Where There's A Will There's A Way

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As I'm placing the last of the pancakes on a plate, Harry walks into the kitchen. I briefly glance at him and then resume my work.

"Morning," Harry says. His tone is cautious and he should be! Last night he put me through hell. I don't reply. "Okay." Harry takes a seat at the bar and clasps his hands in front of him. "I'm sorry, love. I know I screwed up." I slam the bowl onto the counter and turn to face him.

"Harry, this isn't the first time!" I yell, unable to control my anger. "I'm not mad, I'm concerned. We're both adults and I have no right to tell you what to do, or how to behave, but I'm saying this for your own good: stop drinking and smoking." Harry stares at me, his lips pursed. "You're gonna die! Can you get that into your thick skull? Your liver, your lungs and your heart are being affected right now." I lean against the counter. "If you can't stop, at least reign it in." I turn and march towards the lounge. Harry jumps off the stool hastily and grabs my arm.

"Mus, stop. Please," Harry pleads. "Talk to me. Don't be upset, I'm sorry." I stare at my feet, not wanting Harry to see the tears that are clouding my vision. He places his index finger underneath my chin and tilts it upwards. "No, love, don't cry."

"I care about you, Harry." I say, looking up at the ceiling to push back my tears. "What happens to me when you go away?"

"You know when you left me, I had to find another addiction and that's when I turned to booze and weed...and all that crap." Harry says, cupping my face. "But...I have my old addiction back now, so what're those compared to you?" I try not to let a smile break across my face, but my muscles lift involuntarily. Harry grabs hold of my hand and starts walking.

"Where're we going?" I question, as Harry guides me toward the staircase. He doesn't reply, but keeps moving. He leads me into our room and lets go of my hand when we enter. He, however, keeps moving and steps into the walk-in-closet. Harry steps back out with a big packet of Davidoff Lights. He raises it in his hand, showing it to me.

"Out this goes." Harry says and chucks it into the dustbin. "I won't smoke again." He comes back toward me and takes hold of my hand. Harry's other hand cups my cheek. "I didn't know the kind of pain you were going through because of my addictions, but now I do. I saw the tears, love and..." Harry shakes his head. "I don't wanna give you that kind of pain again." I smile at this perfect man standing in front of me and seal his promise with a kiss.

"Thank you," I murmur against Harry's lips. He smiles as I pull back and gazes at me through his green orbs.

"No, thank you for always keeping me safe and looking out for me." Harry narrows his eyes and a mischievous smile adorns his lips. "By the way, when I woke up...I was kind of undressed. Did you take advantage of me while I was wasted, Mrs. Styles?" Laughing, I smack Harry's arm.

"Firstly, no. But I'm planning on taking advantage of a very sober man right now." I say, grinning. "Secondly, I'm not Mrs. Styles yet."

"Oh, in my mind you are." Harry grins smugly and presses his lips against mine. "And very soon you'll adopt that name on paper too."

"Maybe I'll keep my maiden name," I say. Harry pouts, pulling me right against his body. He leans his head towards my neck and trails his lips against my shoulder blade.

"I guess I'll have to convince you not to." Harry whispers, sending shivers up my spine. I close my eyes and let him work his magic.

I play around with some of the card designs on my laptop. Harry saunters into the lounge, hands in his pockets.

"Watcha doing?" Harry questions, seating himself on the armrest of the couch, beside me.

"Choosing an ideal card design." I murmur, my complete focus on the laptop screen. Harry grabs a strand of my hair and toys around with it, twisting it around his index finger.

"I need your attention." Harry says, pressing his lips against the side of my forehead. I cluck my tongue.

"And I need to do work." Harry huffs and I can feel him staring daggers into my skull. Caving in, I look up from my laptop screen, towards him. "Having sex is a priority, yeah, but it's not number one on my list." Harry slouches on the arm rest and looks at me with disappointment in his eyes.

"See! Your priorities are all messed up, love." He throws his arm across his face dramatically and huffs. "I believe it's time to find a new girlfriend." I glare at him, cocking an eyebrow.

"You do that and I'll hand your balls to you." I threaten, trying to keep my tone as serious as I can. Harry's eyes widen and he raises his hands in surrender.

"I'm dating an aggressive bitch." Harry says, breaking out into loud laughter. I join in and scoot over, so that he can seat himself beside me. Harry plops himself on the couch and wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to his body. "I'd never replace you because you're irreplaceable." I press my lips against Harry's lips, portraying my love.

"You're the best," I murmur against his lips.

"This calls for a drink!" Harry exclaims, standing up. I raise an eyebrow at him. "One drink." He emphasizes, making me smile.

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