Seeking Permission

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"I told the nurse that you don't need the shower tutorial, and shit." Kate says, as she gathers up the presents, balloons and other items that are scattered across the room. "You have me, after all and I'll show you how it's all done."

"Of course," I agree. "Who could be a better teacher than you?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her, as I move my baby away from my chest, and lower my shirt.

"I'm just so fucking glad that we can leave this place and go home." Kate shoves the teddy bears and other stuffed toys into a big bag, shaking it so that all the items can settle down. "By the way, Mus, have you decided on a name yet?" I pout, shaking my head.

"No, not really. I have a few in my mind, but I can't really come to a conclusion." I gaze down at my little one, who is already asleep in my arms, just minutes after having milk. "For now I'll call him Champ, like everyone else."

"Good idea. He's only one day old so we have plenty of time to pen names down and decide later." Kate grabs both the bags and turns to face me. "I'm gonna go and place these in the car. You wanna get going now, or wait for me to return?" My legs are already off the bed.

"Now, please!" I exclaim, getting up gingerly. Champ feels so fragile in my arms that I'm afraid of making any big movements with him. Kate holds the door open for us, as I step out and into the hospital hallway. Liam is leaning against the wall opposite my room, hands tucked into his pockets.

"Ready to go?" He asks, pushing himself off the wall. He smiles down at Champ. So far the only two people who have held him are Kate and I. Liam hasn't asked yet and Harry...I don't think I want him holding my child.

"Do you want to..." I trail off, nodding my chin at Champ. Liam takes an eager step forward.

"Yes, please." Liam says, grinning. I let him take Champ from my arms, yet I feel no difference because the kid barely weighs anything. However, I already want my child back. Liam heads off toward the exit with Champ, while Kate and I divide the load of the bags.

"Harry's already at home, waiting for us." Kate says, as she loops her arm through mine. I nod my head, unsure why she's telling me this. "Mus, he really wants to be a part of Champ's life."

"I am the mother and the final say is mine, Kate." I say, irritation bubbling inside me. I keep having the same conversation, with the same people, who don't seem to understand that I have no desire to include Harry in my family. "Can we please not start this again?"

"We have to because back home is a man who is dying to hold his kid in his arms and you have no right to steal that moment from him." I'm taken aback by Kate's harsh tone.

"Y-You're taking his side over mine? Considering that I'm the right one?" I question, disbelief coloring my tone.

"No, I'm taking the right side, you're the wrong one." Kate looks at me with a disappointed gaze. "I expected better from you, Mus. I thought you were mature and...I thought you loved Harry more than this."

"I do love him, Kate. More than I can ever put into words, but sometimes we fall in love with the wrong people." We step out onto the pavement. Liam is already waiting for us in the car. Both of us aren't wearing coats so Kate and I hurriedly get into the car. Liam hands Champ over to me and we head off home.
"I need food." I groan, as I step foot into the house. "Hospital food really does suck."

"I'm on it!" Liam yells from behind me. "Donuts, and bagels are in the bag already and I'll just get down to cooking up some breakfast."

"Already done," Harry says. I turn around to find him standing behind the bar, a bunch of plates lined in front of him. He smiles at me, his gaze moving toward Champ. "I-I've set up a cot behind you, in the lounge. You can place him in there."

"Okay," I murmur. Sure enough, in the lounge Harry has set up an orange colored cot. It's beautiful and better than anything I've seen in the market. I lower Champ into it gingerly and then just stand there for a few seconds, admiring my child's beauty.

"I hear he's gone on you." I turn around to find Harry leaning against a wall, smiling at me. "I wonder if that's true."

"Well, you can always step forward and see for yourself." I say, turning back around to face my baby.

"May I?" Harry asks, and I nod my head.

"Sure. Just...this doesn't mean anything." Harry comes over beside me and gazes down at Champ. "His lips resemble yours and I hope he gets your dimples. They'll really help him with the ladies." Harry chuckles.

"He's my kid, he doesn't need dimples to woo the women." Harry comments. I shake my head.

"No, he definitely doesn't."

"Let's get going, I'm famished." I turn around, but Harry wraps his hand around my wrist, stopping me.

"Can I hold him...once he's awake?" Harry asks hesitantly, afraid of my answer. For some reason, the answer I want to give him doesn't leave my lips.

"Yeah," I reply. "You can." Harry smiles gratefully at me and nods his head.

"Thank you."

"Can I go and eat now?" I ask, letting out a small laugh. Harry releases my wrist and nods.

"Of course. I've prepared all your favorites," Harry says.

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