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Wrapping a red shawl around my shoulders, I make my way down the stairs. Honestly, I'm in no mood to deal with Carter because I know he'll ruin my whole day with his shitty arguments. However, I can't ignore him either. As I cross the lounge and head into the kitchen, my eyes briefly land on Carter, who's splayed out on the couch; sleeping without a care in the world. Louise is in the kitchen as always, creating a racket with the dishes, as she prepares our breakfast.
"Good morning, Mus." Louise greets me, smiling. Her eyes unconsciously flit toward the lounge, before landing back on the tray that's lying in front of her.
"Morning, Louise. How're you today?" I ask her, opening the fridge door and taking out a carton of milk.
"Good, good." Louise continues to smile, as she organizes two glasses of fresh juice and a bottle of cold water on the wooden tray. I don't understand why we need a housekeeper. However, Carter believes that we need the help, so we have Louise. I mean, we're only two people - full grown and capable people - who, I strongly believe, can manage perfectly well without a housekeeper.
"I'll give you a copy of my new book for your daughter." I say, remembering Ally, who loves my novels. Louise grins and nods her head, gratefully.
"Thank you! I completely forgot and she's already reminded me a hundred times that I must get her a signed copy." Laughing, I take a sip of cold milk that calms my nerves and gives me some energy. "She would've murdered me, had I not gotten her a copy. Thanks for remembering."
"Oh, no worries!" I laugh, flicking my wrist to dismiss her thanks. "I honestly love her opinions and analysis of the characters. Keeps me up all night just thinking about the way her little mind works." Louise nods her head, and smiles contentedly.
"Her passion for reading is all thanks to you, Mus. And so are her good grades. You've no idea just how grateful my husband and I are for your help with Ally's studies."
"I love helping Ally out and you know that. Honestly, I'd kidnap her if I didn't know just how much you both love her." Suddenly, Louise's eyes land on something behind me and the beautiful smile that was adorning her lips, gets erased. I turn around to find Carter leaning against the kitchen door-frame, staring at me.
"Good morning." Carter greets me and then looks over my shoulder, and gives Louise a nod.
"Morning," I mumble and turn back around. "Louise, I'll be out of town for a few days, so I'm going to leave the house in your trusted hands. I'm sure you'll keep it from falling apart, right?" I say, going over to the sink to place my empty glass.
"Of course! Mus, you go without a care in the world." My trusted housekeeper assures me.
"Can I talk to you for a sec?" Carter questions from the doorway, raising his eyebrows.
"Sure." I say, and saunter towards him. He turns around and leads me up the stairs and into our room. Carter waits for me to enter and then shuts the bedroom door behind us.
"So you're going, then?" Carter asks, leaning against the wall that's opposite to where I'm standing.
"Yeah," I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. "Why? Do you have a problem with that?"
"Yes, I do! Mus, I've been begging you to go on a vacation with me for so long and that's never happened. But Kate calls you all of a sudden and you're readily leaving, on such short notice?" Carters scoffs and crosses his arms across his chest. "You're unbelievable."
"She's my best friend and pregnant! If she wants me there with her, during her last week of pregnancy, then I'll be there for her. No matter the cost!" I take a seat on the bed and glare at Carter. "You're always doing things your way, taking me where you want, and I always oblige. Because I don't want to argue all the time with you, or create a big fuss over a small thing. But just this once, I want to go somewhere and enjoy myself after so long and I will." My tone is stern and I'm not going to back down on this argument. Last night, I even talked to Tyler and we managed to reschedule most of the meetings.
"Enjoy yourself after so long? So what, you've been living in hell? Is that what you're trying to say?" Carter takes a few steps forward and stares at me, his expression bewildered.
"No, I've not been living in hell, but every moment isn't nirvana either. I am forced to hang out with your asshole, materialistic friends every weekend. Yet I don't complain. Because they're your friends and I respect that. But guess what? Anytime I ask you to accompany me to a party with my friends, it's a big no-no. Cause you hate them!" I get up and start pacing back and forth.
"Have you seen your friends? They're so...no words can express how horrible they are."
"I can say the same for yours! And today I will. Carter, your friends are the most uptight, stuck-up, half-ass people that I've ever met." I can feel energy seeping into every pore of my body and it seems like my tongue has a mind of its own today. "They're always talking about brands, money and they act like they're so perfect! But who is?"
"Mus, I'm not having this conversation with you because today, you aren't in your right mind." Carter throws his hands in the air. "Just go! It might actually benefit the two of us, your departure."
"I think it will, yeah." I march past him, and yank open the door. "Oh, and if you want to call one of your booty calls, then go ahead. Because this time, I won't be around to catch you red-handed." Saying that, I stride out of the room and down the stairs.

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