Can't Be

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"Kate, I'm sorry for the hundredth time, but I really have to leave today." I say, dragging my suitcase onto the porch. My best friend pouts and just stands there, arms crossed across her chest.

"You don't have to leave." Kate disagrees, rolling her eyes. "But you are. And I don't like you for it."

"I don't like the thought either, but I have to Kate. Commitments," I explain. "And if I backed out of them I'd be sued ten times over."

"That's what all that money is for," Kate argues. "I mean, it shouldn't just lie in a bank and rot. Right, Liam?" She turns to her fiance, who looks up from the baby in his arms, as if just noticing our presence.

"Huh? What?" Liam asks, confused. Kate flicks her wrists and turns back to face me.

"Forget him!" I laugh and embrace my friend into a tight hug. "God knows when I'll see you again." Kate wraps her arms around my upper body as well and I can feel her smiling over my shoulder.

"Soon, I assure you. Cause babe, if you neglect the responsibility of being a godparent, I shall have to be forced to take the title from you." Kate warns playfully.

"I'll try my best to fulfill the responsibilities of this title." I assure her, winking.

"Remember that I want you visiting me every two months." Kate says, raising an eyebrow.

"And you need to remember that I cannot do that." I reply, shrugging my shoulders innocently. "And if you love me you'd understand." Harry honks the car horn for the fifth time, reminding me that I have a flight to catch. "Kate now unless you want me to miss the flight, please let me go." Kate grins maliciously.

"That's exactly what I want!" Kate exclaims, snapping her finger. Laughing, she pats me on the back and nods toward the car - clearly giving me permission to leave.

"Thank you," I say. Giving Kate one final hug, I bound down the porch stairs and wave to Liam. He waves back with his free hand and raises Hale higher. I offer Hale a flying kiss and get into the car.

"I swear to God, those kids get more kisses and attention from you than I ever did." Harry says, pouting.

"Something's burning," I sniff in the air. "I think it's coming from your clothes, Haz."

"Ha, very funny!" Harry narrows his eyes at me and rolls his eyes. He reverses out of the driveway.

"So you'll miss me?" I ask, fiddling with my thumbs. Harry shakes his head.

"No, not one bit." Harry looks at me slyly through the corner of his eye. "But I know you will."

"In your dreams," I retort.

"When're you planning on dropping by next time?"

"I don't know, to be honest. Once I go back the vacation is all over and the labor begins." I sigh, already looking forward to late nights and early mornings. Though I would never complain because I'm grateful for all that I have and always will be.

"I can imagine." Silence settles between the two of us, as Harry drives me further away from La La Land and straight towards Reality Land. "I broke up with Rain." I'm taken aback by the statement for some reason. After all, I knew that he might do this.

"Oh," is all I can think of to say. "How'd it go? How do you feel?"

"Great, actually." Harry grins and nods to himself. "It was about time to make that right decision."

"How'd she take it?" Although I don't like Rain at all, I know she's still human and definitely has feelings.

"Um...lets just say that I'll be defamed greatly among her friend circle." Harry grimaces. "And that if I ever cross paths with her again, my fourth nipple shall be pierced by a stiletto." Harry flicks his wrist and grins. "But who cares? Because I've got three back ups." I chuckle along with Harry as he pulls into the parking lot of the airport. Once he's parked the car, I'm about to get off when he places his hand on my arm, making me turn to face him. Harry stares at me for a few seconds, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"What're you doing?" I finally ask, shifting a little away from his leaning body.

"Memorizing your face." Harry answers as if it's the most obvious answer in the world.

"I'll send you pictures of this ugly beauty." I point at my face and wink at him. Harry laughs, and shakes his head.

"How paradoxical," he whispers. And just like that, Harry's hands are splayed on either side of my face and he's pulling it closer to his. My breath catches, but I don't offer any form of protest. I don't want to but I should.

"Don't, please." Harry whispers, his breath fanning my face. He smiles, unsure and nervous. "Please don't pierce my nipple for this." And our lips are one. I don't know if he's kissing me, if I'm responding or if I'm the one in control. My mind's a blur and so are my eyes. For some reason, tears are leaking out of the two dams on my face. Harry smiles, as he moves closer to me. He pulls back, but I don't let him end this perfect moment just yet.

"No," I murmur and we're one once more. Just the way it should've been all along. Just the way I've always wanted it to be. Just the way it can't be. Can't be. Can't be. Can't be.

And just like that, I'm scrambling out of the car and onto the pavement.

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