Moving In

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"Joshua, stop carrying those boxes upstairs. Let us help you," I say. But the ever stubborn kid continues to stumble his way up the stairs, as I rush down the hallway to take the brown box from his hand.

"I'll do it Mus, it isn't that heavy." Joshua argues, finally stepping foot on the landing. He places the box down and lets out a deep sigh.

"You need rest," I tell him. I place my hand on his shoulder and crouch in front of him. "Please don't exert yourself." Joshua smiles at me and shakes his head.

"I'm strong." But his smile hides his weariness. "Nothing's going to happen to me." I splay my palm across his cheek and smile.

"I know that, but still. I'm gonna get sick worrying about you," I let out a laugh. "After all, I'm a highly paranoid parent." Joshua laughs and nods his head.

"That, you are."

"Come on, people! Work time is still on," Harry yells from downstairs. The poor guy lugs in two suitcases behind him as he enters through the front door. "By the way, Joshua needs to donate some stuff. He has way too many boxes and suitcases."

"No!" Joshua yells, immediately defensive. "These are all necessities."

"Oh, yeah?" Harry challenges, cocking his eyebrows. "I've been lugging boxes labelled, 'Toys' since morning. I'm pretty sure all those aren't necessities." Joshua pouts and looks at me for help.

"Yes, they are!" I immediately chirp in. "What would you know, Harry? All you did was sulk when you were young."

"I agree," Josh says, grinning. He's so pleased that I'm siding with him right now. However, now the boy downstairs begins to pout.

"Oh please, I had the coolest collection of action figures. Still do, but guess who doesn't get them?" Harry says, making a face at us.

"Have you seen J's collection?" I gasp, placing a hand on my chest. "It beats even the best collectors collections." Joshua nods along enthusiastically.

"And here I thought you were gonna support me, being my girlfriend and all." Harry stares at me, jutting out his bottom lip.

"You know what? I'm out of this argument. I clearly see that I cannot win this one," I hold my hands up in a surrender motion. "You boys can figure it out yourself. And if things get bloody, take it outside." Carter evacuated the place yesterday, taking away most of the pictures that we took together. Though I have no problem with that. The house seems like my own again. It's a great feeling. We've been bringing the remainder of Joshua's items in today, and Harry has shifted out of Tyler's to come here as well. Louise was more than happy when I told her about my breakup with Carter today morning. I even gave her the rest of the day off. Even though I don't need her anymore, I feel bad for firing her so I'm just gonna keep her. She has become family after all. Having Carter out of my life, and Harry back in makes me feel relaxed. I feel light-hearted now and my mind's at rest too. It's a clean slate.

"You better be giving me a good reward for all of this." Harry says, walking past my room. Laughing, I step out with the measuring tape in hand. He parks the suitcases outside Joshua's room and strolls over toward me. God, the way those shorts are hanging off his hips...lets just say I'm feeling sensations that shouldn't be felt when a kid is present. Harry loops his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to his body, brushing my nose with his.

"We have a private date tonight, remember?" I whisper, licking my lower lip. Harry cranes his head forward and takes my lower lip between his teeth. He bites down on it gently, wracking my body with shivers.

"You're driving me crazy, love." Harry covers my lips with his, his hand moving lower. A gasp escapes my lips when his thumb brushes my ass over the jeans I'm wearing.

"God, Harry, if you continue I won't be able to stop you." I murmur, his lips brushing mine, before he throws me into another mind-boggling kiss. A soft moan leaves my lips and my eyes flutter shut.

"Joshua," I whisper, stepping back.

"He's downstairs." Harry groans, throwing his head back. "Remind me never to have kids in the near future." I bite down on my lower lip, smiling.

"I told you," I say. Harry's thumb pulls down my lower lip, as he leans his head closer to mine.

"I have amazing baby making skills." Harry winks at me. I push him back with my palms, laughing.

"Yeah, I've experienced them first hand." Joshua's slippers squeak on the stairs, alerting us of his presence. I take four steps away from Harry and lean against the wall. God, I feel like I'm a teenager who's getting caught for sneaking a boy into her dorm room. Joshua stops in his tracks, staring at the two of us.

"What...happened?" He asks hesitantly.

"Nothing," I answer hastily. "Harry and I were just confused where to place these suitcases." I nod my head towards the two suitcases that are parked outside his room.

"Oh," Joshua grins maliciously and looks at Harry. "Would you please put them in my room, near the bathroom?" He drags out the please, making me laugh.

"Of course, Your Royal Highness. Anything else?" Harry asks, smiling but trying to show as if this is costing him too much.

"Yeah, I need to grab the book boxes from the car. Could you instead?" Joshua tries his best to act all innocent. However, I can see right through it and so can Harry.

"Of course, Your Majesty." Harry rolls his eyes, but I know he's enjoying this just as much. Harry and Joshua have formed a bond of some sort over the past two days. I didn't even ask Harry, he just showed up here today morning to help. Once Harry's done placing the suitcases inside, he and Joshua make their way downstairs. Harry places his hand on the back of Joshua's neck and they both engage in conversation over action figures. Seeing Harry like this with Joshua, makes me think of having a family with him. The thought briefly crosses my mind and I'm taken aback by it. Am I right to think so? I mean, we just caught back together. Sure, we have past and we're compatible, but having a family has never crossed my mind before and to be honest, the thought scares me.

"Mus, we're going for ice-cream after bringing in the last of these boxes. You joining!?" Harry yells from outside.

"Yeah!" I call back. "How the heck can I say no to ice-cream with two hotties?" I bound downstairs, and rush out, ready to help the boys with the remainder of the boxes.

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