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                Daniel sat confused to what this was about. In his mind, he had been good too G for the few months that he knew him so well. He didn't understand what this was all about at all. The sweat dripped from his forehead as he paid attention to the gun that sat on G's lap but that fear turned into a small laugh " What you tryna rob me for more or something??? My boys will in here soon".
G chuckled " No they won't... them niggas dead". The nervous look that now set on Daniel's face excited G. I guess now the tables were turned and now he was the bitch. G stood up and leaned up against the wall " I got a question for you".
Daniel focused on him as she slouched down in his chair " What"?
"You don't remember me... do you"? 
Daniel said "No I'm not sure I do". G shook his head as a sinister smile appeared on his face " Try Luke Perez... you killed him in front of his mother's house" he paused " Our mother's house. That was my older brother that you killed" G confessed. He been waiting for the perfect time to reveal this secret to Daniel and his time was now.

A shocked expression came across Daniel's face as he noticed now the resemblances between him and Luke. Remembering when Luke use to work for him so he could help his mother with the bills. But when he came up short and Daniel felt as though he wasn't paying up fast enough he rode by the house and shot Luke while he was outside doing yard work for his mother with his little brother. See G had just walked in the house to use the bathroom and as he was walking back to the door he saw his brother fall down on the lawn and a car speed off. The face he seen behind that wheel haunted him every day and he made a promise that when he was old enough he would go after the man who pulled the trigger. He was lucky and grateful because he was able to face the killer face to face and gain revenge for what he did to his brother.

"You killed my brother... I'm a Perez" G spit venom at Daniel. You could hear the hurt in his voice as he aimed the gun at Daniel.
Daniel looked around and throw his hand up carelessly " So what you gonna kill me over a nigga that died damn near eight-nine years ago"?
"Aye," G said as he mushed Daniel in the head with the gun " Watch ya fucking mouth".
Daniel looked G dead in his eyes "You can't kill me".
G smiled as he put the gun down at his side. He walked over to the balcony and opened the door " I won't be the only person who sees you die tonight". In walks Nasir and Pappi, Daniel stared at them as the three of them stood around him with serious game faces.

Daniel began to plead for his life " Look Nas ... I didn't kill Tionne. This nigga did" Daniel said as he pointed at G completely ratting him out. But when none of them looked to be fazed, Daniel became worried.
"You don't cop plead ... so don't now" Nasir said as he laughed.
 Immediately a sense of Guilt came over Daniel of all he did and the fact that he killed the only girl that mattered to him over jealousy. He knew it was no way Nasir was letting him live after he just put a hit out on the woman they both loved so much. His head fell down to his lap as he started to sobbing, but that was interrupted when he heard another pair of feet coming from his living room towards the dining room. When he looked up his heart damn near stopped at the person standing in from him. Thinking she was dead or that his eyes were playing tricks on him he sat there double blinking with the retard face.

He started to panic as she walked over to him looking untouched and just as beautiful as she was before. The fact that she had just had a baby, her hips spread out more and her breast were even bigger than before.

"Tionne... I... I... just" he stutters until she hushed him up. She sat down on the edge of the table in front of him causing him to lose his breath a little.
"Where's my brother"? 
Daniel didn't answer quick enough so Pappi walked over and Broke three of Daniel's fingers as he screamed out in agony pain " Where is he"? She yelled. Just then G came back around the corner with peewee both holding bloody weak Jarvis's body up.
She turned around and noticed the condition her brother was in, but said a silent prayer thanking God that he was still alive before she faced back toward Daniel. She looked up at him with a facial expression he could barely read, he saw the hurt and the pain in her eyes and regretted putting her through it all. He watched her pulled a gun from behind her waist and instantly his body tensed up. Not only was he indeed outnumbered, he was the only one in the room without a strap.

"Why you doing this to me Tionne"? 
" The same reason you took everything from me" she replied remorsefully.
" I only did what I had to do" he replied sounding even more ridiculous than he sounded. Tionne nodded her head with a small smile as she glanced up then back at him " You see I use to fear you... until you took my first child from me" she said remembering the night he beat her up badly causing her to have a miscarriage. Now standing to her feet, she back up a little from Daniel and aimed her gun to his chest " It's over" was her last words before she shot a bullet that pierced his shoulder. Daniel screamed out in pain.
 "AHHHH... FUCK Y'all" was his last words before Nasir, G and Tionne lit his body up with bullets.
"Strictly business" Tionne and G both mumbled with their eyes on Daniel's lifeless body that sat slumped over in his chair.

 A breath of air filled Tionne's body as her knees became weak, it was finally over. She could have her life back finally. After the goons pour gasoline in every room and on all the dead bodies they set the mansion on fire and stood outside and watched it go up in flames. No face... No traces.

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