Chapter 59

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The doctor stepped out of the room, "How is she?!" Sarah asked instantly.

The doctor lowered their face mask, "She had to give birth to the children prematurely. Both appear to be unaffected by the explosion."

"What about the girl?" Sarah pressed on.

The doctor made a concerned face, "She has broken heart syndrome, she needs to be sent to the States quickly."

"Will she be ok?"

The doctor gave a nod, "As long we treat it in its early stages she'll be fine."

Sarah placed her hand over her heart, "Thank goodness."

"Are you a legal gaurdian or relative of the patient?"

Sarah shook her head, "One last question, if I may?"

"Or course."

"Have the twins been named yet?"


"Ok, thank you for your time."

"Of course," the female doctor gave a quick bow and walked away. You stood in your place, not responding. Sarah began to pace in worry, she really was like a mother. You were relieved when Snake came running over to you.

He opened his hand in front of you to show you two white pills.

"Thank you," you took them and shoved them into your mouth. You swallowed them quickly before rethinking it and released a long breath.

"To think," Sarah dabbed the corner of her eye, "That my little baby grew up!" She had been watching the two noticing how Snake treated you differently from everyone else.

"Its only been a year," You responded as you hugged Snake.

"But did it feel like it?"

You didn't respond. Those pills weren't working fast enough.

"(Y/N)!" You broke into tears at the sound of your name. For months you hadn't heard it, not once. You fell to your knees and opened your arms before the children as they flooded you, among them was Jasmine.

"We missed you!" They cried. You cried harder.

"Why did you leave?"




"Sssshhhhh," you said. They gradually grew quiet as they waited to hear what you said next. You couldn't handle so many voices at once, not now.

"Are you going to keep fighing bad guys?" One beautiful boy asked you shyly. Then the rest continued to ask you questions as well.

"Will you die?"

"Are you going to be ok?"

That's when Snake clapped his hands. All the kids quieted down, waiting for a signal. Which confused you, why were they being so quiet? Snake went to the front of the group of child and gave a sign. The children smiled, giggling to themselves a little, before they opened their mouth and began to sing.

Snake stepped up to you and lowered to one knee. You were confused at first, until he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black box. You gasped and covered your mouth.

It was hard to figure out who was crying more. You or Sarah. Either way there was a great need for tissues. And the covering of eyes of several little children who were too young to yet see kissing.

You didn't mind, it wasn't important. After screaming out "yes" you dropped to Snake and embraced him. In a swift motion he lifted his helmet and you two sealed your promise with a sweet kiss.

It may have been sloppy. It may have been filled with tears, but the passion overruled it. The love and care in his kiss was all that you cared about. His arms around your body, and the ring on your finger, was all that mattered.

"Pick a place to live then," General Hawk chuckled, "A married couple deserves a quiet place to, ahem."

Snake shook his head and looked like he was going to smack General Hawk. You didn't let him, smiling a little at his actions. He calmed down, after a quick hug. Though you were just slightly offended at General Hawk's assumptions. Slightly.

You thought over all the places in the world that you could possibly live. You thought back to France, Iceland, Japan, Madagascar, and the United States.

You considered where it would be safe for a wanted hero. Then a place where little kids could run around without worry. Kids. Dear Lord kids! Of course children would be there, wether or not they were yours was debatable.

You and Snake had already discussed, and had agreed that children would be joining the family. Hopefully soon. So yes, a place to raise the children.

But still close enough for you to see all the people you had grown close to. You were left with two places, Iceland and Japan.

"Have you thought of a place yet?" General Hawk asked you.

You gave a nod, "Japan."

Snake perked up. You pet his arm with a playful smile and nodded again to General.

"Very well," General Hawk gave you a sad smile, "You are now a retired Joe. You are free to live as a normal citizen. Thank you for your service." He stood up and walked around his desk to you.

He firmly grasped your hand and looked you in the eyes, they watered slightly.

You chuckled at his behavior, "Why are you so emotional? It's not like we were that close while I was still a Joe."

General Hawk gave a quick sniff before pulling away, "Anyone willing to put their life on the line for the betterment of their country is close to me. I remember them forever, they're engrained in my heart.

~Snake POV~
Hands, hands. I repeat, they are touching hands.

Wait- yes.


No longer touching hands.

I repeat, no longer touching hands.

Wait, is he getting emotional? That's my job! No, calm down Snake. It's just a casual boss to employee talk. It's all okay.

No it's not.

~Your POV~

Snake grabbed you arm and gave a quick bow to General Hawk, "Thank you for your service as well Snake Eyes. You've done so much for us, I don't know how we're going to function without you."

Snake released your arm, 'You'll manage. There are other talented Joes here besides me.'

You were pulled into a large hug. You examined who they were, Will, and Azure.

"We'll miss you," Will sighed.

"I'll visit soon, so have a room ready for me," Azure joked. You thought over your short time as a Joe. In your group of five, three were alive, and two dead.

"We'll miss you." You could feel the words of your dead teammate touching your heart at those words.

You felt a tear trickle down your cheek, "I will too."

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