Punishment Or Not?

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A/N: Double Update!!!
Harry's POV

The room we enter into has one bed stationed in the center, and two nurses moving back and forth - fixing up machines, sorting out surgical instruments. Mus is on the bed, dressed in similar scrubs to mine. Sweat sheens her whole face, matting her hair to her forehead and neck. Kate rushes over to her right side, grabbing hold of her hand. For some reason, I can't bring myself to move. Mus squeezes her eyes shut and pushes, a groan escaping her lips.

"Come on, Ma'am, you can do it." The nurse encourages her, placing a towel on her forehead and wiping off her sweat. "If not, then we'll have to perform a surgery, or suck the baby out." She smiles at Mus, even though my girl's eyes are sealed shut. Mus lifts her body off the bed a bit, and pushes once more, her head falling back against the pillows once she's done.

"Mus, you're strong, I know you can do it." Kate says, squeezing her friend's hand comfortingly. "Look, even Harry's here." Immediately, Mus' eyes fly open and land on me. With a feeble hand she beckons me toward her, a small smile finding its way onto her lips. Just like that I'm snapped out of my haze, and find myself walking towards the bed hurriedly. I take place on her left side, and place my hand over hers.

"Kate's right," I say. "You can do it." Mus turns her head toward me, her breaths coming out short and quick.

"How would you know? You don't have to give birth and you never will," Mus says. I smile, passing my hand over her matted hair.

"Yes, but I know what you're capable of and I certainly cannot be as strong as you. I cannot be as independent as you. I'm no comparison to you, Mus."

"Push once more, Ma'am." The nurse says, resuming her position behind Mus' head. She places the same towel on her head once more, as Mus moves off the bed a bit and pushes again. She falls back down, her eyes shutting. Suddenly, the room door opens and in walks a lady in a white coat - she must be Mus' doctor.

"I'm so sorry," the doc gushes. "London traffic," she rolls her eyes and makes her way toward one of the nurse. They both join heads and begin to converse.

"I'm never conceiving again," Mus says. Laughing, I move her wet hair away from her neck; I'm sure it must be itching her.

"You don't have to," I assure her. "One child should be enough for us." Mus opens her eyes and turns her head to look at me.

"Us?" She questions, confused.

"Yeah, I want this child. I want our child," I say, grinning. Mus shakes her head ever so slightly.

"But you won't get him." This time it's my turn to be confused. "He's my child. Not yours." The words jar my body, rattling me inside out. However, instead of crumbling to my knees like I want to, I grip her hand tighter, as the doctor positions herself at the foot of the bed and instructs the nurses. She passes out some instructions to Mus as well, none of which register in my brain. I expected Mus to not forgive me, but now actually hearing those words leave her lips have made me believe them. The number one fear that is rattling my body right now is the fear of losing my child. Mus has every right to keep him away from me, but I don't want that to happen. I need my child in my life.

"I can see the head!" The doctor exclaims excitedly, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look towards the foot of the bed eagerly, elation coursing through my veins at the thought of seeing my first child. The doctor pulls out our child, and puts him in a nurse's lap, who is holding a blue towel in her arms. The nurse moves toward one corner of the room to clean up the baby - or at least that's what I think. Mus' head hits the pillows, and she shuts her eyes, relieved.

"You did it," Kate squeals. "You're a mom!" Mus grins with whatever energy she has left.

"It's a boy, congratulations." The doctor says, smiling. She comes over to Mus' side and beams down at her patient proudly. "You did great today and trust me when you hold your little one in your arms, all the pain will be forgotten." Mus smiles and nods.

"Thank you," she whispers. The doctor winks at Mus, and turns to leave. Kate seats herself at the edge of the bed.

"Wow, now we're both moms." Kate says, her grin reaching her ears. "Our kids could grow up and fall in love." Mus laughs.

"We'll talk about that when they learn the meaning of the word love," she says.

"Fine," Kate huffs dramatically. "I'll make sure to remind you." I rub my thumb across the back of Mus' hand, fearful thoughts cramping my brain. I've acted like a piece of shit these past months, but now I want to clean up my mess and the fear of being punished for life - by losing my child - scares the living daylights out of me.

"We'll be taking her to a private ward now." A nurse says, coming over to Mus' bed. "You both can go and change, and then meet her in the room. The number is 102."

"Thanks," Kate says. She and I both turn to leave, as the nurse unclamps the wheels of Mus' bed, ready to wheel her out. When we exit, Liam immediately embraces me.

"Congrats, mate!" He exclaims, patting my back. "You're a dad now. How does it feel?" Liam beams at me, grinning.

"I-It feels..." I trail off, unsure how to put this feeling into words. The truth is that there are no words for these emotions I'm feeling. "Let's just say this is the second best day of my life."

"The first being?" Liam questions, raising an eyebrow.

"Mus coming into my life," I say. Liam slaps me on the back, and gives me a side hug.

"I'm glad you've realized the meaning of family," Liam whispers in my ear.

"Thank you," I say earnestly. He's my guardian angel, my counselor, the person who knocks sense into my thick brain.

"Come on Harry, let's get changed and then see the kid." Kate says, waving me over. Hastily, I make my way toward her and we both go into the room where our clothes are awaiting us.

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