Silent Tears Of Pain And Betrayal

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A loud crash fills my ears, invading my sleep. I groan, turning my head to the opposite direction of the sound.
"Wakey wakey, you two!" Liam yells. I lift my head up to find myself facing the fridge. What the...I sit up straighter, taking in my surroundings. I'm in the kitchen. Why am I in the kitchen? Harry's seated beside me, still sleeping.
"Why the hell..." I trail off, as the events of last night enter my head like a whirlwind. Harry. That word explains it all. I get off the stool, my ass stiff from sitting on it for half of the night.
"What the hell happened?" Kate questions me. She's leaning against the counter, eyebrows cocked. Her eyes flit over to Harry and then land back on me.
"Nothing," I shrug my shoulders innocently. "He came in asking for food, and I offered some. That's it." Kate lets out a short bark of laughter.
"Mus, you're making him sound like a beggar." Kate shakes her head at my recount of last night's events.
"Well that is what happened." I say, opening the fridge. "Need milk," I murmur.
"Okay, if you say so." Kate says, in a tone that makes me lift my head and narrow my eyes at her.
"Don't make it sound like you don't believe me." I take out a carton of milk and slam the fridge shut. This makes Harry groan and stir. His eyes open for a second, before shutting again.
"Get up sleepyhead!" Kate yells, making me wince.
"Fuck," I hiss. "Don't yell early in the morning."
"It's noon." Liam says, re-entering the kitchen through the backdoor. He has a newspaper in hand and a mug of coffee in the other. "So pardon us for waking you guys up so early."
"Fuck, it's noon!" I exclaim, checking the time on the microwave for assurance. Surely, it's noon. "I've never slept above 10."
"Well, this is why this trip of yours is called a vacation." Kate says, smacking my ass as she passes me.
"Lesbian much," I murmur. My best friend grins at me before exiting the kitchen. I take one last glance at Harry's serene face, before following suit.
As I pull on a sweatshirt there's a banging at my door that makes me jump.
"Who's there?!" I yell, navigating through my messy room towards the door.
"Me!" Harry yells back. "Open the fucking door, Mus!" His raging tone makes me hasten my pace. I unlock the door and am immediately shoved backwards. Harry grips my forearms, and squeezes hard.
"Stop ruining my life!" He yells, making me move my head back.
"Why're you yelling?" I ask calmly, squirming in his death grip. Harry releases my right arm, and grabs my face.
"Don't try to re-enter my life, Mus. You've ruined it once and I won't let you do it again." Harry warns, his tone deadly low and leveled.
"I'm not trying to enter your life." I clarify, jerking my face out of Harry's hand. "You came last night, desperate for food and a place to crash, so being a nice human I offered. That's it." Harry's so infuriated that his breathing is rapid and heavy. He frowns and scoffs.
"This is so you. God, you're such a fat liar and a bitch," Harry flicks his wrist. "I made a mistake by coming here last night and I pray to God that it never happens again."
"If you consumed less weed, this wouldn't even have happened last night." I say, looking at this man - who I do not know - with disgust. "Go home now, Harry and fuck Rain. Cause I'm pretty sure that's all you do nowadays." I turn around, but I'm yanked back before I can even take a step. Harry flips me around and grips my throat, cutting off my air supply. My hands wound around his wrist, trying to pry his hand off my throat.
"Let...Me...Go," I manage to choke out.
"Don't you fucking dare interfere in my personal life, or pass comments about it. I mean it," Harry says, his icy orbs looking straight into my fearful ones. Harry stares at me for barely two more seconds, before releasing me and marching out of my room. I just stand, rooted to my spot, shaken up by what just happened. That fucking asshole! I want to run after him and kick him where the sun don't shine. Instead, I turn around and take a seat on the edge of the bed. As I lift my hands to wipe the sweat off my forehead, I notice they're shaking. Out of fear. The one person who I thought could never hurt me in any way just did. I bury my face in my hands and let the silent tears of pain and betrayal escape.

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