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Jason - four days later

I ended up staying at the hospital a few more days than planned. But they let me out three days than they originally wanted me to leave. Nezther came out of her little space when she heard there'd be an in-home nurse. She's been so on edge since then.

As of now, the nurse is taking my vitals for the second time today. My fiancée comes into the room, wearing a pair of my pajama pants and a tank top. I smile at her. She walks over to me and presses a kiss to my lips.

"How was your nap, baby?" She asks as she runs her fingers through my hair.

I lean my head against her belly gently. "It was okay," I shrug.

I smile when I feel the babies kicking. "I've had the Braxton Hicks all morning," she sighs.

"They're ready to meet us," I say happily. "Remember when you were pregnant with Jasper and he would always kick when I was talking?"

The nurse takes the oxygen machine off of my finger, making me pull Nezther down on my lap. "Yeah," she smiles brightly. "We have a doctors appointment in an hour," she kisses my cheek.

The nurse, Kylie, sits down on the couch next to the chair we're in. "Jason cannot go," Kylie says with furrowed eyebrows. "He is to stay home and rest as much as possible."

"The doctor told him he can go to the babies appointments, but that's all. I'd watch yourself because you are in my house," my girl snaps before standing up and storming out of the room.

"Jason, you know you can't go, right?"

I look over at her. "Of course, I can go. I know you're just trying to do your job, but please listen to Nezther. Everything will go much smoother, she knows what she's talking about most of the time."

«» «» «»

"Well," the gynecologist smiles. "You have two very healthy baby girls right here. They're developing rather well."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Thank all higher powers," I whisper. Nezther giggles, reaching to pull her shirt down. The woman walks out just as I stop her from pulling her shirt down. "I want to talk to them," I grin.

She's quick to nod. "I love it when you talk to them," she tells me.

I pull the chair closer to Nezther. I kiss her tummy a few times with a smile. "Hi, babies. It's Daddy, I just want you to know that I love you both so, so, so much!" I exclaim. Nezther's hand runs through my hair. "Mommy and I are so excited to meet you girls. We have your nursery set up and we're in the midst of building our new house so you can have your own rooms," I tell my unborn children. "I'm so happy you both are healthy. I love you, my little Princesses," I feel the children shift around under my fiancée's skin, making me smile. I kiss her belly again before standing up and kissing her lips. "And I love you, my Queen."

"I love you too," she smiles as she pulls down her shirt. I help her as much as I can to get down.

The drive home was relatively quiet. We didn't speak much, just a few words here and there. The radio played at a low volume, the air conditioning adding to the noise level.

"I'm going to take a shower," I inform Nessie as we step into the house.

She nods, setting her purse down on the bench next to the door. "Okay, babe. I'll come up with you and lay in our room," she tells me, "in case you need help."

As I showered, I had to sit on the chair we had installed. I had two plastic bags, one wrapped around my left leg and the other around my left arm. It took me awhile, but I completely washed myself with no help. As I limped out to my room, I could hear Nezther talking.

"My girls," she sighs happily. "You gave Mommy a scare this morning, do you know that? I thought something was wrong. But I'm so glad you're both okay. I don't know what I'd do if something were to happen to you." I walk into the room. She looks up at me, flashing me a small smile. "You did it, babe!"

I nod, "I've been taking showers by myself since I was seven," I shrug.

"You know what I mean," she rolls her eyes.

I slide on a pair of boxers and climb into bed with her. I can't be bothered to put on more clothes. "I believe I promised you something," I smirk.

She furrows her eyebrows. "What do you- oh," she takes in a sharp breath.

I slowly rub her clothed clit, making her squirm a little bit. "Daddy promised if his baby could get out of her little space, he'd give her princess parts special kisses, did he?"

"Y-Yes, Daddy," she stammers.

I lay back against the pillows. "C'mere, baby. Sit on my face," I tap her thigh with my sprained hand.

She tosses off her neon pink thong, climbing over me and resting herself on my mouth. I stare into her eyes as I slowly move my tongue up and down her slit. A shaky moan escapes her lips.

«» «» «»

"Daddy," I'm shaken awake by two tiny hands.

I groan, wrapping my arm around Nezther even tighter. "Jasp, just climb up and go to sleep."

"Daddy, dinner's done. Aunty Leigh and Kinny let me help!" He exclaims.

Nezther moans and opens her eyes. "We'll be down in a few minutes, baby, okay?" Our son nods before skipping off, closing the door behind him. She looks up at me, "hi."

I smile down at her then kiss her forehead. "Hi, Angel," I whisper.

"Do you want help putting on some clothes?"

I nod, "yes, please."

She stands up from the bed. I watch as she slides on a thong and some sweatpants before heading to my dresser. She pulls out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. She kneels down as I sit up and move to the edge of the bed.

"Ow," she drops the clothing. "Ow, shit," she whimpers.

I grab her hand. "Are you okay, baby? What happened?" I ask worriedly.

"Nothing," she shakes her head. "I-It's just Braxton- fuck!"

Foot steps come running up the stairs. "Baby, talk to me," I say as my bedroom door opens. Kinsley and Leigh rush to her sides as Justin stands in the doorway with Jasper in his arms. "Babe, what's wrong?" I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

She looks up at me. "My water just broke."

Anyone up for a double update?

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