This Is Torture

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"So how're things coming along?" Harry asks. I stare at him, puzzled. He nods his chin toward my belly.

"Good. There could be a few complications," I say. "But nothing too serious."

"Those complications won't really harm you will they?" Harry's tone is laced with concern. Concern for me and not for my baby.

"I rather they harm me than my child." I wrap my arms around my belly, smiling. Harry furrows his brows, his gaze diverted to the ground. "I've made Kate the godmother, of course. Liam desperately wants to become the godfather. Do you think he'll be fit for the job?" I grin, knowing full well that Liam and Kate will make ideal godparents.

"Yeah," Harry mumbles. "Sure." Why did I even bother asking him? He doesn't give two shits what happens to my child. "So you're going to raise the kid all on your own?"

"Yeah, of course. Who else is there to help?" I ask, making sure my tone is curt and sharp. Harry should know what a great opportunity he's passed up on. Yes, this pregnancy term is hell, but it comes with a lot more pros. Everyday I wake up feeling excited about the days to come, ready to read another chapter on pregnancy, or upbringing a child. I strongly believe that this'll be a great new chapter in my life. And I wish that Harry was a part of it too.

"Mus, you know I'll always be here for you." Harry says, making me snap my head towards him.

"No, no you won't! I needed you the most right now Harry and you decided to just lift up your hands and sit back. It was good though, what you did. Because now I know that no matter what chapter of my life I'm going through, I don't need another."

"This wasn't what I wanted." I scoff.

"Do you think I planned to have a baby now? No, I didn't, but this is life. It throws us curve balls at the most unexpected of times and we have to catch them. We have to learn how to tackle those out of the blue moments." I stop, my eyes widening. "H-He kicked!" I exclaim, feeling another slight kick against my stomach.

"Is that normal?" Harry questions, his wary gaze resting on my stomach. I nod my head excitedly.

"Yes, you idiot, it's normal! Feel this," I take Harry's hand in mine and place it over my stomach. My child kicks again. Harry's eyes widen and a gasp of disbelief escapes his lips.

"Whoa," Harry murmurs. He's smiling as my baby kicks once more. Just as my child kicks again, Harry pulls his hand back. I look at him questioningly. "I-I..." Harry trails off, turning around and continuing the walk towards home. The grin that was definitely reaching my ears gets wiped off. Taking a deep breath, I follow Harry. A few seconds later, he falls in step behind me and continues to maintain a good amount of distance from me until we reach home. Harry hurriedly unlocks the front door and enters, holding it open for me. Keeping my gaze diverted in front of me, I enter and take off my coat. I saunter towards my room, my stomach begging to be fed. However, I have my ego to think of as well and that's why I won't approach the subject of food with Harry.

"Wait, Mus!" Harry calls from behind me. Hope of being fed fills my heart and I stop, but don't turn around. "You still up for some food, right?" I nod my head curtly. "Okay, then. You go and rest, I'll cook something up and then knock at your door." I stand there, pondering over the thought. Making up my mind, I turn around and head over to the bar counter.

"No, I'll just wait here and watch you cook." I say, hoisting myself up on a stool. Harry smiles and opens up a drawer, yanking out a red striped apron. He places it on the counter and grabs his shirt by the hem, tugging it halfway over his stomach. My eyes widen at his actions. Suddenly, Harry drops his shirt, and it falls back across his stomach like a waterfall - the material once again hugging his toned muscles. Harry looks at me, his expression mirroring the alarm I'm feeling internally.

"Um...I-I usually cook with my shirt off. You don't mind..." Harry trails off, looking at me hopefully. I nod my head a little too excitedly.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" I say, shrugging my shoulders. "You're the chef. Whatever gets me a good meal." Harry grins and grabs the hem of his shirt once more, tugging it over his body. He chucks it onto the counter and slips the apron over his neck. My eyes keep landing back on Harry's toned stomach and chest, making my heart flutter. I groan internally. Gosh, I hate the way my hormones have taken control of my body. I'm not myself anymore. Harry ties the apron securely around his stomach and turns toward the fridge. As he bends I get a view of his boxers. I suck in a sharp breath, warmth spreading down there. Fuck, he's wearing the black ones - the really tight ones that are my favorite. God, this is torture.
A/N: I haven't written an author's note in such a long time for some odd reason. So the new cover of Marvels of Fate has been made my lovely friend and loyal reader, vasnothappenin she has offered me a lot of support and encouragement, for which I'll be forever grateful to her :) The image at the starting of this chapter is of the second cover she sent me and honestly, just like she had a tough time deciding which should go up - I did as well ;) If you guys have any thoughts regarding the covers pls feel free to comment. Secondly, thank you so much for being such dedicated readers, voters and commenters. Thank you to all my ghost readers as well, who hate clicking the star or commenting but that's alright, as long as you're reading ;) Thank you so much ya'll! :D

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