Could Be?

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Harry's POV

"Mus, the car's downstairs." I say, stepping out of the bathroom. Mus is lying on the bed, her legs curled up. Her eyes are shut, and I can see her breathing is leveled. She's asleep. I walk over to the bed and take a seat at the edge, folding my leg. I place my hand on her head, and stroke her hair. "Love, the car's here." She stirs, but doesn't wake up. I shake her a little harder. "Babe, I hate to do this to you, but please wake up. The sooner we get out of here the better."

"Mm..." Mus mumbles, shifting onto her back. She opens my eyes and stares straight up at me. "I'm up!" Bump exclaims, suddenly sitting up. I raise my eyebrows in shock at her sudden burst of energy. I smile and stroke her cheek with my thumb.

"Ready to leave this hellhole, love?" I ask, nodding my head towards the door. Mus nods her head enthusiastically and kicks her legs off the bed.

"Didn't wanna be here in the first place." Mus says, standing up. I grin and get up, feeling my fiancee's energy seep into me all of a sudden.

"I've packed up our bags. All you have to do is grab my hand and we will march out of here together. Capiche?" I pinch my index finger and thumb together. Mus mimics my action.

"Capiche." Chuckling, I tug her against my body and press my lips against her in an urgent manner. Mus immediately responds and soon I find my fingers trailing up her stomach. "Harry," Mus mumbles against my lips. "We better stop."

"Or maybe we should leave a going away present for your father?" I ask, as Mus breaks away from my lips. She scrunches up her face in disgust and shudders.

"Gross, Harry. Gross," Mus shakes her head. "No, we're leaving nothing behind." I sigh dramatically and fake a grimace.

"If you say so, Madam Right." I say, stepping back and grabbing my bag off the floor. I toss it over my shoulder and then grab Mus' duffel bag with my other hand. She immediately takes it from my fingers and frowns.

"I can carry my own bags. Thank you very much," Mus says. I smile and wrap my arm around her waist, burying my nose in her hair.

"I can't wait to get home and carry you straight into our bedroom." I say, smirking evilly. Mus groans and throws her head back.

"Oh God, no. I'll be so tired," Mus says. I laugh and kiss her hair. Together we make our way out and down the stairs. Most of the lights are off downstairs, except for the light in Harrison's study. The door of the study is open and Harrison is seated on the couch that we had a talk on yesterday. He looks up when he hears our footsteps.

"Wait!" Harrison calls out. Hastily, he makes his way out of the study and toward us. "Where are you guys going?"

"Home," I answer curtly. This man is not worthy of our time. He's a poor excuse of a father, who doesn't defend his daughter when she so desperately needed his help. Harrison steps in front of us, blocking our path.

"You're not going anywhere, Mus." Harrison says, his eyes trained on his daughter. "You both just got here."

"And that was a mistake!" Mus snaps. "I shouldn't have come, and dragged Harry with me. But I did. All because of you, dad." Mus' eyes are flaming with rage. "Guess what? It was a mistake!"

"Come on, Mus," Harrison pleads. "You know Ma. I can't say much."

"She called me a slut!" Mus yells, losing her cool. "And you still won't say anything?! That's just great, dad. Thank you so fucking much." Mus rolls her eyes and turns our bodies, guiding me towards the kitchen. "We'll leave through the back door," Mus mumbles.

"Harry, help me out here please." I ignore Harrison's pleas. He could've avoided this situation if he wanted to, but he chose differently.
"So December?" I ask Mus, consulting the calendar on my phone that is practically my whole life. Mus pouts, tossing the thought over a few times in her head. She shakes her head.

"No, December is a celebratory month anyway," Mus says. "Christmas, Louis' birthday, New Year. What other month are you completely available?"

"February," I murmur. I could clear out March as well.

"No-" Mus jumps off the sofa and rushes out of the lounge. I run after her.

"What happened?" I call out. Bump zooms into the bathroom and slams the door shut behind her. "Mus, are you okay?" I ask, facing the wooden door. No answer. I bang on the door with my fist. "Love, what happened? Is everything alright?"

"Give me a minute." Mus says, her voice muffled. I nod, and lean against the wall, waiting. The door opens after a couple of minutes, but Mus doesn't step out. I enter the bathroom to find her sitting on the floor, staring at the ground. I crouch down beside her and pass my hand over her hair.

"What happened, love?" I ask, concern filling every pore of my body. Mus turns her head to face me; she looks scared.

"I-I think I'm pregnant," Mus says.

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