Killing It

871 39 8

Harry's POV

I stand up, startled with the words that have just left Mus' lips.

"W-What?" I stammer, taking a step back. Mus looks up at me with tear filled eyes, and nods her head.

"I've taken a pregnancy test," she says.

"B-But tests could be wrong too. You s-should take another." My eyes land on the pregnancy test kit lying at the edge of the sink. "How could you let this happen?" Mus' eyes that were resting on her lap fly up to me.

"Me?" Mus asks, her tone bordering on disbelief. "What the fuck do you mean by how could I let this happen?" I tug at the strands of my hair, my heart beating erratically.

"We always use protection," I say. "Fuck!" I slam my palm against the wall. This can't happen. I'm not ready to be a father. I'm not ready to take on responsibility for another. "We have to get it killed." I turn back to face Mus. "We have to kill it," I say firmly. Mus stands up, her gaze firmly stuck on mine.

"Abortion," she murmurs. I nod my head, stepping forward so that our bodies are closer.

"Yes! Exactly," I exclaim. "We can go right now." Mus stares at me warily, as if she's contemplating the decision.

"Let me take another pregnancy test and...then we'll see." Mus says, opening the cabinet beside the sink and taking out another box. Since when has she been keeping those in there? Hell, since when has she been hiding this fact from me? I step out of the bathroom, and shut the door.

Fuck! How could we let this happen? We've always been so careful...But it'll be gone. That thing inside her will be gone. I'll take Mus today. We'll get it removed. I don't want a child right now. Lord I'm glad that Mus and I are on the same page. Otherwise...No, I just can't have a child. There's no otherwise. I step into the lounge, and seat myself. We're getting married soon, and a child will just screw things up. A child is not on our agenda, and will not be for years to come. I mean, Mus doesn't even want children. The bathroom door opens and I get up, bolting towards Mus. Gauging by the solemn expression on her face, I can tell that this one came out positive as well.

"Get ready," I say. "We're going to the hospital now." Mus nods her head, her eyes trained on the floor. I step over to her and cup her face with my hands. "Mus, look at me." She does, and I kiss her forehead. "There's no contemplating this decision over. The decision is final and that is we're going to get that thing killed."

"Aborted," Mus murmurs. She steps back and goes upstairs. It'll be over and done in a few hours.
We've been in the car for the past fifteen minutes and Mus hasn't said anything to me. I haven't initiated conversation either because there's too much on my mind right now. Mus should've taken pills as well; she shouldn't have behaved so carelessly. Especially knowing the fact that protection isn't a 100%. I pull up into the hospital's driveway.

"We're here," I say. "I'll be waiting in the lot." Mus looks at me, her eyes distraught.

"You're not coming?" Mus asks, one hand resting on the door handle. I shake my head.

"No. But I'll be right outside if you need anything." Mus stares at me, as if she's waiting for me to change my mind and accompany her inside. "You'll be fine." I squeeze her hand reassuringly. Mus opens the door and steps out silently. I watch her enter through the hospital doors, before driving onwards to find a parking space. She'll be fine, I chant to myself. It's just a simple procedure. I remember hearing it's done through laser nowadays. No pain, nothing. Fortunately, the parking lot is mainly empty so I get a spot that faces the hospital doors. I cut the engine and fix my gaze on the glass sliding doors.

My phone rings, interrupting my reverie. I fish it out of my pocket and see Liam's name on the screen.

"Hi," I murmur.

"Why so gloom?" Liam asks, his tone already etched with concern.

"Nothing. I'm just at the hospital," I say.

"Why? Is everything okay? Is Mus alright?"

"Yeah, she's just getting..." I trail off. Should I tell Liam? Yeah, I mean he's Liam - my best friend. "She's getting an abortion."

"What?!" Liam exclaims, and something clatters in the background. "Harry are you insane?! Stop her."

"No, it's a mutual decision, don't worry." I assure him.

"Harry, you're killing a living thing! A baby," Liam yells. "You need to stop her before something terrible happens."

"Liam, it's her decision and mine. We're not ready for a child yet." I explain. "So just relax."

"Harry, you have no fucking idea what you're doing. You're gonna regret this."

"No, we won't." I state firmly.

"I have to go. Bye," Liam says hastily. He cuts the call, leaving me in silence once more.

"Bye," I mumble to no one. I shut my eyes, wondering how a supposedly relaxed morning turned into hell.
There's a rap at the window, which makes me open my eyes. Mus is standing outside. Hastily, I unlock the doors and she gets in. I place my hand over hers and squeeze it reassuringly.

"Everything alright?" I ask. Mus gives me a curt nod, her eyes fixed on the windshield. I understand if she'll want to keep to herself today; it's not an easy experience to live through. I begin our journey back home, sealing my lips.

"Why did you not want the baby so badly?" Mus asks after a while. I shrug my shoulders.

"We aren't ready for it," I explain simply. "What's the rush, right? Love, you're the one who doesn't want kids either."

"What if I do?" I give Mus a brief, quizzical glance.

"A-Are you regretting aborting it?" I question. Mus remains silent. "You can tell me anything, you know that." More silence follows and then the words that she says shatter me.

"I didn't get it killed," Mus says.

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