I said over the music while I hugged Janay then Tionne.
"Hey"Tionne said holding on to me tight as I picked up the sweet scent of her perfume.
Janay and Pappi hugged then him and Tionne.

Once Tionne faced me again I smiled at her "I thought yall was gonna bluff out".
She laughed "Nah you thought wrong... we don't bluff".
"Yeah that's right" Janay added in.

We was all Standing in VIP Area talking and vibing to the music. I honestly was feeling my drink and from the looks of things Tionne was on the same page as me. While pappi and janay were over in the corner in a casual conversation, Me and Tionne  couldn't keep our eyes off of each other... I don't think I would be wrong if I said I was starting to fall hard for shawty.

We wined up in the back seat of my New black Range Rover with fogged Windows... things were getting pretty heated in there. Tionne straddled my lap as I kissed and sucked on her neck causing her to moan over the music.

I want you all to myself
You don't need nobody else
I want you all to myself
I sware...
yeah....oh... yeah...yeah..yeah...yeah...
I'm selfish
I want you all to myself
I sware...
You don't need nobody else
I sware....
I want you all to myself
Because I'm selfish yeah...

The mode and music was just perfect because this was exactly how I felt about shawty. I definitely wanted her all to myself and I wasn't gonna stop with her til I got her where I wanted her.... and that's safe with me.
She was so hard to get along with at first but now she's slowly opening up to me.... one thing for certain .....She couldn't resist me and I couldn't resist her.

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