This Woman!

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Harry's POV
"I don't want you to come." Mus says, shoving past the people who are making their way to the dance floor.
"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you don't own the fucking street." I say, taking advantage of the path that she is clearing for herself.
"You're an asshole, I hope you know that."
"Yeah, heard it a few times." I shrug nonchalantly. "Don't care." I can feel Mus roll her eyes. We finally make it out into the open street. This side of the pavement isn't much crowded. However, the footpath facing us is bustling with pedestrians. Most of them tourists, by the looks of it. Mus turns towards the left side of the path, and faces the wall of the building. I watch her frustrated actions, as she tugs at the ends of her hair. Mus then buries her face in her hands and I can hear her let out a muffled scream. I, on the other hand, casually take out a cigarette from my pocket and place it between my desire filled lips. Mus turns around, one hand on her mouth. Her eyes land on the stick in my lips and she shakes her head. Before I can react, the stick is yanked out from my mouth and chucked onto the ground.
"Can you stop?!" I yell, frustrated. "Second time, Mus. This is not funny!" I stare at the wasted cigarette near our feet.
"It's not fucking good for you!" She yells back. "Not good. Bad!"
"I'm not a kindergartner. I understand English perfectly well," I retort. Mus places her hands on her waist and huffs.
"Kill yourself! You know what? Let's go back in, I'll grab a knife and drive it into your heart. Better and quicker, right?" Mus snaps back sarcastically. I can feel the anger radiating off of her; it almost makes me smile.
"Haha, very funny." I snap back, scoffing. "I'm going to ask a question that I've asked you before and that irks the hell out of me, why the fuck are you still with him?"
"Harry," Mus groans. "This is my life, not yours."
"I know, I know. But for fucks sake, please just answer the goddamn question." I wring my hands. "It's been bothering me since day one and you know it. Just...please put me out of my despair." Mus moistens her lips and turns her gaze away from me, towards the opposite footpath.
"I..." Mus trails off, probably sieving through her brain for an appropriate answer.
"Do you love him?" I blurt out. Too late I realize just how blunt I sounded. Her head snaps toward me and she frowns, but doesn't answer. Ah ha!
"You're marrying a guy who you don't love and who's clearly a dick?" I accuse. Before my brain can register what I'm doing, my hands are gripping Mus' forearms, and shaking her. "Mus, see the truth that's right in front of you. Please," I beg. "He's torturing you and you're ruining both your lives by staying with him." Mus shrugs my hands off her and steps back.
"Harry," she stares at me helplessly. "You're doing it again."
"Again?!" I yell, drawing a couple of stares in our direction. "I'm doing nothing again!" I grit my teeth. "Looking out for you doesn't mean that I am starting anything between us again."
"Please don't," she whispers. I let out a humorless laugh.
"You don't even love the fucking bastard," I flick my wrist. "You're better than this, Mus. Open your eyes."
"Guys, dinner's here." Liam says, stepping out. "We ordered for you." Mus gives me a pleading look, silently telling me that whatever happened here stays between us. I offer her a subtle nod and we both enter the restaurant.

Kate's eyebrows shoot up as Mus and I walk side by side towards the table and seat ourselves beside each other. She mouths something to Mus and winks at me. God, Kate and her sneaky habits.
"Babe, where'd you go?" Carter drawls, coming over to the table. He falls onto the seat, and burps. I cringe, and subtly look in Mus' direction for her reaction. Her eyes are glued to the plate in front of her. Carter's behavior doesn't even seem to affect her.
"Babe, come on here." Carter waves his hand towards Mus.
"Have some water." Mus says, placing her glass of water in front of him. He shakes his head and pouts.
"Fuck no, I want you." This time, everyone's heads turn toward him. Clearly, he's getting out of line right now. "You have to give it to me today. look fucking sexy in that." Carter points at her clothes. Mus clears her throat and diverts her gaze back to her food.
"Shut up mate, and eat." Louis says, chucking some food off his plate onto Carter's.
"No, I don't fucking want to." Carter pushes the plate away and glares at Mus. He beckons to her with his index finger. I raise an eyebrow. How the fuck does Mus deal with this guy?
"Carter, respect." I warn, straightening up. He gets up and stumbles into the side of the table.
"Don't you dare talk to me that...way, bastard." Carter says, blinking repeatedly. I scoff and stare at the weak man standing in front of me.
"Look, man, you're in no condition to take me on right now. So I suggest you shut the fuck up, keep that tiny dick of yours in your pants and go home. In fact, I'll do you the favor of hailing a cab for you." I place my napkin on the table and stand up. Carter shoves me back, before I can even take a step towards the exit.
"What the fuck dude?!" Carter exclaims, shoving me once more. "First, you steal my girl's heart and now you steal my night of fun. No fucking way." Carter shoves me again, but my arms are not retaliating for some reason. What he said is nailed in my head. "And then you keep her heart. For years. Years...long fucking years." Without my permission, my eyes move toward Mus; silently asking her if all this is true. "And even now, she chooses your company - fresh air with you - rather than with me." Another push. Mus is just staring at her plate, fork held mid-air. "You're a home breaker. I hope you know that." Another push. "The causer of our fights. The reason why I cheated because she doesn't let me have sex with her. Obviously she won't. You're the only thing playing on her mind." Another push, but this time I grab his hands and shove him onto the floor.
"You cheated on Mus?!" I yell, bending down and yanking him up with his collar. He smiles and nods his head, as if he's proud of the fucked up deed he committed. I shove him onto the floor again, but this time I don't pull him back up. "How dare you!?" Anger is bubbling inside me, and I'm seeing red on the corners of my eyes. He had an angel at home and he decided to make love to a devil. What an ungrateful bastard! Liam's up in a second, one hand on my arm.
"Harry, calm down." Liam whispers in my ear, acting the mature one as always. Carter is trying to get back up on his feet. However, all the alcohol in his system is keeping him down.
"What'd you," hiccup, "do?" Carter questions, rolling onto his stomach like a writhing cockroach.
"I'd earn her goddamn trust!" I lunge towards him, but Liam yanks me back. "What do you want me to do?!" I turn to face Liam. "Let this all slide and just eat my dinner?"
"No, Harry, no. That's not what I want you to do. Kill him, torture him, do whatever the hell you want but not here. Two reasons: public and cameras." Liam reasons, subtly glancing around at the people who have phones in their hands, enjoying the scene that's unfolding in front of their eyes.
"Fuck," I hiss. "Fine! I'll drop it. But he isn't coming to your house." I glance over at Mus. She's eating calmly as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening. How...
"He's our guest, Harry. What do you want me to do? Leave him here?" Liam questions, looking at me as if I'm stupid.
"Yes! Perfect, Liam. Let him wear off the alcohol, and find his way home only to find that he's been kicked out." Liam grins and pats me on the back.
"For once I'll agree with Satan." Liam nods and gestures to the waiter to bring the check. I seat myself and so does Liam. Carter is still lying on the floor, drawing imaginary circles across the floor. I shake my head at his pathetic state.
"How the fuck do you live with this guy?" I ask Mus, clattering the fork onto the plate. She looks up at me, eyebrow arched.
"He's my fiance," she answers matter-of-factly.
"So? Just because you're engaged doesn't mean you can't break up. I mean, look at him." All eyes turn towards the drunken mess near our table. I cringe and give Mus a pointed look.
"So? Everyone has his bad and good times." Mus says, shrugging. "Look at yourself."
"I can hold my alcohol," I defend myself.
"Yeah, that's why you showed up the other night - drunk and high."
"When?!" Kate exclaims, her voice a tad bit too excited.
"That's none of your business." I say to Mus, ignoring Kate as always.
"Well, how Carter and I live is none of your business." Mus retorts, diverting her gaze back to her food. God, this woman...fuck!

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