A Family?! No, A Village.

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2 Weeks Later
Harry's POV

"Is it normal to feel this nervous?" I ask Mus, shaking my legs nervously. She smiles and shakes her head.

"No and that's because you're paranoid. Chill, he's just my dad." Mus says, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it comfortingly. I moisten my lips, still nervous.

"I wasn't this nervous before because we weren't a thing then. But now I'm your fiance and...God, I hate this." I release a shaky breath, my palms damp.

"Harry, seriously just breathe." Mus stares at me like I'm losing all my nuts. "He's my dad and even if he doesn't approve, I don't care. We're not changing anything between us." I nod my head, trying to gain some assurance from her words. But right now, everything - all her efforts - are useless. The driver pulls up outside Mus' dad's place. Sweat breaks out across my brow and I don't know if it's from the hot Dubai weather, or because of my nerves. I'd say it's the latter.

"Ready?" Mus asks, her face splitting with an excited grin. I manage to crack a tight smile and nod my head. Mus squeezes my hand one last time and then bounds out of the car and into her dad's driveway. Rayan and Amaan are eagerly awaiting her arrival. When they see her, both of them fling themselves in her arms; Rayan too, surprisingly. I get out hesitantly and stand behind the reuniting family, waiting for someone to acknowledge my presence. Finally, the hug breaks up and Amaan looks up at me. He grins and comes over to hug me next, with less enthusiasm of course.

"Hey, buddy." I say, as he steps back. Amaan smiles and looks from me to Mus.

"Took you long enough to pop the question." He says, grinning. Mus' eyes widen and she places a finger against her lips, trying to shush him. He winks at her and grabs her hand. "Come on, the whole family is here." Mus mirrors the panic I feel. She pulls back against Amaan, making him turn around.

"Whole family?" Mus asks, eyebrows raised. Amaan nods his head.

"Aunts, uncles, cousins...everyone!" He informs us, finding absolutely nothing wrong with it. Of course he doesn't! But we do.

"C-Can you guys give me a minute alone with Harry?" Mus asks, turning around to face me. Dejectedly, the two of them make their way up the porch and into the house, shutting the front door behind them. Mus places her hands on my shoulders and looks me straight in the eye.

"There is no easier way to say this, my family is judgmental and traditional as fuck." Mus says, keeping a stoic expression. "They're gonna judge you, find faults, try to make me break up with you. But we don't let that affect us, okay?" My fiancee smiles toward the end of her speech, as if it's the best day of her life.

"H-How..." I stutter, panic seeping through every pore of my body.

"You're charismatic and have a golden heart, but this is a traditional semi-Pakistani family and...basically, personality doesn't play a huge role here. So suck it up and lets charge into war." Mus pumps her fist in the air, while I try to reign in the beating of my heart. I nod my head, wanting to run backwards, out of the gate and back to London. Mus loops her arm through mine and guides me into the house. Enthusiastic chatter fills my ears the minute we step in. My fiance - the only thing holding me up right now - navigates her way into the lounge where her family, which is clearly the size of a village, is gathered.

"This isn't a family," I whisper in Mus' ear. "It's a small community in a small village." She smiles and places her lips close to my ear.

"Deal with it." Mus whispers and that's when everyone notices our presence. Mus is immediately pulled in for hugs, kisses and greetings. I just stand there - in the doorway - shifting from foot to foot awkwardly. Amaan comes and stands beside me, for which I'm grateful.

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