If I Had One Wish

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The shift of the bed underneath me makes my eyes flutter open. I'm facing a bare back. My eyes widen, and I sit up hastily.

"Fuck!" Harry hisses, jumping up in place. He places his hand on his chest and tries to compose himself. "Why the jerky wake up? I'm not an axe wielding maniac." Harry grins and turns to face me. Wait, he's grinning and joking around? Is something wrong?

"G-Good morning," I stammer. "How're you feeling?"

"Um...surprisingly good." Harry smiles to himself, nodding his head in contentment.

"Well considering last night that sounds like a pretty good feeling to me." I swing my legs off the bed and stand up. I saunter towards the dressing table, and pick up my hairbrush. This isn't what I usually do first thing in the morning, but right now there's a fiery hot man sitting on my bed and my hair looks like it just lived through a zombie apocalypse. So I need to attend to it.

"Yeah," Harry sighs. "Nothing new for me." I watch Harry make an effort to make his own hair - which to be honest, he doesn't have to do. It's always perfectly messed up. He passes his fingers through the soft curls and shifts them to one side. Suddenly, Harry looks up at me - straight in my eye - and I realize I'm staring. Hastily, I look at myself, as I continue trying to untangle my curls.

"Guys! Baby!" Liam's frantic voice travels into the room. I drop the hairbrush onto the floor, turn around and give Harry one surprised look and then we're both bolting for the door.

"I'm wearing fucking socks!" Harry exclaims, as we make our way down the stairs.

"I'm wearing horrid pink slippers." I say, jumping two stairs at a time. "Bottom line, now's not the time to care about how we look or what we're wearing."

"Everyone's gonna think I got mugged or some shit." Harry stumbles downstairs behind me; being more careful because he's wearing socks and has a higher chance of falling.

"Who gives two shits about what others think." The front door is open and Liam is carrying Kate over the porch towards the car.

"We're here!" Harry and I yell in unison. Liam doesn't even turn around to look at us which is understandable, considering the situation he's in right now.

"Harry get in the car! You've gotta drive, man!" To say there's panic in Liam's tone is an understatement. I crack Harry a nervous smile, as we both bolt for the car. I open the backdoor for Liam and get into the front seat. "Go! Go!" Liam yells, once we're all in the car.

"This is so exciting!" Kate says from the back. I turn around and stare at her; she's grinning! The pregnant, in-labor woman is fucking grinning. I shake my head, smiling as well.

"Got everything Liam?" I ask him, his eyes full of anxiety and...fear?

"Yeah, it's all in the boot. You guys are really gonna help me out here, okay?" Liam's eyes fly frantically from Harry to me and then back to Harry again.

"We're here for you, Liam. Chill," I assure him.

"Yeah, enjoy this moment because it ain't-" Kate gets interrupted by her own ear-splitting shriek. "Happening again." She finishes, sweat slipping down her brow. Liam grips her hand tightly, though I think it's more for his sake than hers.

"Everybody needs to just calm the fuck down!" Harry yells, staring at the couple in the rear-view mirror. "She's just having a baby." Kate lets out another ear-splitting shriek.

"Oh yeah? I'll say that exact line to you when you go into labor." Kate snaps. "Son of a bitch!" Another yell. My eyes widen and I straighten myself, staring out of the windshield.

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