Chapter 2

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The masked man grabbed the dagger and flung a shrunken in one swift movement. You ducked under it and rolled to the side, admiring his strength as he bended his knees.

You jump to your feet and threw a dagger you always hide under your shirt, just in case. You never go anywhere without your weapons. The possibility to getting jumped is always high on the streets.

The children ran to the corner and the old lady rushed to the far side of the closest wall. This wasn't the first time this has happened. The drills had been discussed and practiced every time you came to visit, if time allowed.

You thought back to the last time. A gang that based themselves off of Wolves. You remember killing two of them. Thankfully none of the children were awake to see it. You made sure to hide the bodies.

You dodged the bullets charging at you. You had grown quite used to dodging bullets. Drunk men were usually to blame for that. Then again, police officers did fire at you when you were stealing something. But they almost always missed.

You flung the dagger, gaining the attention of the masked man. You lunged at the red girl and kicked out your foot at her head.

She grabbed it and threw to the opposite dirrection, you used the momentum to lift the other leg for a kick. She grabbed this one too, but you spun and punched her jaw while she did. She loosened her grip on the gun for a moment. Dirty trick? Of course! But here that's how you live, fighting fair doesn't exist. You learned that fairly quickly too.

You felt a shock go through your body and numbmess gradually spread. You lost control of yourself as you slumped to the floor. You shivered as an uncomfortable coldness spread over you.

For several second you had no control over your body. You kept trying to move and finally managed to get a response from the body that was supposed to belong to you. You twitched your fingers, then your rist, and was able to move your elbow soon. You rubbed your sore neck and you gained enough control of your upper body to sit up.

"Good job," you tilted your head towards the door. There stood a buff guy with a tattoo on one of his forearms. You had often thought of getting one of your own.

The masked guy handed back the tazer to buff guy. You hate tazers, almost got caught because of them once. The only good thing about them is when they hit someone who actually deserves it. And those guys deserved it.

"Sorry to disturb you," The guy turned to the old lady. Ha! Disturb?

"She's a pretty good fighter," The red girl cracked her neck, "That was pretty fun," her black hair swung in its high ponytail. You thought of ways to have more "fun" with her. The masked man nodded slowly, his arms crossed over his chest.

"If you want this to go smothly, I suggest you don't put up a fight," tattooed man claimed. He stood a full five or so inches taller than the masked man. It was slightly funny.

"Hold a gun up to my friend's head and you expect me not to fight back?" you growl, "Typical. They always blame you for being the reckless one when they started it."

"Where did you learn to fight?" Was he not even listening?

"Why does it matter?" You were able to push yourself up with one working leg now. However, your other legs still didn't want to listen.

"Because according to our records you don't exist," you didn't look up at him while he talked.

"What else is new, I don't exist," you clenched and unclenched your hands slowly. They still tingled a little, but at least they worked.

"Snake," The masked man turned to the tattoo guy, "Let's get going. I think I see another ninja on our team." He broke into a chuckle. The masked man kept staring at you, but something about the way he stood showed that he had heard what had been said.

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