Chapter 7: Lunch Blues

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Chapter 7

Lunch Blues

On Friday, Suzette was blown away. Three boys she had never seen prior to the day before, she saw all at once, in a flash. First it was Louie, sneakers squeaking on the cafeteria tile. They both saw each other, but no exchanges were made. Then it was Smith, puzzling over some complex math homework. Lastly, it was Peter, the only one who acknowledged Suzette with a small nod. But, looked as she may, Reed was no where in sight. 

She had yet to patch things up with Ivy, so she was spending her time with school friends like Miranda and Diane, who she was smushed in between at a plastic sealed lunch table. They weren't much for conversation, but they made Suzette feel less lonely.

"Suzette, what'd you get on the chemistry test?" Miranda asked suddenly, pushing her thick rimmed glasses up her nose.

"I got a C." Suzette answered, picking at her chicken salad.

"For real? I got an A plus. Mr. Riteman gave me extra credit, and I didn't even do any!" Miranda bragged. The entire table seemed to cheer her on. All except for Suzette. Instead, she rolled her eyes and looked around the packed cafeteria. When she saw a rush of bouncing blond curls, she automatically stood up. 

"Uh, Suzette?" Diane tugged at one of her braids, giving Suzette a strange look.

"Sorry" Suzette sputtered. "I need to go throw my garbage away." She backed away from the table and dashed over to the spot she'd seen the golden locks. Sure enough, Ivy was standing there, posed against a support beam and clicking away on her iPhone. Today, her outfit consisted of light washed skinny jeans and a deep v necked tee. "Ivy." 

It took her a moment, but soon Ivy looked up from her small glowing screen. There was a look of expantancey on her face, but when she saw Suzette standing before her, it quickly fell. "Suzette." 

"I came to apologize." Suzette proceeded with caution. 

"Really? You're going to apologize to a stuck up bitch?" Ivy fidgeted with her iPhone, slapping it on her palms.

Suzette looked at the floor. "Yes, I am going to apologize. But not to a stuck up bitch. I'm going to apologize to my best friend." 

Ivy smiled a bit. She was a sucker for cheesy stuff. "Okay, before I forgive you, we both need to agree that you were really mean."

Suzette nodded. "I went too far." 

Suddenly, Ivy was crushing Suzette with surprising strength. A hug. "I've missed you, Suzie!"

Suzette laughed into Ivy's hair. "It's only been two days!"

Ivy broke away from the hug. "It's felt like forever."

"So, am I forgiven?" Suzette tried her best to give puppy dog eyes.

Ivy giggled. "Of course!"

A huge weight disappeared off of Suzette's shoulder blades. "Can I spend the rest of lunch with you? Miranda's bragging about test scores again."

Ivy flicked her hair. "I don't understand your friendship with that girl."

"You know what?" Suzette said, looping her arm through Ivy's. "I don't really either."

Ivy decided to flip the subject. "So are you going on Saturday?"

"Yeah, I guess I am." Suzette said quietly. "Are you still totally against me going?"

Ivy shook her head. "No. It's your choice."

Suzette gave her friend a side squeeze. "I knew I chose you to be my best friend for a reason."

Ivy laughed yet again. "Oh, it wasn't just for my stuck up bitchy-ness?" 

Suzette joined in on the fun. "Eh, maybe a little bit."

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