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I smile down at my soon-to-be wife. I carefully slide out from under her. As I tiptoe to the kitchen, I pass the living room. I smile even wider, grinning, at the couch. The events of last night flow through my mind like a movie as I pour myself a cup of coffee. I make my way back upstairs to my room. I stare at Nezther from the doorway.


I look behind me to see Jasper behind me. "Hey, bud. What's up?"

"I'm hungry, can you make me food?" He leans against my side.

I nod, rubbing his head. "Sure, what do you want?" I ask softly.

"Waffles," he smiles.

"Blueberry or chocolate chip?"

"I actually feel like strawberry today," he notes.

I look up at my sleeping fiancée again. "Go get dressed and make your bed. I'll wake up mom and we can go out for breakfast," I sigh. I place my coffee on the vanity next to the door. With soft steps, I approach Nezther. As soon as I sit on the bed, her eyes open. "Good morning, beautiful," I whisper.

She leans against my hand as I caress her cheek. "Good morning, handsome," she lays a hand on my thigh. "Why're you up so early?"

"I don't know," I shrug, "Jasper wants to go out to eat. How do you feel about IHOP?" I ask quietly.

"Go make sure he's ready and everything," she sits up. I admire her bare torso as she stretches. "Stop," she grumbles.

I lean over, tackling her onto the bed. "I think you're sexy," I smirk.

She giggles as I lean down and nibble on her neck. "Stop," she whines.

I kiss up from her neck to her lips. "Get dressed, baby," I kiss her nose before getting up. I pull some jeans and a white t-shirt out of my drawers and toss them on. I look back to see her slipping a shirt on with no bra. "Hey," I growl. "Cover up, only I want to see your beautiful body."

A blush covers her cheeks as she slips the shirt back off. I smirk to myself before walking out of the room. "Daddy!" Jasper screams as I enter his room.

My jaw drops. "What the fuck?" I growl. "You're supposed to be cleaning– never mind. I'll clean it up later. Your mom wants you ready," I shake my head. "Where did you even get paint?"

He smiles, looking over at the wall. "The basement. There were tiny cans of it," he looks at me proudly.

"Are you guys– fuck my life," Nezther turns around and walks out of the room.

"Yeah, what she said," I chuckle as I lift my son up. I carry him downstairs to the living room. "Ready, babe?" I ask Nezther.

She looks up from her phone. "Yeah," she clears her throat. "I'm not cleaning or re-painting his room." She stands up from the sofa.

I nod, placing Jasper on the ground. "I'll do it when we get back. I'm starving," I grab the back of her neck and press my lips to her forehead. "You good?" I whisper as I slide my hand down her arm to entwine our fingers.

"Just stressed," she mumbles.

Jasper reaches up so I can pick him up. Nezther locks the front door as I walk to the car. I place Jasper in his carseat and hook him in. She gets in the driver's side, starting the car. After a few minutes of driving, I place my hand on Nessie's thigh.

She takes a quick glance over at me. "What?" She inquires as she looks away from me.

"I just want to be touching you, baby," I whisper, leaning over to kiss her cheek. "Luca and Sofia are coming, is that okay?"

Nezther nods, "of course."

I kiss her cheek again. "Are you okay?" I ask as I gently rub her leg.

"Not while I'm driving, Jason," she snaps as she swats my hand away.

I smirk as she turns into Denny's parking lot. "I thought we were going to IHOP?" I unbuckle myself.

"Denny's is better," she shrugs.

We enter the restaurant after I called Luca and told him we changed locations. Jasper was babbling about the coloring page he was on when I got an idea.

I slip my hand into my fiancée's leggings, dipping my fingers into her folds. "Right, mommy?" Jasper looks up.

I start rubbing Nezther's bundle of nerves as she answers. "Right," she agrees.

I lean my head against my other hand, my elbow propped against the table. "You're so sexy," I grin. "My tongue is jealous of my fingers right now."

She moans softly, leaning back against the booth. "Jace," she grips the table.

"Do it," I whisper.

I smirk as she bites down on her lip as hard as she can. "Fuck," she grunts.

I stare into her eyes as I slip my finger that we're in her, into my mouth. She flushes red as I hum in contentment. She leans into my side, making me wrap my arm around her shoulders.

"Uncle Luca!" Jasper jumps off the seats. We both look over to see him in Luca's arms. "Can I sit with you? Daddy wants me to sit on his side," he pouts.

Luca and Sofia both chuckle. "You can sit with us, Jay."

"I don't like him calling our son that," Nezther mumbles.

I rub her shoulders and kiss her temple. "I know you don't, baby. I'll talk to him about it later," I assure her as the others sit down.

We had a nice breakfast. We made small talk and laughed quite a bit. We decided to go to Target, Luca and Sofia following behind us. We're going to Target because Nezther brought up having a small get together tonight with all our friends. We texted everyone before heading to the store to buy food.

When we got home, Nezther asked to talk to me. I follow her upstairs to our room. "What's up?" I stroke her cheek gently as my other hand holds her waist.

She leans her forehead against mine, closing her eyes. "I'm really horny right now," she says barely over a whisper.

I feel my little buddy grow as she presses her body against mine. "Quickie in the bathroom?"

She nods, moving away from me and scampering to the bathroom. I follow her into the bathroom. I close and lock the door. She tosses off her shirt. She slides her leggings off along with her underwear.

When She Is No Longer Mine «Jason McCann & Justin Bieber»Where stories live. Discover now