Love Overrides All Other Feelings

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"So Mus, read any new books lately?" Gemma asks, leaning forwards so that she can get a better look at me. I shake my head.
"No, I haven't read a book in years." From the corner of my eyes, I can see Harry frown.
"Why?" Gemma fake gasps and places a hand over her heart.
"I'm so busy nowadays. I guess I just don't get the time," I reply.
"Wow, never thought you'd say that." Liam stands up, and rings his fork against the champagne flute in his hand, grabbing everyone's attention.
"Everyone! Friends, family and brothers." Liam addresses everyone at the table, smiling. "In less than a week, Kate and I are going to be proud parents of two little devils." He looks down at his fiancee and affection fills his gaze. "I want to thank you all for being so supportive and for guiding us through this journey that was completely foreign for us. Honest to God, mums," Liam's eyes sweep over all the mums at the table. Including Niall's sister-in-law. "We wouldn't have been able to make it through without your kind words and great advice. Cheers to you all!" Everyone raises their alcohol filled glasses and I raise my Coke glass, feeling like the odd one out. Well, when have I ever wanted to be ordinary? "Secondly, I wanna thank the other people sitting here. Dad, your words and experience really helped me along the way. Boys and girl," Liam looks at his fellow band-mates and me. "Thank you for listening to me rant late at nights. Thanks for encouraging me to bear with Kate's mood swings." At this he receives a wack, making us all chuckle. "Which clearly haven't ended still." He places his hand on the back of Kate's neck and rubs his thumb along her shoulder affectionately.
"I'm sorry," Harry whispers. Puzzled, I turn my head and stare at him.
"Did you just apologize?" I ask, incredulous.
"Don't make me say it again," Harry says through gritted teeth. "It was hard enough to say the first time."
"Why?" I know why he's apologizing, but I wanna hear him regret touching me.
"God Mus, you're frustrating!" Harry hisses. "For bruising you. Manhandling you and yelling at you. I'm sorry, okay?"
"Wow, you don't sound very apologetic, now do you?" Internally, I'm giggling like a schoolgirl. However, I keep my expression stoic and my posture composed.
"I am! I'm. Sorry." Harry's tone is getting louder by the second. Liam's still toasting to everyone at the table. However, I've lost track of what he's saying. "It was the hangover."
"Oh, so last night you were drunk as well?" I question, genuinely curious to know.
"Of course I was! Don't press my buttons, Mus." Harry warns, sitting up straighter.
"I'm not," I answer simply. "There's no reason for me to do so." I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. Silence.
"Can I ask you a question?" Harry speaks after a few seconds.
"You already have. Shoot!" Both of us are staring at Liam, but aren't really listening to what he's saying. Through the corner of my eye, I can see Harry take out a cigarette from his pocket.
"Why have you stopped reading?" This question takes me aback, as I wasn't expecting it.
"What do you mean?" I question, puzzled. "I've already answered that question, I got busy."
"Yeah, I heard you, but years ago, no matter how busy you were you'd find time for a book. Even if it was for 5 minutes. How come you've gotten so busy that you can't even spare 5 minutes?" I don't want to answer that question. Harry can see through me way too clearly and I hate it. "You know what? Forget that I asked. Forget we had this conversation." Harry's chair scrapes against the floor, turning everyone's attention toward him. He gets up and heads toward the exit of the restaurant in a haste. Gone to smoke I bet.
The rest of the dinner passes in silence. I listen in on other's conversations and speak when the conversation is directed towards me. When it's time to leave, we find out that Liam's family is going to crash at his place.
"We only have one car," Liam says, frowning.
"Mus can come with me." Harry offers, stepping beside me. "You get your family home and I'll bring her." Harry nods with his chin toward me.
"Um..." Liam looks at me, seeing if I am comfortable with this arrangement.
"Sure," I say. "If I message SOS, means I need help." I wink at Liam, and he chuckles.
"Bring her home safely." Liam tells Harry. Though his tone is playful, there's a silent warning in his eyes. Harry purses his lips and nods. Awkwardly, I shift my weight from one foot to another.
"Let's go," Harry says. He fishes out the keys from his pocket and twirls them around his index finger. I roll my eyes and follow him to wherever his car's parked. Harry takes out another cigarette and plugs it into his mouth.
"The fuck, Harry?!" I exclaim, disgusted. "You've had five cigarettes since we came. This isn't healthy." I reach out and yank the cig out of his mouth. "You're not having another."
"Mus! Give it back," Harry yells. He reaches towards my hand for it, but I just move it behind my back.
"No, I will not. And if you dare take out another, I will take that too." I warn, chucking the stick into a bin. Harry glares at the bin and then at me.
"This isn't your life, or your choice to make." Harry says, crossing his arms across his chest.
"No, it isn't." I agree. "But when someone is committing suicide in front of me, it's my duty to stop them and not just stand by and watch." Harry clenches his jaw and his fists ball up. I hear him hissing and cursing underneath his breath, but I don't give a damn. This man can go ahead and throw a tantrum and I'd still stand my ground.
"It's that one." Harry says, pointing at a BMW. He walks over to the driver's seat and settles in. I stand in front of the car, taking in it's features. For some reason, I'd never expect Harry to own something like this. He was more of a Mercedes guy, who also enjoyed Harley's. However, this car is - it's hard to explain - but it's just not Harry. He honks, making me jump. Hastily, I get in beside him. Before I can even shut the door, Harry speeds out of the space and down the road.
"Calm the heck down." I hiss, as I'm thrown back into my seat. It's dark, the only light being cast by the street lamps, but if I'm not mistaken I see Harry smirk. Asshole! I roll my eyes.
"My car. My driving style. Live with it." Harry fires back, but there's a hint of playfulness in his tone. The car comes to a halt, and I'm thrown forwards. My seat belt jerks, making me groan in annoyance.
"Can you please fulfill Liam's wishes and get me home safely?" I question, glaring at the rash driver beside me.
"Of course, Ma'am. You may incur a few scars and a broken leg. Other than that, you should be good." Harry sarcastically replies, giving me a fake smile. I return it, and turn to face the window. Harry clears his throat. "How' and Carter?" My head spins to face him, taken aback by the question.
"Good." I answer unsurely, not where this conversation is headed. Harry takes my cautious tone as a sign that I'm lying. He stares at me for a second, before pursing his lips and staring at the traffic light.
"Your habit hasn't changed, has it?" Harry asks, placing his elbow on the edge of the window.
"What habit?" I question, puzzled.
"Of lying."
"I don't lie!" I snap, annoyed at Harry's false claim. He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.
"Okay, whatever helps you sleep at night." Harry flicks his wrist, dismissing the topic.
"Fuck you." I hiss underneath my breath. For some reason, Harry's false accusation has gotten to my head. I'm drowning in rage, so I turn to stare out of the window; trying to win back some of my calmness.
"Why Rain?" The question is out before I can even process what I've said.
"What?" Harry questions, his tone edgy.
"Forget it," I murmur.
"Mus, get one thing straight in your head. We've broken up. Done. Through! So don't act as if you have any hold over me."
"I wasn't-"
"You know what? Can we just stay silent? Because every time either of us opens our mouth, an argument begins."
"I've got no problem with that." After that, neither of us say anything for the rest of the ride home. Ten minutes or so later, Harry steers into Liam's driveway. There are already two cars parked. I get out hastily, slamming the door behind me. I stride over to the front door, but before I can press the doorbell, Harry grabs my forearm - gentler than last time - and turns me around to face him. He takes a step closer; his breath fans my face, as we have a stare-off contest.
"I'm so fucking done with you," Harry says. I open my mouth to say something, but Harry clamps his palm over it, silencing me. "Let me speak for once!" Harry turns his head, and huffs. "I want to hate you so bad. But I can't." A resigned sigh releases from Harry's lips. His eyes come back into contact with mine. "I-I manhandle you, abuse you, and act rude. But then my fucking conscience...fuck! I'm sorry." I moisten my lips, transfixed by Harry's alluring scent. He's always had some sort of control over me. "I'm sorry for my arsehole caliber behavior in the car." His hand releases my arm. He turns around and jogs over to his car. Before getting in, Harry stares at me for a couple more seconds. And then he's gone.

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