Chapter 25: Be Suzette's Guest

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Chapter 25

Be Suzette's Guest

"Why did you get yourself involved with that stupid club?" It was the next day, and Georgie and Rick Kimberly were in plastic chairs by Suzette's bedside. Damien had been there initially, but had to leave in order to be on time to school. 

"I was curious." That was the only truthful answer Suzette could offer. 

"You were curious." Rick pushed up his glasses. "Sorry, Suzie. That's not a good enough excuse."

"Is it because of the boy?" Georgie asked, twirling a piece of hair.

"It wasn't at first. At first he made me really angry. All he did was give me the address, I didn't even know it was a fight club until I got there!" Suzette defended herself. 

"So it wasn't about the boy at first. What about now?" Georgie probed.

Suzette rolled her eyes. "His name is not 'the boy', mom. His name is Reed Fields, and I really like him." 

"I don't care what his name is, he's trouble to me!" Georgie exclaimed.

"Mom! You don't understand where he's coming from. You don't know his story!" Suzette found herself yelling for the first time since she had awoken.

Georgie crossed her legs. "You're right. I don't know his story. But I do know that he fought people for money. Isn't that enough to pose a red flag for you?" 

"Nothing you say is going to change my mind." Suzette couldn't even look at her mother. Would she ever understand? Before Georgie could say another word, there was a knock on the door."Come in!" Suzette called. 

The door swung open to reveal Ivy, dressed in sweats for what was probably the first him in years. "I hope I'm not interrupting." She said when she saw Georgie and Rick.

"You're fine, Ivy." Rick said, standing. "Georgie and I were just going to get some coffee." He winked at Suzette. A small signal he was on her side. "We'll give you two some time to talk."

Suzette's parents exited the room in silence and Ivy rushed over to give her friend a hug. "I got the call that you were awake just this morning." Ivy explained. "When I saw the caller ID I was sure they were going to tell me something terrible. I'm so glad you're okay. I've been totally on edge."

"Ivy, if I wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead." Suzette said gratefully. "Reed told me how you called 911 against Harmony's will."

Ivy sniffled, trying not to get emotional. "I'm not a hero. I just had a phone."

"Don't be so modest." Suzette teased. "You're an amazing friend."

"So are you!" Ivy complemented. "I don't know how I would've carried on if you would've died!"

"Let's try not to be so morbid." Suzette pleaded, a smile on her face. "I am still breathing, you know."

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry." Ivy said quickly. "I just kept preparing myself for the worst, you know?"

"Yeah." Suzette agreed. 

"So, have they tracked Pauly down yet?" Ivy asked, changing the subject.

"Not that I've heard." Suzette answered. "I have a feeling they never will."

"Why?" Ivy asked. "He couldn't have gotten that far."

"No one seems to know who he is." Suzette explained. "Reed gave the police Pauly's full name and description, yet they can't seem to find any information on him."

"Bummer." Ivy stated the obvious. "Well, you never know, things could turn around."

A smirk formed on Suzette's face. "Some things already have."

"What do you mean?" Ivy's eyes twinkled. 

"Reed and I kissed last night." Suzette felt the blush rushing to her cheeks.

"Yes!" Ivy fist pumped. "I was rooting for you two all along!"

Suzette laughed and glanced out the window that viewed into the hallway. "Speaking of which..." Reed was standing there, waving, with a middle aged woman standing beside him.

"That's my cue." Ivy said jokingly. "I'll let you guys talk. I'll come back later." She gave Suzette a quick kiss on the cheek and sashayed out of the room. 

Not a moment after the door clicked shut, it opened back up again. A short little boy with the same blue eyes as Reed came bursting through, holding a bouquet of dandelions. "For you, Suzie!" He exclaimed, setting them on Suzette's beside table.

"Thank you!" Suzette said, picking them up. She gave them a big, over dramatic sniff. "Oh, these smell wonderful!"

"That's Gavin." Reed said. He lowered his voice a little bit. "Sorry about the weeds."

"They're not weeds, Reed!" Suzette said in fake shock. "They're flowers!" She winked at Gavin like her father had winked at her and Gavin erupted in a fit of giggles. 

"And this is my mom." Reed pointed to the woman standing next to him. Her long black hair fell way past her shoulders and framed her heart shaped face, compete with those piercing blue eyes. 

"Mae." She announced, shaking Suzette's hand. "My goodness you're even more beautiful when you're awake."

"Thank you." Suzette shook Mae's warm, wrinkled hand. "I'm so glad I finally get to meet you."

"I'm looking forward to spending more time with you, Suzie." Mae beamed. "Now that you're apart of Reed's life, you're apart of Gavin and mine's as well. There's no escaping now!" She joked.

Suzette laughed. "I can't wait to get to know both of you better. I'm sure my parents will love you two. They just need to meet you."

"I hope so." Mae said. "Maybe I can talk to them soon."

"They're here right now, getting coffee downstairs." Suzette told her. 

Mae looked at Suzette thoughtfully. "I think Gavin and I will go officially meet them." 

Gavin groaned. "But I wanna stay here with Suzie!"

"It'll only be a moment, dear." Mae assured the fussy boy.

"And then you can come back and we can do something together." Suzette promised.

"Like color? I have a bunch of coloring books!" Gavin was practically jumping up and down.

"Sure, we can color." Suzette agreed.

These pleased Gavin so much that he didn't seem to mind going along with Mae anymore. She waved as she left the room, leaving Reed and Suzette alone. 

"I'm sorry if they came off a little too strong." Reed said, seeming a bit embarrassed. "It's just that, they've loved you since the minute they saw you."

Suzette felt warmth throughout her entire body. "Tell them the feeling is mutual."

"You're awesome." He said, intertwining his fingers with her's. "Do you think everything will work out between our parents?"

Suzette shrugged. "I don't know. I want things to. But even if they don't, I'm pretty content right now." She pulled Reed's face close to her's until she could feel his breath and they kissed.

After they released, Reed's lips curled into a half smile and he clucked his tongue. "Suzette Kimberly." 

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