The Godmother Is Here!

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I sit up, rubbing my eye with the back of my hand. Yawning, I kick my legs off the bed and stand up. Good God, I'm hungry. I head towards my door, my eyes half shut. Suddenly, my eyes land on the object that is placed right in front of my door, and stop. I'm awake immediately. There is a blackboard facing me on an easel. Three different colors of chalk have been used to write on it. It's Harry's handwriting. I tilt my head to the side a bit, surprised at what's written across the black surface. It is a menu for today. Right on top, in white, it's written 'Menu For A Crazy Pregnant Woman.' I smile at the heading and continue to read. For breakfast I get scrambled eggs, accompanied with French toast and pancakes. For lunch I get to eat beef lasagna, complemented by mint lemonade. Wow, Harry actually makes the drink that I taught him years ago. For dinner - last but not least - I have the honor of eating Thai red curry, and black pepper beef.

A laugh escapes my lips at the menu, and my gaze diverts to the yellow sticky note that is taped to one corner of the blackboard. I take it off and unroll it.

'This is the menu for today and just like this, I will list down the menu for each day until you give birth. If something on here is not to your liking please message, or call me and I will make the necessary changes. Breakfast is lying on the bar counter, neatly covered and warm. Eat up x H.

P.S: No more take-out.

"Wow," I mutter to myself. Harry has really gone all out for me, but why? Quite recently he has led me to believe that he doesn't give two shits about me as long as I'm pregnant and yet here he is cooking up these mouth watering dishes for me. God, that man is impossible to understand. I move the blackboard aside and head out, ready to dig in.

4 months later

"So you won't move out until the babes are here?" Tyler asks me, as we make our way out of the publishing house and into the cold streets of London. I shake my head.

"That is correct," I say. "Because I get to eat finger licking dishes everyday and I have no desire to pig out on take-out anymore." Tyler's gaze lands on my stomach, and he smiles.

''You remember that Violet girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?" I nod my head. I've seen that movie at least fifty times, how the heck could I forget? "Yeah, your belly resembles hers after she got turned into a blueberry." I swat Tyler's arm, pouting.

"You think I don't already know that?" I question, wrapping my arms around my belly protectively.

"Then why'd you hit me?" Tyler asks, rubbing at his forearm.

"Just because I know it doesn't make it okay!" I snap, narrowing my eyes at him. "Don't talk about my weight, or body like that. It hurts." I divert my gaze up to the sky, tears already brimming my eyes. This whole pregnancy has made me really hormonal, which leads to heightened emotions, which I absolutely hate.

"Sorry," Tyler mumbles. "But seriously, aren't you even a little eager to find out the baby's sex?" I shake my head stubbornly.

"A bit, but I don't want to. Imagine the surprise that I'll get when I see her or him for the first time." Tyler rolls his eyes.

"I don't get that, but okay, whatever." He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. "Have you decided who'll be in the labor room with you?"

"Kate," I answer simply. "There's no one else who would volunteer."

"I will! I want to," Tyler exclaims. "Please Mus, please." He clasps his hands together, begging me.

"Ew, no!" I shake my head. "Trust me you do not want to see blood and a woman's open vagina."

"But I'm gay!" Tyler whines. "I get this one chance." I wrinkle my face with disgust.

"No," I say firmly.

"I'll help you change the diapers." Tyler offers, smiling.

"It's still a no." I stop and lean against a wall, taking a few deep breaths.

"Hey, you okay?" Tyler asks, concerned. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. I nod my head, smiling.

"Yeah, it's just that I get out of breath really easily nowadays, but I'm fine. Don't worry," I assure him. Tyler stares at me warily, ready to catch me I bet. I stand upright and wrap my arm around his waist, leaning into his body. The truth of the matter is that I need his support right now because otherwise I don't think I'll be able to walk the rest of the way.

"Do you want me to hail a cab?" Tyler questions, rubbing his hand up and down my forearm. I shake my head hastily.

"No, no, I'm fine. Seriously, don't worry!" I insist, as we begin our walk once more. Throughout the way, Tyler keeps a firm grip around my shoulders. I am honestly very grateful to him for all that he has done for me. Clinic trips, shopping sprees, dealing with my cravings and mood swings...I'll never forget just how much he's done. Once we get home, I take the lead and hurriedly unlock the front door. All I want to do is crash on my bed and sleep. Today was tiring as hell. With sluggish steps, I make my way toward my room, Tyler following close behind my heels. I open my bedroom door and immediately a yelp escapes my lips. Kate is seated on my bed, her head bowed low towards the phone in her hands. When she hears me, her head snaps up and a grin spreads across her lips.

"Mus! God, I've been waiting for you since afternoon," Kate says. She's already in front of me, wrapping her arms around my neck. Fortunately, she can't squeeze the life out of me today because of my swollen belly and breasts. "I'm here to fulfill the role of a godmother." I step back, grinning like a madwoman.

"I thought you weren't coming till the 9th month," I say. "But I'm so fucking glad that you're here. My baby and I needed you desperately." Kate's gaze travels to my stomach and then back up to me.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Before I say anything else, I've got to salute you." Kate offers me a salute, stamping her foot as well. "Because you've handled everything on your own, and I cannot imagine just how tough it must've been." I smile at her, taking hold of her hands.

"It wasn't all me, don't worry. Tyler has been a great help and Chef Harry came through as well," I say. Kate rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, only as a chef," Kate grumbles. "He's gonna get it good from me."

"Don't," I shake my head. "It's not worth it. Plus, he made his choice and I respect that." Kate leans forward and places a kiss on my right cheek.

"I love you," she whispers in my ear. Kate steps back and looks over my shoulder at Tyler. She waves at him and moves on to greet him.

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