Chapter 1: "So, Are You And John Going To Celebrate? Huh, Huh." - Seth Rollins ♥

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A/N: Yay!! A Neth Bellins Fanfiction. I always wanted to start one but I never really got round to it. But here it is and I hope you guys are just as excited as I am. You guys should really check the video out because trust me, it's shocking. I was literally like, 'How are they not a couple right now?' after watching it. Anyways, enough of me blubbering about. On with the story.

Just to be clear, I will be using some of the story lines WWE has used but I will be altering them a little and changing around the dates so they go with the story. Just to clear the confusion. And John Cena is kinda the villain in this story but I have nothing against him. He is an amazing wrestler with lots of talent.

I really got to shut up now, don't I?

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Nikki's POV:

"Here is your winner, and still the WWE Raw Women's Champion, Nikki Bella!!" I heard as I got up and the ref raised my hand. 

I did it. I became the longest reigning Women's Champion in history. It was something I always dreamed of achieving but I never actually thought I would do it. I actually felt really proud of myself. I went over to my twin sister, Brie, giving her a hug, along with Alicia Fox. 

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I got backstage and everyone congratulated me. I couldn't describe how happy I was. 

"Nikki!!" I heard a familiar voice call. 

I turned around and saw my boyfriend, John Cena, walking to me. He picked me up, spinning me around as I laughed. 

"I'm so proud of you baby." he said, giving me a kiss. 

"Thanks. I still can't believe I've done it." I said.

"You should believe it. You did it because of your hard work." he said.

"Nikki!!!" I heard another familiar voice call.

I turned around and saw my best friend, Seth Rollins, approach us. 

"Nikki, I'm so pr-" he stopped when he saw both me and John. "Okay, this is awkward. I kinda ruined your moment. I'll talk to you later."

He smiled, shaking his head as he walked away. 

"I love him." I said, chuckling. 

"Well, hopefully, you love me more." John said. 

"Don't worry. I don't feel that way about him. I love you." I said, making him smile. 

"Good, how about we go out later to celebrate?" he asked. 

"Sure, we haven't gone out in ages." I said. 

He kissed me goodbye and I decided to head to Seth's locker room.

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I knocked on the door of Seth's locker room and waited for the door to open. Seth opened the door and a huge smile appeared on his face. 

"Aaaahh!!" I squealed as he pulled me into a hug. 

"I'm so proud of you Nikks." he said, pulling away. 

"Thanks Ninja." I said, running my hand through his hair. I always loved his hair. It was one of my favorite things about him, next to his childlike behavior. I always called him Ninja too. He was a high flyer athlete after all.

"And because I knew my bestie would win, what better way of congratulating you than with your favorite flowers?" he said, pulling out a bouquet of peach roses, my favorite flowers. 

It Feels....So Right | Neth Bellins | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now