Chapter 9: Smithy the Great

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Chapter 9

Smithy the Great

Suzette inhaled a sharp, quick breath. "This is insane."

Harmony clucked her tongue and adjusted a fly away hair. "You ain't seen nothing yet."

The room beyond the oak doors was claustrophobic with gobs of people surrounding a rubber maroon mat bordered in elastic fencing. The lighting was harsh and bright, shining down on the lime colored walls which were plastered with vintage wrestling posters. The crowd was buzzing with anticipation, excitement and bets. 

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The room went stone cold. Suzette adjusted her eyes to the source of the sound. A round man with a head so bald it could've passed for a bald cap stood in the center of the mat. A toothpick hung out of his mouth and a microphone was to his lips. 

Suzette turned to Harmony. "Who is that?" She whispered.

A smiled played daintily on Harmony's glossed lips. "My boyfriend, Catty Blue."

Suzette couldn't believe it; Harmony was dating the club's owner? He had to be twice her age. 

"Tonight, we've got quite the show for you. Be sure to place your bets and prepare for the first pair!" Catty's gravely voice boomed through the speakers as people grabbed crinkled bills out of their worn out wallets. 

"So you're dating the owner of this joint?" Suzette directed her question to Harmony.

Harmony picked at a hangnail. "Yeah, for the past year."

"If you don't mind my asking," Suzette ventured. "How old are you?"

Harmony smiled. "Not at all. I'm nineteen."

"I'm seventeen." Suzette said quickly, even though Harmony hadn't asked. "How old is Catty?"

Harmony didn't miss a beat. "He's thirty five." Okay, so not exactly twice Harmony's age, but pretty close. "I bet I know what you're next question is." Harmony continued with a playful smile. "You're probably thinking 'What the hell?'"

Suzette felt caught. "Well, kind of. I was more wondering how you two met."

Harmony waved a perfectly manicured hand. "It's a long story, Suzette. Maybe I'll tell it to you sometime." Harmony had a very nice way of telling people to get out of her business. But Suzette couldn't blame her, they had barely just met.

"Alright people! Are you ready to rumble?" Catty yelled into the microphone, knocking the toothpick out of his gums. The crowd was replying with excaggeraded stomps and cheers of joy. Suzette copied Harmony and stayed still and reserved. "For the first match in this corner," Catty pointed to the right. "We have the ginger who is red hot! Please welcome Smithy!" 

The moment the freckle faced boy with the skimpy arms approached the mat Suzette covered a gasp. She recognized him from the conference room at the school. "No way." She said under her breath. 

"What do you mean 'No way'?" Smith is one of the best fighters here!" Harmony exclaimed, clapping her hands together. Suzette didn't elaborate any further, though. She simply listened to what Catty had to say next. 

"And in the left corner we have the visiting competitor, Franklin!" A heavy set guy who looked like he pumped steroids entered on the other side. The crowd booed and threw kernels of popcorn and the out of town fighter. 

Smith and Franklin shook hands and Catty began counting down to signal the begining of the fight. Suzette bit her lip. There was no way little Smith could take on a large guy like Franklin. Before she knew it, Catty was at one. "Begin!" He shouted, and soon the crowd was shouting too. Franklin and Smith approached each other like strangers on the sidewalk. They looked as though they might just pass each other and jump off the mat, going their own ways. But that was the last thing on their minds. 

Franklin threw the first punch. The flesh of his bare fist hit Smith in the abdomen, and Smith toppled backwards. The crowd reacted in fear, but Smith was back on his feet in moments and began firing hits of his own. Suzette was surprised at the strength Smith had, and Franklin seemed surprised too when one of Smith's punches sent Franklin flying into the corner. He bounced off the elastic fence and met up with Smith again in the mat's middle. Smith let Franklin get a few more hits in, and then Smith began backing up. Clearly, confused, Franklin followed him. Just as Smith got to the corner, Franklin tried another punch. But Smith was already easing himself onto the elastic wires. 

The crowd was eating this up. Throwing their fists in the air in support and yelling out Smith's name like he was a Greek god. As sweat fell like rivers on Smith's pale face, Suzette could see a glimpse of a smile. Smith suddenly became airborne. He had launched himself off of the elastic and onto Franklin's back. Franklin was face down on the mat and cowering under the iron lock that Smith preformed on his wrists. Catty Blue appeared out of seemingly nowhere and began to countdown, the crowd counting with him. By the time Catty reached two, Suzette realized she was counting as well. 

"...One!" Catty finished proudly. "Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner!" Catty put an arm around the now standing Smith as the red head held two hands in the air for victory. "Smithy!"

Franklin sulked off the mat, embarrassed and dirty. More paper money appeared around the crowd as bets were fulfilled. Suzette turned in awe to her new friend. "That was spectacular."

"Wait until you see the next guy." Harmony said. "He's even better."

"Who's next?" Suzette asked, but the minute she hit the question mark, she had her answer.

"Stick around, folks!" Catty cried out, returning to the microphone. "Next up we have out visitor competitor Pauly, and our famous champ Reed!"

The crowd exploded in cheers. All Suzette could do was stand there with a dangiling jaw. 

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