Another Proposal

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I unzip my duffel bag and pull out my makeup pouch. I unzip it and take out the white sheet of paper that I've neatly folded and stored there for safekeeping. Harry walks in just as I'm about to read the same note for the fiftieth time. He comes over to me and places his hands on my shoulders, massaging me.

"What's that?" Harry asks, bending down and kissing my head.

"Joshua's will," I let out a short laugh. "He drafted it two weeks ago, so that I know which stuff of his is mine and what belongs to others." I turn my head upwards and look up at Harry. "He left you all his action figures." Harry grins and cocks an eyebrow.

"And why am I hearing about this now? Were you planning on not telling me and then keeping what's mine?" Harry asks, taking the paper from me. "I'm suing you."

"Geez man, chill." I say, raising my hands up in surrender. Harry takes a seat on the bed and reads the letter. A smile passes across his lips, but his eyes are melancholic. Harry looks up, his eyes glossy.

"When'd it happen, Mus? I mean, was it the day I came?" Harry asks, his eyes wary. He doesn't know how I'll react, but now I'm able to speak about Joshua without completely falling apart.

"Yeah, it happened early morning that day." I say, chewing on my lower lip. "He had been hospitalized eight days prior to that and...then the time came." I pull my legs up beside me.

"Well, I'm honored." Harry says, forcing a smile onto his face. "To have such a great action figure collection. To be honest, mine isn't as cool as Joshua's." I laugh.

"I bet not. You've no idea how many dollars he spent on them." There's a knock at the door and in walks Kate, without waiting for a reply.

"Guys, Liam and I are dying." Kate complains. "And since you two are here I thought it'd be a good idea for you guys to help out." She walks up to me and hands Sky to me. "Thanks." Kate waves at the two of us and exits. Harry makes a face at her as she shuts the door. But I'm more than happy to hold Sky. I'm already making faces at the little girl, swinging her in my arms.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" I ask Harry, placing my index finger on the little one's chin.

"For now," Harry scoffs. "Her mom's Kate. Imagine what a monster is in the making."

"Oh no you aren't." I tell Sky. "You're gonna be a princess and your godfather will love you loads, no matter his attitude right now." I stick my tongue out at Harry. "Kids understand what we say around them. Be nice to Sky."

"A fact is a fact, love." Harry leans into me and kisses my forehead. Sky's eyes flutter open and she stares at the two of us. "But our child will surely be a babe." Harry whispers in my ear, stopping my breath for a few seconds.

"After all, she or he will have my good looks." I say, recovering. I wink at Harry, making him pout.

"What about me?" Harry whines. "My dimple? My eyes? My panty dropping smile?" I look at Harry, trying to portray disbelief on my face.

"You have all of that?" I ask, dropping my mouth open. Harry narrows his eyes at me.

"Haha, very funny, love. You know I'm a hotshot."

"Firstly, the fact that you called yourself a hotshot speaks volumes." I say, laughing. "Secondly, you're not as charming as you think."

"Oh please, I was able to woo you, right?" I wear my best thinking face and then shake my head.

"I mean you're okay." I say, shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly. Harry feigns horror and leans into me. He opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Harry throws his head back, groaning. He picks up his phone off the bedside table and frowns when his eyes land on the screen. "All okay?"

"Yeah, I'll just cater to this quickly." Harry says, getting up and leaving the room hastily. I smile to myself, feeling lucky as always that I have this man in my life. Harry hasn't initiated any conversation about a proposal yet, which worries me. But at the same time, I know I should give it time. Just the fact that he didn't shy away from the topic means a lot to me. Plus, I feel like I kinda of rushed it. However, I really felt that I needed to get that topic off my chest. Because I don't want Harry to be under the impression that even now, years later, I just want to hold the title of his girlfriend. No, I want more. And maybe I always have, but I just didn't know. Sky begins to cry in my arms, commanding all my attention for herself.
"So we're taking another walk down the pier?" I ask Harry, as we stroll over the wooden walkway, arms looped.

"Yup," Harry pops the p. "It's the most romantic thing I can think of." I roll my eyes and scoff.

"See, I'm dating such a boring old man." Harry laughs and wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to his body.

"And you love him." Harry gives me a small peck on the lips and smiles. "I love you."

"I love you too," I smile to myself contentedly. At the end of the walkway, a yacht's parked. It's decorated with white fairy lights and pink roses. "Seems like someone's having a party," I comment. Harry grins cryptically and turns around, walking backwards, his face towards me.

"That's our yacht," Harry says. He motions for me to quicken my pace and I oblige, confused.

"What's going on, Haz?" I question, laughing as he turns around and begins to run. I break into a run as well, our shoes ringing against the boardwalk. Harry stops at the end of the boardwalk and turns to face me. He holds out a hand for me and wiggles his fingers.

"Come on, Mus! I'm dying here," Harry whines. I grab hold of his hand and he hoists me into his arms - bridal style - and carries me onto the yacht.

"I'm dying of suspense," I complain. "What's going on, Harry?" My cryptic boyfriend just smirks at me and stares at me with a mysterious gleam in his eyes. He keeps walking across the main deck of the yacht. All the railings are heavily decorated with fairy lights and the sides of the yacht are draped with light pink drapes. Harry moves to the other side of the deck. This side is similarly decorated with fairy lights, but the drapes are white. A small pavilion-like dome has been set up here. Harry sets me down in the center of it and takes my hands in his.

"Last time my proposal wasn't half as romantic as this. It probably wasn't even romantic at all," Harry says. "But this time I made sure to make it one of the best proposals you'll ever get. Especially, because this is your first proper proposal and the last one." I agree. My previous engagement to Carter doesn't count. Harry gets down on one knee, my hands still held in his. "Mus, you actually managed to steal my heart since the day we met. Don't ask me how though because I have no idea." Harry grins and shakes his head. "It was probably love at first sight, I don't know. Whatever it was, I'm happy it happened. Believe me now when I say this, I can and will do anything for you, love. Even though I'm more than happy to hold whatever title you give me, my heart is a selfish thing and it'll always want more with you." Harry reaches into his jacket and takes out a star shaped box. He opens it and holds it up for me to see. "I want us to share everything together from now onwards; our life, our wealth, our time - everything. Love, would you do me the honor and marry me?" Harry stares at me hopefully. Words seem to have bailed on, so all I can manage is a nod. My eyes are filling up with happy tears. Harry grins and takes out the ring, tosses the box onto the side and slips the ring onto my finger. He stands up, and cups my face in his hands, sealing the proposal with a memorable kiss. By the time he pulls back, my cheeks are wet with tears.

"I love you so much," I whisper. Harry wipes my tears away with his thumbs and presses his lips against my forehead.

"But not as much as I love you," Harry teases. I grin and wrap my arms around his neck.

"So what's next?" I question, arching an eyebrow. Harry looks out towards the pier and sighs.

"Tonight, we're staying here. And after that, I don't know." Harry says, shrugging his shoulders. He looks down at me and smiles. "But I can assure you, I'm positive we're going to have the time of our lives. After all, I have you as my life partner." Harry leans his forehead onto mine, as he releases a breath of relief.

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