Mean Girl

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Harry's POV
"Harry, come here!" Harrison yells from his study, as I'm about to make my way upstairs. I stop and backtrack, entering the study. He greeted me surprisingly well yesterday and even gifted me a watch. I felt bad because the thought to buy anything for Mus' dad, or family didn't even cross my mind.

"Unwinding?" I ask, as I saunter over to the couch in the corner and seat myself. Harrison gets up and takes out a crystal whisky bottle from the minibar. He picks two glasses off a trolley that's lying behind his study table and places them on the mahogany table.

"Want a drink?" Harrison questions, pouring the enticing liquid into the glasses. He smiles at me and walks over, holding out a glass towards me. I hesitate, not knowing if it's right to accept or reject. Finally, my desire wins out and I take it from his hand. Harrison walks back to his study table and leans against it. "Enjoying your visit?" I take a sip and nod.

"Of course," I answer hastily. "Your family's really kind to me." Harrison smiles - a secretive smile.

"Yeah," he murmurs. "Most of them like you too." Most of them? I furrow my brows, unsure what he means.

"Pardon? Do some of them...dislike me?" I inquire, suddenly feeling conscious of being judged.

"Some of them..." Harrison trails off, shaking his head. "You see we're a traditional lot, or at least they are. Seeing you and Mus - all close and personal before marriage - has confused some of them. Upset them even." He swirls the whisky in his glass, staring at the brown liquid. "It's unusual, I must admit. Word has reached my mother and to say she's unhappy is an understatement." Harrison sighs and looks at me with a tired gaze. "She will be arriving soon, and she won't make it easy for the two of you. Just respect her age and...remain calm."

"Of course," I nod my head in understanding. "I understand. Don't worry, you won't be facing any problems from Mus and I." Harrison smiles at me appreciatively.

"I'm glad you're this wise. Let me ask another question from you then, why're you doing it?"

"What? I'm sorry-"

"Why're you marrying my daughter, Harry?" Harrison cocks an eyebrow at me and comes over, taking a seat beside me. "Lets face it, she isn't America's top model. She doesn't have the largest bank account. Nor is she from a family who has a name in Hollywood. Then why her?"

"Because I love her." I answer simply. "And your daughter is someone, a big someone in fact. She's a bestselling author and has the new generation, including people of our age, under her spell."

"I find that hard to believe." Harrison sighs. "You're...Aren't all of you in Hollywood players? Fuck this one now and then move on to the next. I'm just looking out for my kid and I have a feeling she'll be receiving divorce papers down the lane." I place the glass on the table and stand up.

"I believe this conversation is over." I say sternly, clenching my jaw in anger. I stride towards the door, trying to level my breathing.

"Didn't wanna offend you!" Harrison says from behind me. I stop and turn to face him.

"You can't judge an entire community based on a few people." I turn on my heel and march out the door. To say I'm offended is an understatement. The man didn't only insult me, but he also insulted his own daughter and that's just purely despicable. As I'm making my way upstairs, Mus is coming downstairs. She stops when she sees me and raises her eyebrows questioningly.

"What happened?" She questions, as I grab hold of her hand and lead her back upstairs.

"Your dad," I snap. Mus huffs and throws her head back, groaning.

"Oh God, what'd he do now?" We enter our room and I slam the door shut, ready to spill.
"Oh wow, he's dead." Mus says, after I finish my tale. "I'm gonna fucking kill him." I tap my fingers against my stomach, staring at the ceiling.

"I know he's your dad, but right now I want to punch his face." Mus gets up and begins to pace across the room.

"And you're allowed to." Mus stops in her tracks and turns to face me, as if a light bulb just went off in her head. "Did you say that...grandma is coming?" Mus cocks an eyebrow, a flash of fear flitting through her eyes. I nod my head.

"Yeah, that's what your dad said." I shrug my shoulders. "Why's that so scary for you?" Mus turns around and places her face in her palms. She groans and I can faintly hear her mumble no. "What's wrong, love?" Mus looks up and she looks distraught.

"You don't know my grandma! She's...she's a bitch." Mus spills, her eyes fear stricken. "Yeah, I know she's my grandma and I shouldn't speak about her in this manner, but she's the mother - the queen - of all bitches. If she comes...lets just say she'll make our life - your life - a living hell." Mus seats herself on the floor, sitting Indian style. "This is bad. We have to leave." I get off the bed and walk over to her, sitting down beside her.

"Relax, love. It can't be that bad," I assure her.

"Oh, don't underestimate her. She may be old, but her mean girl streak is still the same." Mus plays around with her fingers, a nervous habit. "We're doomed. We're definitely doomed." I still don't get it. I mean, why is Mus making her grandmother seem like Cinderella's stepmother? I'm sure she'll be fine. And like Mus says, I have charisma and I can win over whoever's heart that I desire. We'll be fine I'm sure.

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