Chapter 3: Who's That Knocking?

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Chapter 3

Who's That Knocking?

"So I'll be waiting in the car?" Ivy killed the engine to her car as she slid into a prime parking spot near the back entrance of St. Augustine High.

"If you don't mind." Suzette was already popping open the passenger door.

Ivy shrugged and picked at her finger nail polish. "What are friends for?" A smile crept onto her face, signaling Suzette that she was in the clear.

"I'll try not to be too slow!" Suzette shouting, slamming the door as she headed up the cracking sidewalk. She was more concerned about her temper. She was already a little angry at the knitting group for stealing her time slot, and she had a horrible history with temper tantrums. She had been seeing a therapist for anger management up until the eighth grade. Her parents took comfort in thinking she now had it all under control, but when she got too fiery, she lost it.

Trying to shake the thought, Suzette pushed open the slightly smudged glass door, one that the janitor had obviously not gotten to yet, and pushed some fly away hairs out of her deep brown eyes. Suzette was surprised to discover very few lights on. Usually the school hallways were buzzing with club meetings and sports events until at least 7:30, but that night it looked almost abandoned. Suzette smirked and almost felt like pretending she was a screaming horror movie star trapped in a high school with a serial killer, but that was just her geeky side seeping out. She quickly cleared her throat and regained composure. 

Feeling slightly rebellious, and trying to spare some time for Ivy's sake, Suzette decided to take the elevator. There was no one nearby to stop her from ignoring the "For handicap use only" sign, after all. She entered the silver elevator, which smelled of glue and rubber, and pressed the level three button until it glowed underneath her finger tip. In seconds the doors slid open again and Suzette winced as it made a load ding, announcing her presence. So much for a sneak attack. 

She made way over to the conference room and placed her ear on the door. She heard nothing. She assumed that they'd heard the elevator ring. She took a step back and jiggled the doorknob, and wasn't too surprised to discover it was locked. She tried another approach; rapping her knuckles on the door frame. She smiled upon hearing someone inside the room let out a small cough.

"I hear you in there." Suzette tried to sound as intimidating as possible, but she knew her girlish voice would never pass for it. All that answered were muffled whispers. "C'mon," She tried again. "I just want to talk. My name's-"

But before she could answer, the door swung open. A guy a few inches taller than her appeared in the door way. He had a serious look on his well sculpted face, and his blue eyes were deep and drilling. He ran his fingers through his tousled dark hair. "Let me finish that sentence for you." He demanded, his voice rich. "You're Suzette Kimberly."

Suzette blinked heavily. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

He laughed, a playful sound. "Nope."

"So how do you know my name?" Suzette asked, interested. 

He pointed to the clipboard. "You signed your name."

Suzette squinted her eyes and looked at the clipboard. She felt like smacking her forehead. How could she forget that she signed her name after she printed the time of the History Buffs meeting?Of course a hot guy wouldn't just magically know who she was.

"Okay, so I did." She agreed. "Yet, I don't know who you are."

"You have no reason to know who I am. We don't know each other." He said simply.

"Alright, I don't need to know your name. Can I come in?" Suzette was trying to remain calm.

"Let me think about it." He placed a finger on his chin. "No." With that, he slammed the door in her face.

Suzette didn't shout or curse, but she wasn't about to give up. She tried the door knob again. It was locked. Thinking on her feet, she dug into her jacket pockets until she felt the bumpy ridges of a bobby pin. Pleased with herself, she slid it into the lock and began twisting the pin around. She was beginning to feel like a failed Nancy Drew when she heard a click and the door moved a centimeter. Suzette squealed and pushed it open, revealing a circle of folding chairs. Three, to be exact. There was a high school aged boy seated in every one of them, and the guy who'd answered the door earlier was standing up. It looked like Suzette had caught him mid sentence.

He threw his hands up. "What the hell?"

Suzette stuffed the bobby pin back into her pocket. "I just want you to answer a question for me."

One of the guys sitting in a fold up chair cleared his throat. Suzette thought he must've been the one coughing earlier. He had frizzy golden hair and a crisp green button up. "What do you need?" He asked. Once the words came out of his mouth, the others looked at him like he was an alien. 

"Where are your knitting needles?" Suzette asked, straight up.

Laughter exploded in the small conference room. Everyone's faces were bright red and their eyes were watering. All except blue eyed boy. "Suzette," He called over the chuckles. "You should go." 

But Suzette wasn't even close to done with them. 

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