Those Words...

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Harry's POV
Mus' eyes are shut when we reach Joshua's house. The part of her hand that Carter managed to scar is all bandaged and hopefully she's not feeling any pain. I close my eyes, just the thought of it boiling my blood. How can a person be so sick! I clench my hand around the steering wheel tightly, trying to level my breathing.

"We're here." I whisper, leaning into Mus' ear. She lifts her head off the window and turns to face me. Our lips brush against each other's, making me suck in a deep breath. Mus' eyes flit over to mine and she bites her bottom lip, contemplating. I promised her I wouldn't kiss her until she wants me to, but right now I'm internally dying; my self control wearing thin.

"I want to kiss you," Mus whispers. And that's all that she had to say. I cup her hands in mine and smash our lips together. I'm trying to be gentle, but I can't control the animal inside me that just wants to devour her lips with mine and feel every part of her. A smile slips onto my lips, as I continue to kiss her. Mus moans softly, moving closer. Fuck the console in the middle of us. But Mus has other plans. She clambers over it and seats herself on my lap, straddling it. I lower the backrest of the seat, so that we are more comfortable. Mus places her hands on my chest and lowers herself on top of me. I wind my arms around her back, loving the feel of being able to touch her like this after so long. My hand reaches her lower back, but I'm afraid to push her too much right now. Mus skirts her thumb along my jawline, making me groan.

"If we continue this much longer, I don't I'll be able to sleepover at James." Mus whispers, breaking the kiss and staring straight into my eyes.

"Me neither. But I want this," I whine. "Bad." Mus bites her bottom lip, her eyes wicked.

"You've waited so long, why not a little more?" Mus questions, smiling.

"Fuck," I hiss. She opens the door and gets out. I groan, throwing my head back. "Why Lord, are you testing my patience?" I look up at the car's roof and let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine! I'll be good." Saying that, I sit up and get out of the car.
"So you're now dating him? Again?" Joshua questions, after Mus told him she broke up with Carter and is now with me.

"Yeah," Mus answers. She grins at me, squeezing my hand. I stare at her entwined hands, not able to wipe the stupid grin off my face.

"I'm glad." Joshua beams at her. "I like him." He offers me a thumbs up.

"Wait, so how much exactly do you know about our past relationship?" I ask him, nodding my chin at Mus.

"A lot. She shares everything with me," Joshua deadpans. "Everything."

"Joshua, my breakup with that jerk also means that we can live together now." Mus announces, grinning like someone's gifted her the moon.

"Yes!" Joshua exclaims, throwing his head back. "You know, I couldn't stay with Mus because that ass-"

"Joshua," Mus looks at him sternly.

"Sorry, I mean because that jerk didn't like me." Joshua shakes his head solemnly. "But now he's outta the picture and you and I are in." He raises his hand to offer me a high five and I slap his hand back with high levels of enthusiasm. Wow, today is a really blessed day!

"Harry, you'll take care of her, right?" I'm taken aback by this little child's question. I just stare at him for a few seconds, trying to understand how this kid could think so maturely.

"Of course," I answer. "I'll always take care of her."

"He always has," Mus agrees. She turns her head to face me and smiles. "I'm the one who has always pushed him away and hurt myself." I shake my head, cupping her cheek and rubbing my thumb along her cheek softly.

"Mus, the bottom line is we're together now." I tell her, loving the way I can freely touch her when I want and how I want. "We shouldn't blame ourselves for what happened in the past."

"Okay, you know what, this is getting romantic." Joshua says, getting off the couch. "I'm going off to bed." Mus gets up and kisses him goodnight. She asks him if he wants her to read him a chapter like always, but he says no. Joshua then comes over to me and engulfs me in a tight hug, his head resting on my chest.

"Thank you," he whispers. And then turns around and bounds upstairs.

"He's a great kid, Mus. You've done well," I comment.

"Nah, that's all his parents doing." Mus says, grabbing the bowl of popcorn. She comes over to me and seats herself between my widespread legs, her back pressed to my chest.

"I can't believe Carter didn't let you two stay together." I say, stroking her hair.

"He deemed it uncool to have an adopted kid." Mus explains. "But I had two houses, so I did have somewhere to keep Joshua. I thought Carter would eventually cave in, but he didn't." Mus turns her head just a little, so she can look at my face. "You know the first time I broke up with Carter was because he insulted Joshua. He insulted him and the relationship we shared. I left." Mus shakes her head, grimacing. "And I thought I'd not go back. But then dad talked to me and Carter begged, so I conceded." A shiver rushes up her spine. "Biggest mistake of my life."

"'s okay." I coax, kissing her forehead. "It's over now. I'm your present and I hope to be your future." The thought makes me smile. "M-Mus?"

"Yeah?" Her eyes are closed now, but a small smile tugs at the corner of her lips.

"Can I-I lie with you t-tonight? Just lie. I swear!" I don't know why I'm so scared to ask this question. God, I feel like I'm treading on shards of glass. Mus laughs - a sweet sound that blesses my ears.

"Of course, Harry!" Mus exclaims, turning around and leaning into my ear. "We can do a lot more than just lie on the bed." I suck in a sharp breath. Lord, the things this woman can make me feel.

"And Joshua?"

"All the rooms in this house are soundproof. He won't hear a thing," Mus winks at me and gets up. "Lets go. It's gonna be a long night." Grinning like a little boy, I oblige and let her guide me towards her room. I haven't felt this satisfied and content in so long. The pain of having Mus around but not being able to be hers, killed me. But I'm feeling re-energized now, as if she has resuscitated me. Yeah, she has. After all this woman is my lifeline. Without her I'm an empty vessel.

I don't want to be an empty vessel. I wanna be hers, forever. And I'll take whatever she gives me. If she wants to be my girlfriend for life, so be it. No kids, so be it. No marriage, so be it. All I want is her with me for life, whatever the conditions.

"I love you." I whisper, as she opens the room door and motions me in.

"Me too," Mus says. Her eyes widen as if she's shocked at the words that just escaped her lips. " you." Mus says tentatively, unsure of herself. Did she...did she just say she loves me? I want to fall to my knees and shed a bucket full of happy tears. Instead, I grin like an idiot and hoist her into my arms. Mus laughs, throwing her head back. "I love you!" She exclaims, as if she can't believe that she feels this too.

"Lord, you make me so happy, love." I say, carrying her over to the bed and gently laying her down. "I love you so much."

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