Till Whenever It Takes

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Harry's POV
Jeff stays behind to awaken Liam, while I follow Mus into her friend's house.

"Nice place," I compliment.

"Thanks." Her friend yells, as he heads towards what seems to be the lounge. "I'm Tyler, by the way and since I'm Mus' closest friend, you should try to get along with me." I like him already. Mus laughs, and I grin.

"I'm Harry," I introduce myself.

"Oh yeah, I know. Trust me, everyone knows. Mus you know where the lounge is, where the drinks are and where to set them up. I'm just coming from the bathroom." Tyler waves to us as he heads upstairs.

"New friend?" I ask Mus, as she guides me towards the lounge.

"Nah, I've known him for quite some time. He's my agent and second best friend," Mus explains. "So yeah, be nice to him."

"Seems like a cool guy, I think we'll get along." I take a seat. Mus saunters over to the bar, and steps behind it.

"So why're you guys here?" Mus asks, taking out a beer bottle. She lifts it toward me and I nod.

"To try harder," I explain simply. Mus brings the bottle over and hands it to me. "Thanks."

"Try harder?" Mus asks, confused. She takes a seat opposite me. "I'm pretty sure your career is doing fine."

"Not career wise, I'm here for my personal life. My love life," I take a sip. Mus furrows her brows. "You, Mus. I'm here to court you." Realization dawns on her face and her eyes widen.

"We're not-"

"It's late tonight. We'll discuss my main goal tomorrow. Till then, let's catch up." Mus opens her mouth to protest, but then shuts it. She nods her head.

"We just met, Harry." Mus laughs, shaking her head in disbelief. "It's been barely a day or two."

"I know, but I missed you nevertheless." I nod my chin at her. "You look real good."

"Thanks," Mus looks down at her outfit, passing her hand over the material of the pants. She stares at her legs for a few seconds before looking up at me, her eyes alight with amusement. "I still can't believe you're actually here." Mus shakes her head disbelievingly.

"Well, believe it." I shrug my shoulders. "What was the point of me staying there when you were here?" I get up and walk towards Mus, taking a seat beside her curled up legs. A silver anklet gleams on her right foot. It's covered with star, moon and bell charms. I trace it with my fingers, smiling at the soft tinkling I'm causing.

"It's beautiful," I comment. I look up to find Mus staring at me.

"Thanks," she murmurs. "Got it from a flee market."

"I'm back!" Tyler announces, throwing his hands in the air as he enters the room. Liam and Jeff follow closely behind him. "And I brought in the guests you forgot about." He gives Mus a pointed look and she shrugs her shoulders innocently.

"There's no formality with them," Mus says. I nod my head in agreement, smiling at our host.

"So you guys want separate rooms, or one?" Tyler questions, taking out a few beers from behind the bar.

"Um...I don't think we should stay here." Liam says, seating himself where I was originally located.

"Why?" Tyler chirps up, furrowing his brows.

"Because we just met you," Liam laughs. "And I don't want us to be a burden on you." Tyler flicks his wrist, dismissing what Liam just said.

"Oh please," Tyler pffts. "It's an honor to have ya'll here. Stay for however long." Tyler hands Jeff and Liam a beer, before taking one for himself and seating himself on a maroon chair in the corner of the room. "I'll set you up tonight. It's not a hassle, trust me."

"So you're the one who made our friend here." Liam says, nodding his head towards Mus. "A best-selling author." Tyler grins and nods.

"Great potential, I tell ya." Tyler says, winking at me. "And her books keep getting better and better, that's the best part."

"Yeah," I murmur. Mus' head immediately turns toward me.

"You've read my books?" Mus asks, cocking an eyebrow.

"No," I answer hastily. "No. Why would I read romance and shit?" I scoff. Mus nods her head, and smiles. I roll my eyes. That smile spoke volumes - she understood. Of course she did! Mus knows me inside out. I sigh internally.

"But you should definitely read M's books." Tyler urges. "The way she writes...it's fucking captivating!"

"I'm sure," I nod. "It has been her dream since God knows how long." I begin to play with Mus' anklet again. My finger skims her skin, and I hear her gasp.

"Guys, I don't know about you but I'm not sleepy at all. So we're chilling for a while, right?" Tyler asks, looking at Liam, Jeff and then at me.

"Yeah, I had a good night's sleep on your porch anyway," I answer.

"Hey! If Liam would've told me you guys are coming over, we'd have rushed home." Mus defends herself and Tyler. "I'm not a psychic, in case you guys didn't realize." Tyler nods along.

"Honestly, if I knew ya'll were coming, I'd have dumped M's ass in the restaurant and ran home." Mus chucks a pillow at Tyler, and he ducks, sloshing beer onto his pants.

"Fuck! M, I swear to God, you're always ruining my clothes. It's cake, sometimes it's a milkshake and today it's a goddamn pillow." Tyler places the beer bottle on a table and gets up. "Lemme just change and come."

"Tyler, wait up! Can you show us to our rooms as well? I don't know about Harry, but Jeff and I want to call it a night." Liam says, getting up. Tyler nods and motions for them to follow. Liam offers Mus a two-fingered salute and marches off behind Tyler. Jeff nods at Mus as a goodbye - ever the gentleman - and follows suit.

"You sure you aren't sleepy?" Mus questions, fiddling with her fingers.

"Yup. You?" I ask, still toying with the charms.

"No," Mus murmurs. "But I should get going. Have to wake up early tomorrow."

"No, stay!" I exclaim, sitting up and grabbing hold of her hand. Mus' eyes widen and she slides her hand away from mine.

"Yeah, I should really go." Mus mumbles, standing up. I get up as well and grab hold of her forearm.

"Mus, wait!" I say, bringing her body closer to mine. "Please." Mus looks down at the floor, suddenly very interested in the tiling. "We need to talk and we have to do it ASAP."

"Harry, remember what you said? It's late and we're tired," Mus repeats my lines. "Do you really wanna do this tonight?" Fuck, yeah! I wanna say, but instead I shake my head.

"Fine. I have all the time in the world," I reply, letting Mus' arm go.

"Wait...you're here for...how long, exactly?" Mus questions, furrowing her brows.

"Till whenever it takes." Saying that, I stride towards the door. Till whenever it takes.

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