Me and You!?

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Harry's POV
"Please move back! Security is coming." The nurse yells at the paps, as she enters the room. She laughs nervously and leans against the door. "Wow, look at that crowd out there." Mus smiles at her, her eyes full of empathy.
"Yeah, I can understand." Mus says. "When is this drip gonna come off?" She glances over at the drip warily, and lifts her arm a bit.
"Right now, actually." The nurse walks over to Mus and goes through with the procedure of removing the drip from her arm. Mus winces just once, and maintains a stoic expression the rest of the time. Once the nurse is done, she turns to face me and offers me her most dazzling smile.
"She can leave whenever today. Just please sign the discharge papers and talk to the doctor when he swings by." She tells me, clasping her hands in front of herself nervously.
"Yeah, okay. Thanks," I say. I get up and stroll towards Mus' bed. "Your clothes are lying in a duffel bag in the bathroom." I tell Mus. "Kate packed them. So good luck with whatever you find." Mus rolls her eyes and I can see her internally curse Kate already.
"Okay, well good luck to me." Mus says, kicking her legs off the bed. The nurse leaves the room and I lock the door behind her. I follow Mus till the bathroom. She turns around, just before entering.
"Harry, I won't faint or anything. Chill," Mus says. "So just go and sit down. Complete the list." I smile at her, and turn on my heels. Lord, Mus and her stupid methods of easing stress. I resume my position and continue writing.

Can't touch you. Kiss you without fearing the world's wrath. Even hugging you is a sin. A welcome sin. A sin that I'll gladly go to hell for. But you don't want me to. You want to stay away and you cringe when I come closer. Should I hate you? Or love you? For all that you did back then and for all that you're gonna do all over again. Still I shall fall victim to your clutches all over again and then fall and shatter into a million shards again. This is a curse. Not a magical spell that I'm grateful. Though I don't know if I would want to break this bond even if I could. Trying to find a way out, but I doubt I'll come across one soon.

"Harry? Can you pass me the tissue box?" Mus calls out from the bathroom. She's standing behind the door, gripping the edges. I get up, tearing the paper off the pad as I do so and chuck it into the dustbin underneath the bedside table, as I grab the tissue box.
"Coming!" I say, jogging over to the bathroom door. "I'm going to head out and fill out the forms and shit. Then I'll be back to get you. Don't you dare leave without me." I warn Mus, as I fish my phone out of my pocket.
"Hmm! Okay," Mus' muffled voice enters my ears. After fighting through the throng of paps, and filling out the formalities, I make my way back into Mus' room. She's seated on the bed, scrolling through tv channels. Frown lines taint her forehead, and I can see that she's in another world.
"Earth to Mus!" I call out, waving my hand in front of her face. She looks at me, startled.
"I wasn't sitting on Venus, don't worry." Mus grumbles, resuming her search for a good tv show, or movie.
"Got everything you need?" I question, glancing around the room. "Because we're gonna leave the minute you're ready."
"I'm ready." Mus claims, sitting up straighter as if to justify her point. "Let's go." She gets up and sways just a little on her feet. In an instant I'm by her side, supporting her body weight with mine.
"Hey. Hey, you okay?" I ask, clasping her hand in mine. She leans onto me, squeezing her eyes shut.
"Yeah." Mus answers after a few seconds, clearly telling me she's not.
"No, you're not." I murmur, staring at the door warily. Security's here, but I don't want Mus to have to push through that crowd of paparazzi. She won't have the energy to do so. Making a decision on impulse, I lift her into my arms. Mus wraps her arms around my neck, a gasp escaping her lips.
"Harry, I can walk. I'm not gonna drop dead," Mus wiggles her legs.
"No, you can't. There's a sea of paps out there and you hate walking through them on a normal day so just imagine what's going to happen to you today." I state, turning around once more to check if Mus has left anything behind. My eyes land on the dustbin; it's empty. Funny. Maybe someone came to clean the room in my absence and emptied out the dustbin.
I'm practically shoved into the car, half of my weight landing on Mus.
"I'm sorry," I murmur. I push off of her and we both settle down comfortably in the back seat.
"That's fine. Thank you...for carrying me through that." Mus says, nodding her chin towards the paps, who are still trying to shove their cameras through our window.
"No worries," I flick my wrist. "So Kate's date is coming closer."
"Yeah," Mus nods her head. "And I'm psyched! You getting to play Mr. Godfather?" I chuckle, and pull out my phone.
"Maybe," I murmur. "There are like three people in line for that job. It'll be a tough call for Liam."
"Want me to get in a good word for ya?" She winks at me. Wow, the mood is surprisingly light right now. Better keep it that way.
"Hell yeah!" I exclaim. "So I have a chance?"
"A big one, yeah. I'll even flirt a bit just for you." Mus punches my shoulder lightly, making me raise an eyebrow. Good thing she doesn't notice because that gesture would just make the situation awkward and tense once more.
"You know, Carter and I will probably fix a date for this summer." Mus says, ruining the moment. I inhale a deep breath, and count till ten before answering.
"Really?" I try to keep my voice light and nonchalant. "I feel as if you guys have gotten accustomed to being engaged." I let out a nervous chuckle, not sure where I'm heading with this. "After all, you've been engaged a long time." Mus shoots me a wary glance, unsure whether I'm joking or taking a jab at her. "Easier that way, isn't it? No commitments, less issues, etc etc."
"A relationship's a relationship. Whether it be in the form of girlfriend/boyfriend, an engaged couple or a married one. All three require commitment and all that comes with it." Mus explains, gazing out of the window; deep in thought. "But some people just aren't up to the mark."
"What happened to your wish of never getting married? I mean, you had a hatred for the concept." I lean my head on the seat and shut my eyes, awaiting an answer.
"Became mature, I guess." I don't need to open my eyes to know Mus just shrugged. Whenever she's indecisive about something she does so. And her tone was filled with reluctance and indecisiveness.
"Send me a card," I laugh without humor. That will probably be my worst punishment; having to see Mus marry another man in front of my eyes, with me being able to do nothing.
"Would you even be able to come?" Mus asks. I want to tell her physically, yeah. But mentally and emotionally, I'd crumple halfway through my journey.
"Yeah, I mean, if I have no interview dates fixed, concerts - you know, the usual." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "You going back home after this trip?"
"No, New York. I have some interviews and a few book signings," Mus explains. "Harry, have you ever read one of my books?"
"Nah, romance and sappy shit don't register well in my brain. And Kate's told me that all your books are of those genres."
"Oh," disappointment laces her tone. My phone rings just as the driver pulls up outside Liam's house. I ignore whoever is calling me and motion for Mus to wait. Hastily, I get out and jog over to her side. I open Mus' door and offer her my hand. She takes it, smiling.
"You know you don't have to do this and be such a gentleman." Mus says, getting out of the car. I didn't notice before but Mus also has a small cut on her jaw. Hmm...that wasn't there when she arrived.
"M'lady, pardon me, but I believe that I do. Otherwise, shame on my family." I joke, laughing along with Mus. As usual, her laugh surges energy through my veins, and makes me want to record it so I can hear it on repeat. We make our way into Liam's compound; chatter entering our ears the minute we step foot on the porch.
"Seems like there's a gathering without us." Mus says, nodding at the front door.
"I told you no one likes us in this world," I fake pout. Mus smacks my arm, and giggles.
"We're too charming and unique for them, I agree." I snake my arm around Mus' waist, as I fish out the keys from my pocket.
"Harry?" Mus says, as I insert the keys into the keyhole.
"Yeah?" God, I hate Liam's lock. You have to turn it twice to the right and then like thrice to the right; it's so fucking complicated.
"I want to go out tonight. As in see more of L.A." I nod my head, my whole concentration on the lock. "Can you take me?" I'm taken aback by her request and the my hands stops midway.
"You want me to take you out?" I point at my chest and then at hers.
"Yeah, I wanna be a tourist for today and since you know this place on the tips of your fingers, why not?"
"Sure!" I blurt out hastily. "I'll show you L.A like no one can." I wink at her and turn the key once more, before shoving the door open.

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