This Is Bad

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"Yeah, Harry has made some sort of pie." I say, as Kate snoops around in the fridge. "Try it out."

"Nah, I want something salty." Kate mumbles, slamming the fridge door shut.

"Then try the biscuits he made yesterday." I flip through the tv channels, my baby constantly kicking against the walls of my belly. I shift in my seat uncomfortably.

"Hey, you okay?" Kate asks, taking a seat beside me. I nod my head, shifting again.

"He's just kicking a lot today," I say. I shift once more, extremely unsettled right now. Kate looks at me sympathetically.

"Champ, stop kicking my girl!" Kate scolds, her gaze on my stomach. I smile, unable to fully enjoy the moment right now. "Keep check on the contractions from here on out, okay?" I nod my head, passing the remote over to Kate. Suddenly, her phone begins to ring. She passes the remote back to me and gets up.

"It's Liam." Kate says, holding the phone up. "He must've arrived." My eyebrows raise up in surprise.

"He's coming too?" I question, surprised. Kate looks at me as if I'm stupid.

"Of course, Mus! You're his only friend." Laughing, Kate answers the call. She moves towards the hallway, where our rooms are located, while I begin to change channels once more. Suddenly, pain shoots across my abdomen. I squeeze my eyes shut, gripping my stomach.

"Ugh," I mumble. The same kind of pain shoots across my belly once more. Wait...Am I going into labor? Hurriedly, I move my shirt up and place my palm against my bare belly. It's hardened. My doctor and the books that I've been reading for the past few months say that during contractions the belly hardens. Shit! Is this really happening? I count the seconds underneath my breath. No pain occurs for 2 minutes, allowing me to breathe once more. He has stopped kicking as well. I sink further into the couch, suddenly at ease. Kate makes her way back into the lounge, her steps languid. I arch an eyebrow at her.

"What happened?" I ask, sitting up. "Is Liam okay?" Kate curtly nods her head.

"H-Harry..." Kate trails off, her gaze fixated on the floor. Fear claws at my heart and I stand up.

"Is he okay?" Kate shakes her head, looking up at me. "Fuck Kate, stop being so melodramatic and just tell me! Is Harry okay?"

"H-He got into an accident," Kate stutters. A sinking feeling settles in my stomach at the same time as pain shoots across it. I grip the hand-rest of the sofa. Kate's beside me in an instant, gripping my arm firmly.

"Mus, you okay? Are you having contractions? What's up?" Kate questions me hastily.

"I don't know," I murmur. "Where's Harry?" I straighten up, the pain flares through once more. I squeeze my eyes shut.

"That doesn't matter, Mus! You and I are going to the hospital," Kate says. I shake my head, shrugging her hand off my arm.

"No, I need to know where he's at? Kate tell me, or so God help me - "

"He's at St. Martin's," Kate interrupts. "Don't worry, it's nothing too serious, but he has suffered many injuries." I grit my teeth.

"I need to be there. Now!" I yell.

"But you - "

"Fuck what I'm going through! Just take me to Harry." Another contraction flares through my abdomen. I'm sure as hell that I'm going into labor, but I could care less now.

"Okay, okay! Let's go to the car," Kate concedes. She grabs my arm and aids me till the car. Fuck this pain! Every time it occurs I just want to bend over and crawl up into a fetus position. I get into the backseat, and lie down. Throwing an arm over my eyes, I take a deep breath. Kate gets into the driver's side and reverses out of the driveway.

"Where are your kids?" I question, another contraction flaring through my belly. Kate lets out a disbelieving laugh.

"You're the one who's dying, whose boyfriend is in the hospital and you're asking about my kids? Only you, Mus." Kate says, making a sharp turn, dropping my legs off the seat. I curse her internally. "They're with Liam."

"Okay, good." I mumble, the pain fucking with my whole body. "How far are we?"

"According to the GPS, we're 5 minutes away." Kate answers, slamming on the brakes. I don't mind her rash driving, I just want to get to the bloody hospital as soon as I can.

"Good God," I groan.

"Mus, is the pain getting serious?" Kate asks, concern etched in her voice. I shake my head.

"Nothing I can't handle," I mumble. "Just drive." A sweat drop falls off my brow and into my eye. "And please put the AC on full blast." I groan, taking deep breaths. Suddenly, Kate slams on the brakes and gets out. I try to push myself up, but I can't. The pain keeps shooting, not allowing any movement on my half. Suddenly, the door behind my head opens and strong hands grip slip through my underarms.

"Be fucking careful!" Kate scolds someone. "She's in labor." My eyes widen, and I look up into the eyes of two male nurses.

"Fuck, no." I hiss, shaking my head. "Kate, please take me to Harry. Please. I beg of you." Kate looks at me apologetically, and shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, Mus, but I can't compromise your health. You can meet him once your baby's out," Kate says.

"Fuck, Kate, no." Tears stream down the sides of my cheeks as I'm placed onto a stretcher. Kate moves beside the stretcher, taking my hand in hers. "Please." Kate shakes her head.

"No, Mus. Your health comes first. Think about your baby," Kate squeezes my hand reassuringly. "He could die if we're too late." I nod my head, seeing sense in her words. But I want to be - I need to be - beside the man I love.

"Please call Liam and let me talk to him," I beg her. Kate shakes her head.

"Focus on you and your baby right now, Mus." I'm wheeled through the hospital hallways as pain shoots across my abdomen more frequently. "But I'll call Liam and keep updating you as to what's going on with Harry." I throw my head against the stretcher, splaying my palm across my forehead. This is bad. This is very bad.

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