Only Yours

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I sit like that - in a heap of my own mess - for minutes and minutes. Harry, on the other hand, continues to take swig after swig and eventually finishes the entire flask. Once he's done, he chucks the flask into the bushes and lies down on the bench, arm and leg swinging off of it. I sniff. Let out a choked sob. This cycle goes on till I'm soaked with my own tears.

"Harry, lets go home." I say, getting up and shuffling towards him. He swats my hand away and turns his head to the other side. Huffing, I sit down on the edge of the bed and push away the mop of hair covering his eyes. "We have to go home eventually, Harry. Can't sit here forever and...cry." I think of what I must look like right now; all dried tears and messed up feelings.

"No," he murmurs. "I want to sleep here, like always." I furrow my brows, confused.

"Like always?" I question, leaning onto him to fish out the car keys from his pocket.

"I sleep here, M. 99% of the time," Harry murmurs. "But what would you know? You know nothing. Stupid." He hiccups and shifts sides.

"You're making this very hard for me," I groan. After quite a few futile attempts, my hands finally wrap around the key. I yank it out and stare at it as if it's a gold medal. Harry straightens up and stares at me.

"You're a mess," he chuckles. "A cute mess." Hiccup. "I love you. So much." Harry shows me just how much he loves me with the use of his hands. I smile and trail my finger down his cheek.

"And you're a beautiful mess," I compliment. I lean down and place my lips near his ear. "You won't remember this tomorrow or years from now so I'm going to say what I want to say: I love you Harry and if ever I had to choose - if ever I could choose - I'd choose you. A million times." Harry smiles a contented smile, as if he's in heaven. And I wonder just how much of what I've just said has registered in Harry's mind. "Now lets get up and go home." I slide my arms underneath his armpits and drag him upwards.

"Harry, please. Help." I groan, struggling to upright the alcoholic man in my arms. He murmurs something incoherent and leaves the heavy lifting to me. Huffing, I drag him off the bench and towards the end of the pavilion. Harry's ass hits the steps as I pull him downwards.

"You're hurting me," he murmurs.

"That's what happens when you're dead as a nail." I snap back, my breaths coming out in short gasps. Harry smiles cheekily. Somehow, after a half an hour I manage to get Harry into the car. He slumps down into the seat, drool slipping out of his mouth. I shake my head and make my way towards the driver's side. As I'm reversing out of the parking spot, Harry slaps his hand down onto mine. I jump, gripping the steering wheel tighter.

"Thanks," Harry whispers. His head lolls from side to side as I speed down the empty road. I grin. "I need one more."

"What?" I ask, frowning.

"I need another drink," Harry says irritably. He lifts up his index finger and shakes it at my face. "There's a bar near Liam's place. Can you drop me off there?"

"Hell, no!" I exclaim, pressing down harder on the pedal, as if Harry will take control from me and steer us toward the bar.

"Why?" He whines, turning his body to face me.

"Because! You're drunk as fuck right now and I'm saying so!" I exclaim, making a sharp turn. Harry slams into the door and groans, rubbing his head.

"God, you sound like mum." Harry grumbles, shifting towards the center console. "Tonight we are young!" Harry sings, throwing his head back. I wince, his notes completely off.

"Harry, you cannot drink and sing." I say, shaking my head sadly.

"Ha, that's what you say! The person who can't sing at all," Harry retorts.

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