You're Fucking Important!

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"Yeah, he left."
"Um...Chinese." My eyes flutter, like a butterfly's wings. However, I'm unable to open them completely. Light shoots through my irises, making me squeeze my eyes shut.
"Mus?" I try again. This time I manage to open my eyes shut and hold them like that for a few seconds, before they slam back shut.
"I'm...up," I mumble. My mouth feels dry like paper. Its as if I haven't spoken in ages. I try once more and this time I even manage to keep them open. White, that's all I can see. White walls, white flowers, white windows and two white doors. I chew on dust and flip myself over.
"I'll be up in a few," I whisper.
"Mus!" Kate yells excitedly. Why the fuck is she so hyper early in the morning?
"Let me sleep. Few more minutes, is all I ask for." I groan, tucking my arm underneath my stomach.
"Wake up, bitch! I've been waiting for this minute since last night," Kate huffs. "And all you care about is sleep, as always." I yawn as I sit up, leaning against the headboard for support.
"What, Kate, what?" I question, rubbing my eyes. My right hand is not able to reach my left eye, making me frown. I stare at my right arm to find a white cord attached to a drip. My eyes widen and I look over to Kate for answers.
"You fell last night, remember? While running from Harry?" Kate says looking at me unsurely, trying to find a sliver of recognition.
"Running from Harry?" I question, frowning. I squeeze my brain trying to remember what happened last night. "I doubt it. Why?"

"Come on, have you seen how much hate you two harbor for each other? If I was one of you, I'd run for sure." Kate snorts.
"Kate, please! Answers," I urge.
"Look, I don't know the details!" Kate exclaims, pushing herself up from the sofa. "All I know is that you were running from Harry, tripped near our pool and banged your head pretty bad." No. No recollection. "My bladder's bursting as always. See you in a bit." Kate waddles towards the door and makes her way outside. I slide into a more comfortable position, and press my head with my fingertips; trying to figure out last night's events. The door opens and in walks Harry - the man at fault apparently.
"What the heck did you do!?" I yell, feeling energy surge into my veins.
"What?" Harry asks, all innocent. He's holding two to-go cups in his hand. I raise an eyebrow. Harry places one cup on the table beside my bed and cups the second between his hands.
"Harry! What. Happened?" I say through gritted teeth.
"Nothing. You were pmsing and running. I followed. You tripped and viola! We ended up here," Harry narrates.
"I wasn't!" I defend myself, sitting up. "Harry...ugh! It's all thanks to you that I'm here." I shove my index finger onto the mattress.
"Well, guess what? At least I'm here with you, unlike that bastard boyfriend of yours." Harry rolls his eyes, disgusted and takes a seat where Kate was previously sitting.
"Did you even tell him?" I question, crossing my arms across my chest.
"Yeah! And so did Liam and Kate. But guess what, Mus, he got an important office call and left. Took a flight back home today morning without even coming to check up on you once." Harry shakes his head, clenching his fist. "What a lover!" The infuriated man sitting in front of me takes a sip of his coffee and winces. "Fuck, that's hot," he mumbles. I chuckle. I actually laugh after all that he's just told me. Harry stares at me like I've lost it and rightly so.
"I'm sorry." I say, a short giggle escaping my lips. "It's you realize just how cute you are?" Harry's eyes widen and he places the coffee cup on the table, before coming towards me. He takes my hand in his and turns to face my drip.
"Is this thing working properly? Did a nurse give you some sort of drugs?" Harry questions, furrowing his brows as he studies the drip. I shake my head, another laugh escaping my lips.
"Yes and no.'re such a unique creation." I compliment him, smiling. Harry takes a step back, my hand still enclosed in his.
"Thank you?" Harry says unsurely. "You making fun of me?"
"Oh no. I mean it," I say earnestly. "You're...I mean, come on! You can make me laugh after telling me about my pathetic fiance." Harry smiles, his eyes lighting up with...amusement?
"You deserve to smile. Always," Harry lifts my hand and kisses the back of it. The door is shoved open and in walks Kate, covering her face with a bag. I catch a glimpse of flashes going off, as she shuts the door behind her hastily.
"Ugh! These paps." Rain says, huffing. "Babe..." She trails off as her eyes land on my hand clasped between Harry's. And just like that we're both pulled into our present. Harry hastily steps back, dropping my hand with a thud onto the mattress. He moistens his lips, placing one hand behind his head.
"Hi, Rain. What're you doing here?" Harry questions, clearly not expecting her arrival. He saunters back towards the sofa and takes a seat, grabbing his coffee cup. I know what he's doing - he's trying to act as if nothing happened; brushing off the incident.
"You've made headlines," Rain explains. She stares at me warily, and then clicks over to Harry in her high heels. Gosh, doesn't this woman ever give her heels a break? "Fighting? Grabbing women and marching out of restaurants? Harry, sorry to burst your bubble, but those news pieces aren't good for your rep." Harry stares at a tile on the floor, his expression stoic.
"Yeah..." Harry furrows his brow, thinking hard to come up with an excuse. "Bad night, I guess." He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. "Don't worry. Jeff and all will have it sorted out soon." Rain sighs and leans onto Harry, placing her head on his shoulder. I look away, feeling as if I'm the one who walked in on their privacy.
"You know I worry, babe. These paps already term you as a womanizer and last night doesn't help." Harry gets up with a jerk, making her land sideways onto the couch.
"I said I'll handle it! God Rain, just shut the fuck up for once." Rain shoots up from the couch, like a spring. She grips her purse tightly between her fingers.
"Don't speak to me in that manner!" She screeches, making me wince. Fuck, my ears are bleeding.
"Then stop being such a pest." Harry doesn't even turn to make eye contact with her. "Just go home already."
"I am! To my house." Rain clarifies, stumbling towards the door. "Call me when you're in the mood to have a decent conversation." Rain yanks the door open and pushes into the sea of paparazzi. Quite a few point their cameras inside - toward Harry and I - making Harry curse and run to shut the door.
"Man, these fucked up hospitals need to have better rules." Harry sighs, frustrated. He fishes out his phone from the front pocket of his jeans and dials someone's number. Harry speaks almost in a whisper, so I'm unable to catch even a sliver of his conversation. Once Harry's done, he turns around and marches toward the bed. Bending down, he reaches for a button and presses down hard on it. Poor button.
"The sooner we leave from here the better." Harry says, sitting back down on the couch. "Rumors are spreading about you and I reconciling and that's definitely not good. For either of us." Harry clasps and unclasps his hands, clearly worried and agitated. "I've called the nurse. Let me see how soon I can get you out of here."
"Harry, you can leave and you should. After all, those rumors are really not good for your career," I say. He shakes his head adamantly.
"No, I leave when you leave. Period." I know Harry and arguing with him is equivalent to banging my head against a wall, so I seal my lips.
"Why, though?" I question after a while. "Why fight with your girlfriend? Face the media? And go through all this trouble for me?"
"Because you're fucking important! And I treasure you more than her or my rep," Harry snaps. I suck in a deep breath, the room seeming to become too quiet all of a sudden. Harry is staring at his hands, clenching and unclenching his jaw. His nostrils are flaring occasionally, making me realize the amount of anger and frustration that is pent up inside him. I look over to my bedside table, my eyes landing on a small pad and a black pen.
"Harry, come here." I say, beckoning with my index finger. Without making eye contact, Harry gets up and strides over to me. "Pick up that pad and pen." I nod my chin in the bedside table's direction. He obliges, now looking at me quizzically. "Now write whatever is in your heart on that paper. Everything. Starting from the frustration to the anger to what's the positive thing right now."
"What bull-"
"Write," I say sternly. "Make it short and just write. It's for your own good. After you're done, I'll do the same. If I can," I glance over at my drip clad hand. "Otherwise I'll do it at home. But I think we both need some therapy and this could be it." Harry takes the paper and pen to the couch and begins writing. I shut my eyes and imagine the paper blackening with his messy handwriting. I try to picture the words that he's jotting down, but I come up blank. The fact that I don't know what he's inking makes me realize just how much I've forgotten about him. I don't have the ability to read his mind anymore.

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