A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

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2 Months Later

"There's one question that all of your readers have been dying to know." Hailey says, her gaze flitting towards my stomach for the briefest of seconds. "Who's the lucky father?" She clasps her hands together and leans in conspiratorially. I smile, my hand cradling the bump that's emerged from my stomach.

"Well, I guess they'll find out soon enough." I answer coyly, grinning. Hailey leans back, throwing her head back, as her body shakes with laughter. I wink at the camera. Keep it mysterious, that's what Tyler told me minutes before this interview and a bunch of others that I've done in the past week. Now that I'm almost four months in, I can't hide the bump that's emerged any longer and naturally that leads to a load of questions. Most of which I can't answer properly, as per my agent and Harry's.

"You've had quite a long relationship with Harry Styles, am I right?" Hailey says, leaning towards me once more. "Should we assume this baby is his?" Hailey nods her chin towards my belly. "Or are you playing the grounds with two steamy celebrities, like the lead character in your book." Hailey reaches out to the side and picks up a copy of my new book. She holds it up for the camera and audience to get a good look at. "Another refreshing novel by Mus!" Hailey announces, placing the book back. "I heard that the first hundred copies sold out in less than five minutes. Am I right or am I right?" I nod my head, smiling.

"Yes, I'm very lucky to have such dedicated readers." I reply, picking up the coffee mug. The scent of caramel enters my nose and I gag internally. Hastily, I place the mug back before I have to rush towards the bathroom.
"Tyler, please tell me these interviews are coming to a close." I say, spreading myself across the backseat of the car. I place my head on his lap and curl my legs up. "I'm tired, sore and feel like throwing up half of the time. And when either of those things aren't happening, my hormones and cravings drive me left and right." Tyler laughs, his hand stroking my forehead.

"Mus, you know this is all necessary." Tyler says, as he begins to massage my head. "But yes, today was the last interview. The rest are a week later." I sigh, relief spreading across my body.

"Is it possible to begin my maternity leave earlier?" I question, as I stare at my jutting tummy. "I'm so big," I groan.

"And beautiful and becoming a mom." Tyler says sweetly, making me smile.

"Yes, that too. But..." I let out a fake sob, my eyes landing on my stomach once more. "My cheeks are fat. I have stretch marks on my stomach and other parts...Good Lord, I'm gonna fucking sue the condom company." Tyler chuckles, just as the car jumps over a pothole. "Fuck!" I hiss. "Can we be a little more careful?" I glare at the driver's back.

"Whoa, put your claws in tiger." The car lurches to a stop and I'm almost tossed off the backseat. I shoot daggers at the driver through my eyes, and internally flip him off. "Girl, you need to take some hormone controlling pills. Because I'm shitting my pants right now." Now it's Tyler's turn to be subjected to my famous glare. "Well, your house is here...bye." Smiling, I sit up and open the door. Harry's car is pulling in, just as I enter through the gates. After a month of looking for something suitable, I came to the conclusion that I rather stay here than in a dump. Harry smiles at me as I waddle up the driveway. For some reason, it's easier to take short, awkward steps than to take long strides.

"Hi," Harry says. I offer him a tight smile as I step up to the front door.

"Hey," I murmur. "How was your day?" I fumble with the key lock. I need to really get this fixed.

"Good. Yours?" Finally, I manage to unlock the door and push it open.

"Tiring." I throw my handbag onto the floor and head over to the kitchen.

"I saw your interview," Harry says.

"Is that so?" I ask, as I yank open the fridge door, eager to shove something sweet into my mouth. "And how'd I do?" Harry steps over into the kitchen as well, and takes a seat at the bar stool. I turn around with a plate of chocolate fudge cake clutched in my hand.

"Quite well, actually." Harry compliments me, grinning. "You could become a great actress, you know?" I furrow my brows.

"What?" I ask, taking a seat beside Harry. I place the cake on the counter, and nod my chin towards the plate, silently telling Harry to help himself. He takes a fork out of the cutlery holder and digs in too.

"Your smile, your grins...good job." I look up at Harry questioningly. "I've known you for years now, your eyes tell it all." I divert my gaze back to the plate.

"I...There's nothing wrong with me. I'm content." I meet Harry's gaze confidently and give him my best smile. "I'm becoming a mother soon. My new book is another bestseller. I have people all over the world who gain happiness from reading my novels. What more could I ask for?"

"Love," Harry answers simply. His eyes flit over to my swollen belly. "We were on the right path until - "

"Until you screwed it up," I interrupt. "Until you decided to not support me when I needed you the most." I place my hand on my stomach. "I still do." Placing the fork on the plate, I get off the stool. I head down the hallway, and just as I'm about to enter my room, I stop and turn around. Harry's staring at me. "If you really cared about me, you'd at least ask me how I'm doing. But you don't so I've got no hopes of hearing those words from your lips."

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