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         Author's POV


    It was around three something in the afternoon and I was standing in the kitchen alone Washing up the little bit of dishes I had just used. I started wiping down the counters when a sharp pain hit my lower stomach. It feel like someone had just stabbed me, I was bent over gripping my abdomen as I bite down on my tongue. Nasir entered the kitchen and noticed Tionne's head was down with one leg shaking as she held her stomach. He stood back as his eyebrows lifted and he looked at her with a confused expression.

"Babe you good"? He asked. Tionne's head popped up and her low eyes laid on Nasir.
"Hey babe" she said standing back up going back to normal. She didn't want him to be worried about her so she had to brush her pain off for a second or two. "Umm.... How long were you there"? She asked pointing towards the entrance of the kitchen.
"Long Enough to know something's wrong witchu" he said walking over to her rapping his arms around her waist.
"I need to leave the drinking alone for a while. It's catching up with me "She said.
Nasir nodded "Good... Cause I hate when ya ass sick" he said walking over to the refrigerator grabbing a cold bottle of water and passing it to her. She took a few sips from the bottle hoping it would relieve her a little, but she still felt that pain kept coming and going. Nasir walked up behind her pulling her close to him and burying his face in her neck.

"I gotta make a run real quick with Pappi and Jacob... you gonna be okay til I get back"? He mumbled.
"Yeah I'm good" she said calmly. He lifted his face up "You sure"? He asked.
She nodded her head. "You need anything"? He asked.
"Nope I'm good" she said smiling.
He kissed her cheek "Love you baby".
"Love you too be safe and come home" she said facing him giving several pecks to his lips.

He smiled "Imma always come back" he said giving her one last kiss before leaving out the kitchen. She looked around the empty kitchen as soon as he heard the front door close she began coughing hard as she ran off to the bathroom. Her insides felt like there were burning, she ran and throw up for the second time today in the towel. Once she was finished she flushed the toilet, rinsed her mouth and took a seat down on the lid of the towel. The pain she was once feeling had started to ease up which was a relief to her Because she didn't know how much longer she would have been able to endure that pain.


    The visit of a nightmare ~

Janay and Tionne walked through the visitation room to see other visitors and love ones talking to the inmates. The closer they got to Robert who was sitting at a table alone the more Tionne soul burnt. She hated Robert with a passion she warned Mel about him but she couldn't see what Tionne seen. They sat down across from him both with serious expression on their faces, they was ready to dig in his ass at any minute.
A smile rose upon Roberts face as if he was happy to see them. Like he didn't just kill one of the most important person in Tionne's life.

He chuckled "Why y'all even here? The investigation been over with".
Tionne sat there with a mad look on her face as she gave him that look to kill. "Why did you do it"? Janay asked jumping straight to the point.
"I told the truth... The detectives know why I did it that's all that matter" he said coldly as he slumped his body back in his chair.
"But we wanna know I could give two shits what you told them" Tionne spat.
Robert looked over at her with a smirk on his face "Again i don't know why you here".
"Mel was a part of my life she wasn't blood, but everybody knew I loved her as if she was" she paused. "I mean you obviously felt something for her so what happened that made you kill her"? She finished.

Robert smiled again with this devilish look. It was almost as if he was happy that he killed a seventeen year old and would be spending the rest of his life in prison. "It was really that easy to kill her"? Janay asked curiously.
"I popped E" he said laughing.
Tionne sighed deeply as he leg started to shake. She was losing patience with him real quick and at any minute she was bound to snap. Robert noticed the tension between him and Tionne and he knew it was getting to her. "You right.. I did feel something for her. She was a part of me to but my baby mom got jealous and she went to Daniel. She told me that if I didn't end her Daniel was gonna end me and I wasn't ready to die yet" he said not caring or showing a bit of sympathy. "Lexis set the whole thing up and I did it... I did what I had to do" he finished.

"You didn't have to do shit to her you could have let her walk" Tionne's voice raised alittle.
Robert chuckled again "Bitch I'm so cold-hearted I don't even give a fuck about the situation nomore. Mel's gone she's dead and ain't no bring her back" he said coldly as his fist banged on the table but not loud enough to catch anyone's attention.
Tionne squinched her eyes at him "You one cold ass muthafucka and I really hope this place does you some good".
"Fuck you" he spat before laughing.

Tionne stood to her feet but her eyes never left Robert's "I hope you rot in this bitch just like that sneaky ass baby mom of your". She rolled her eyes and started to walk away. Janay stood up to follow her until he called out.
"Hey Mel's friend" he said. They turned around and faced him.
"You know... Before I shot her she called out ya name" he said before laughing again. "No Robert please... Tionne help me" he said laughing only this time louder. "Then I shot her close range" he added as he made a gun with his fingers and put it to his head.
Angry hit Tionne so fast next thing she knew she was charging at him only to be pulled back by Janay.
"You sorry ass bitch... You killed her... Ya fucking sick piece of shit... You go to hell... You took her life from her and I'll never see her face again... I hate you" she screamed as the whole jail watch while Janay pulled her out the visitation area. She screamed, cried and kicked to get to Robert, but she couldn't. The officers had escorted him to the back and Janay pulled her out the jail.

Once they got outside Janay let go of Tionne and they walked to the car. Janay got in on the driver side while Tionne climbed in on the passenger side she was shaking so bad she had no control over her anger at this moment. And she wanted him to suffer bad for what he did to Mel and everyone else to. A sad expression hit Janay's face as she stared at Tionne who rocked back and forth crying silently.
"Maybe this was a bad idea.... We shouldn't came" Janay confessed. She knew although Tionne pushed the issue of coming they both wasn't ready for the truth. Let alone Tionne still hadn't fully came to terms with Mel's death. Tionne glanced over at Janay as tears poured out her eyes. She covered her face and screamed as she kicked the dashboard. Janay hated seeing tionne like this and it was nothing she could do at this point to make her feel better. She rested her head back on the head rest with tears in her eyes as she  
Listened to her bestfriend cry her eyes out.

When they got home Tionne still hadn't talked much. She laid across the couch watching old reruns of family matter on TV. Janay walked out there with Nasir on her heels when Janay told him that they went to see Robert. He wanted to snap, but he knew he couldn't, it would only make things worse.
He walked over to Tionne leaned over and rubbed her back "You okay ma"?
She nodded her head but never took her eyes off the TV.
"I know you hurting right now, but know I'm here for you when you wanna talk" he said.
She nodded again but no words left her mouth. "Things are gonna get better Tionne i promise"Janay chimed in.

"If you need us just let us know Ard" Nasir said. He knew when Tionne shut down like this it was only right to give her space til she was ready to come out her shell. He leaned down and kissed her face before him and Janay walked off. A single tear rolled down her face as she felt that aching pain in her chest that nobody could fix right now. She wanted Mel back things would never be the same without her. They shared so many memories good and bad Mel brought the positive out of Tionne. She made things alittle better because beside Janay she had finally found someone who could relate to her pain. Mel wasn't just some regular girl Tionne met she saw something in her at the young tender age she was and held on to it. But now she was gone forever and she couldn't let go of her. It's like this payne she carried in her heart from Mel's death was putting a effect on her life and she would always have this pain to deal with. Mel didn't even have a chance in life before her life was taking away and deep down Tionne felt like she had some parts of it because it could have been avoided if she stayed on her like she should have.


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