Chapter 13: No One Appreciates a Drunk's Vodka

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Chapter 13

No One Appreciates a Drunk's Vodka

Suzette wasn't taken aback. Reed was right, they'd only known each other for what felt like an hour. But still, she could tell he was being secretive. He was hiding something. 

"Ready to go Reed?" Harmony appeared just outside the door. Her glossy black curls were now stuffed into an over sized ballet bun atop her head. Her eyes quickly met Suzette's. "Oh. Hi Suzette." Harmony shuffled in and took a seat next to her. "Did he break your heart?" Her eyes pointed to Reed, who was still fussing with his locker, even though it was shut.

"Harmony, I already told you we're not together." Suzette replied.

At this point, Reed tuned in. "Wait. How did you two meet?"

"We sort of bumped into each other. We watched the fights together." Harmony said.

"Yes I'm sure it was a total coincidence you two 'bumped into each other'." Reed smirked.

Suzette's eyebrows furrowed. "What does he mean, Harmony?"

Reed answered instead. "If you haven't noticed, this place is filled to the brim with testosterone. Whenever there's a hint of perfume in the air, Harmony jumps on it."

Harmony laughed. "I miss having girl friends!" She turned to Suzette. "If you were in my place, you'd totally understand. You can only hang around Old Spice and Miller Lites for so long."

Suzette smiled. "I don't blame you."

"See Reed? Suzette doesn't judge me." Harmony cheered. "Anyway, Catty is waiting out front with the car." Harmony turned back to Suzette. "Catty usually stays much later but some drunk guy spilled vodka all over Catty's clothes, so his mood took a turn for the worse. He wants to get home as soon as possible." She addressed the last part at Reed.

"I'll be ready in a minute." Reed said, slightly annoyed.

"Says the world record holder for slowest slow poke." Harmony teased. 

"So he's a slow poke." Suzette took note. "What else should I know about him?"

"He's not a bad guy," Harmony explained. "I just like to make him look like one."

Reed chuckled. "Yeah well you're plan isn't working."

"Not yet." Harmony joked. "Hey Suzette, do you need a ride?"

Suzette paused. "Um," Reed wasn't mouthing the word "no" or pantamining cutting her throat, so she agreed. 

"Perfect." Harmony smiled. "Come with me." She grabbed Suzette by the wrist and led her out of the sticky locker room, through the main room, which was almost empty, and out the lobby. Pulled up to the curb by the fight club's entrance was a rattling and rusty maroon van. Through the smudged windows Suzette could see a cranky looking Catty Blue dragging a cigarette out of his lips.

Harmony knocked on the passenger side window, motioning for Catty to roll it down. Once he did, he stared at her. "What?" He asked, flicking the fiery cig out the open window, almost scorching Harmony's face. 

"This girl needs a ride." Harmony pointed to Suzette and Suzette managed a small wave.

"So?" Catty spat, picking at his front tooth.

"She's a friend of Reed's." Harmony answered flatly.

Catty shrugged. "Alright, I guess there's room for her."

"Great!" Harmony exclaimed, sliding the side door open. The car wasn't as messy as Suzette thought it would be on the inside. Save for a few empty fast food bags and gum wrappers, it was fine. "You sit back here." Harmony ordered. "I'll sit in front with Catty." She shot Suzette one more smile and then climbed in the front. 

Suzette entered the van but kept the door open, knowing Reed would be joining them shortly. She took the farthest over seat and buckled her seat belt. Catty took at look at her through the rear view mirror. "Who are you, kid?"

"I'm Suzette Kimberly." She answered, mustering up some confidence.

"So you know Reed, huh?" Catty pressed.

"Yes, we go to school together." Suzette didn't want to dwell much on her and Reed's nonexistent relationship.

"What'd you think of him tonight?" This was the question Catty was really getting at. All he wanted was feedback about his club. 

"Reed was amazing." Suzette said. She wasn't sure if she really thought that, or if she just said it to make Catty shut up. 

"He always is." Catty beamed. But it wasn't a beam of pride, it was one of greed. As long as Reed did well, Catty got money. That was all that mattered to him. 

As Suzette looked back and forth from Catty to Harmony, she couldn't imagine them as a couple. She felt like barfing at the idea of a gross blob of fat like Catty kissing a real catch like Harmony. It didn't even seem like they liked each other. This fact made Suzette extremely uncomfortable. 

"I'm here!" Suzette turned and saw Reed jumping into the van. He was still fighting to get the door closed as Catty began to pull away. 

After Suzette rattled off her address, there was silence in the car. No one seemed to mind, so Suzette assumed this was a normal car ride for them. How could people with so much to say in the fight club have nothing to say in a small space like a car? Maybe it had something to do with Catty's bad mood. When they reached her street, Suzette jumped out and yelled "thank you" from the side walk. 

"Whatever, kid!" Catty grunted. The car accelerated quickly, and the rubber wheels screeched on the pavement. He was in quite the hurry to get out of there. 

Then it hit her. 

They weren't riding in silence because Catty was covered in cheap vodka, they weren't talking because Suzette was there. 

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