Our Time

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Harry's POV
"Good morning you two!" Liam greets Mus and I, as we enter the kitchen, hands entwined.

"Hello," I say. Mus smiles and nods her head at Liam. He winks at her and slides a glass of orange juice in onto the bar.

"That's for you, Harry. And this is for you Mus." Liam says, placing a mug of coffee onto the bar as well. We both take our drinks gratefully and seat ourselves onto the stools. Mus keeps my hand tightly enclosed in hers.

"Where are the little ones and Kate?" Mus asks.

"She's feeding them," Liam answers. "They'll be down any minute now." The poor guy has such dark bags under his eyes that I want to advice him to start using make up to conceal them. I guess that's what kids do to parents.

"You look horrible, Liam." I say, laughing. He pouts and flicks his wrist at me.

"I've been staying awake thanks to coffee and energy drinks. I barely sleep for half an hour before one of them, or both of them start screaming. So yeah, pardon me for not looking my best." Liam shoots, making a face at me.

"Didn't know you were on your period." The laugh that tinkles around the kitchen stuns us both into silence. Mus is actually laughing at our antics, which makes me feel immensely proud of myself. I feel like I just accomplished a great feat.

"What're you laughing at?" Liam questions, trying to maintain a frown, but he can't suppress the grin that spreads across his lips. He's just as contented about the fact that Mus is laughing and enjoying this moment. "When you have kids and have to stay up late changing their diapers and rocking them to sleep, you won't be so jovial."

"I bet not, but for that I have Harry. Right?" Mus turns to face me, cocking an eyebrow. My head nods at its own accord because I'm just stunned that Mus has even for a second accepted to have children with me.

"Your wish is my command." I say, taking her hand and kissing it. Mus' laughs continue, and she throws her head back.

"You won't be saying that when the time comes." Liam says, rubbing at his eyes. "Good God, I'm deprived of some serious beauty sleep."

"And you won't be getting any. At least in the months to come," Kate says. She enters the kitchen and immediately makes a beeline for the fridge. "I'm starved and that leads to less milk being pumped out, which in turn leads to unhappy monsters. Not a good combination."

"TMI, Kate. TMI," Mus says. "There are people sitting here who actually want to eat without throwing up."

"If I have to deal with it, you guys at least have to hear me out." Kate shuts the fridge door and turns around, an ice cream tub clutched in her arm. "I didn't know what I was asking for when I decided to go ahead and conceive."

"I told you so," Liam tells her. Kate narrows her eyes at him and growls. The woman actually growls!

"You never!" Kate says, her tone deadly calm and lethal.

"Hell fears a woman's wrath," I murmur. Mus nods her head and leans into me, placing her lips near my ear.

"I bet it fears a sleep deprived woman's wrath even more," Mus whispers. A chuckle escapes my lips, making Kate turn and glare at me. And just like that, all signs of mirth are erased from my face.

"I swear to God, everyone in this house is pmsing today!" Liam exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air.
"Harry?" Mus says, as I complete another lap and come up for air. I swim toward the edge of the pool and place my arms on the tiled floor, gazing up at her.

"Yeah, love?" I ask.

"Do you...Do you maybe think that the p-proposal you made years ago is still valid?" Mus asks hesitantly. I don't think I'm able to mask the surprise on my face.

"D-Do you want it to be valid?" I question, cocking an eyebrow. Mus is staring at the book in her hand.

"I-Is it too soon? I mean we just got back together and...Will it be too soon for you?" Mus questions, her eyes transfixed on the book in hand. I hoist myself up with the help of my arms and get out of the pool. This conversation needs to be carried out properly. I take a seat on the lounger beside Mus and grab a towel to wipe myself off.

"I've known you for years, love and even though we've had a...break in the middle, I know you're still the same woman I loved years ago and will love years from now." I lean forwards and try to peer into Mus' eyes. "So, yeah, my offer is still valid and it'll always be valid until the day you're ready. And even if years from now you aren't ready, it's okay. All that matters for me is you." Mus places the book that she was reading on the table between our loungers and looks up at me - her eyes clouded with doubt.

"I-I think I'm ready to take on another title in our relationship." Mus says, as she licks her lips nervously. I don't know what I'm doing for the next thirty seconds. All I know is that Mus is in my arms and I'm swiveling her around and around, as she laughs.

"You've made me the happiest man on Earth today!" I tell her, grinning. I lower Mus and smash our lips together, the urgency in my kiss cannot be masked today. I need her to know just how excited she's made me. I'm jumping from the inside like a little boy. I kiss Mus for God knows how long, all I know is that I don't wanna pull away. I want to just hold this amazing woman in my arms for eternity and worship her.

"I've got the ring up in the room." I say, finally pulling back and allowing Mus to breathe. She grins at me and places her hand behind my head, entangling her hand in my wet curls.

"You've kept it all these years?" Mus asks, raising her eyebrows in amazement.

"Of course, it's meant for your ring finger, love. No one else's," I say. Mus leans her forehead onto mine and smiles.

"Thank you for loving me after all this time, even though I mistreated your love." I pass my hand through her hair, messing it up.

"It wasn't our time then, but it is now."

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