A Lot Of Explaining To Do

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"Evening!" Carter yells, as I hear him enter the house.

"Hey!" I yell back, my fingers still flying furiously across the keyboard.

"Watcha writing?" Carter asks, sauntering into the room, as he loosens his ties.

"Just finishing up on a...chapter." I murmur, typing in the last word. "Done!" Carter comes over to me and leans down, giving me a soft peck on the forehead.

"James and a few others are coming over tonight. Is that okay?" Carter takes a seat near my legs and places his hand on my ankle, rubbing his thumb along my skin.

"Sure. I'll be leaving later tonight anyways." I say, kicking my legs off the bed and shutting the laptop screen. "Tyler and I have a dinner date, where I have to hand him the new transcript."

"Come on, babe, ever since you came back you haven't spent one night with me. Stay for tonight," Carter coaxes.

"Your friends are coming over tonight. We won't have any alone time, trust me." I assure Carter, grabbing my laptop bag off the bedside table. "But we can spend time alone some other night." I get up and grab my handbag. I sift through the items in there and source out my phone.

"Is there any beer left?" Carter asks.

"Yeah, I'm sure. You got a crate last time and you're the only one who drinks in this house, so unless you finished it, I'm sure we have some left." I turn around and smile at him. "Have fun tonight."

"Leaving already?" I nod my head and head towards the door.

"Tyler just messaged saying he's free. So we'll have an early dinner and then call it an early night," I explain. "Bye." Carter waves to me as I head out. Seems like I'm gonna have to crash over at Tyler's because Carter and friends equals drunk men and I don't want to spend a night handling them.
"No, but did you see the plot twist?" Tyler gasps. "She's at the Institute."

"Yeah and we don't know if Kyle's involved or not." I say, shaking my head in disbelief. Tv series are one of the many things that Tyler and I mutually love. Currently, we're raving about this new series called The Arrangement.

"I can't wait for Sunday," Tyler sings. "Lets binge watch the episodes that have already released tonight."

"Lets," I agree. Tyler grins and takes a sip of his mocktail. Suddenly, my phone pings.

Where's your house @?

It's from Liam.

That's not weird @ all.

I reply, smiling at the oddity of the text. I stare at the screen for a few seconds, but he doesn't reply.

"Okay, listen up-" Tyler begins, only to have the ringtone of my phone interrupt him. He motions for me to answer it, leaning back into the chair.

"Hi, Mr. Odd." I say, answering Liam's call.

"No, seriously, where's your house located?" Liam questions, his tone dead serious.

"Why, are you sending serial killers?" I question, grinning at my own crappy joke. "Because guess what? You won't find me there. I'm out for dinner." Liam groans, and I can feel his annoyance radiating through the phone in waves.

"When're you getting back? And please don't tell me you and Carter are gonna make it a long night. Blah blah blah."

"I'm not with Carter, firstly and secondly, I'm not going home tonight. Seriously though, why all these weird-ass questions?"

"Then where're you crashing? Can't you simply answer my simple question. Where are you gonna be at tonight?"

"My friend's place," I answer. "There, I answered your question and now you answer mine. Why all these questions regarding my home?"

"Text me your friend's address. Please Mus, for once do something without arguing." And the line goes dead. I remove the phone from my ear and stare at the lock screen. Why the heck would Liam want Tyler's house address. But then again, he's Liam! The guy can't kill an ant, so I'm quite sure he's not out on a killing spree. Therefore, without arguing for the first time in my life, I text him Tyler's address. In return I receive a smiley face.

"We'll head off after dessert, okay?" I say, re-focusing my attention on Tyler. I want to get home and call Liam, so that I can get an explanation all this odd behavior.

"Sure," Tyler agrees. "But first, we pig out on fudge cake and ice cream." Laughing, I nod my head and motion for the waiter to come over.
As I pull up to Tyler's house, I notice that a car is parked inside his driveway.

"You expecting guests?" I ask Tyler, stopping in front of the voice box. I lower my window and press the button.

"Yes?" The guard's voice comes through the speakers.

"It's me and Tyler," I say. "By the way, Han, have any guests come over?"

"Yeah, a couple of Tyler's friends." Han answers, opening the gates. "Hope y'all have fun."

"Thanks," I murmur. "Which friends Tyler?" My foot lifts off the gas pedal slowly, as my eyes land on the three men camped out on Tyler's porch. The car comes to a halt and Tyler gasps.

"Is that Harry Styles and Liam Payne? Isn't that...Jeff?" Tyler asks, confused.

"Yeah," I say hesitantly. I unlock the car doors and get out. Harry is leaning against a pillar, his back towards me, but I think he's sleeping. Liam is lying on his back across the porch, his eyes shut. And Jeff is on his phone, sitting on a step.

"Um...hi." Tyler says, offering Jeff an awkward wave.

"Hi," Jeff says. He gets up and shakes Ty's hand and then mine. "We haven't met before. I'm Harry and Liam's friend." I smile at him and nod towards Harry.

"What's up with those two? And why the hell are you guys here, not meaning to be rude or anything?" I say, trying to keep my tone light-hearted, even though I'm confused and concerned.

"Um...I think that's up for Harry to tell." Jeff turns to look at his sleeping friend. "I should wake him up."

"No," I say hastily. "Let me." Jeff steps aside and motions for me to go on. I step over to where Harry is slumped against the pillar, and place my hand on his shoulder. I shake him lightly, not wanting to have him jerk awake.

"Harry," I whisper. "Wake up," I say louder. He grunts and his head lolls onto my shoulder. "Harry!" I call out, even louder. No response. Hmm...guess I'll have to go about this in another manner. I lean into him, placing my lips at his ear. "Harry, wake up." I blow, my lips skimming his skin. And that does it! Harry's eyes fly open. He lifts his head hastily, bumping it into my chin.

"Ow," I hiss. Harry leans away from me, rubbing at his eyes wildly. He looks at me, blinks and then looks at me again, this time widening his eyes. "You aren't dreaming." I tell him, laughing.

"Did you...did you actually blow into my ear?" Harry questions, narrowing his eyes in confusion. I nod, smiling.

"Yeah and it worked. See, you're up now!"

"Guys and girls." Tyler says, looking at me. "Can we please take this party inside? I don't wanna get dengue." I get up and offer Harry my hand.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do," I tell him. Harry grins at me, takes my outstretched hand and I haul him up.

"Yeah, and I need a place to stay." Harry says, grabbing his bag.

"I have empty rooms!" Tyler yells, already inside.

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