Chapter 33

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You ignored her for a few seconds, "Help her," You pushed the bleeding woman towards the nurses. They ushered her behind a white curtain, careful not to touch her soaked clothes. You looked to the row of empty beds, "Push all the beds together and stay huddled close. Don't open the door to anyone, I'll be back once it's over, understood?"

The response were meek nods. You whipped around and slammed the door shut. You had broken a hinge doing that. But there was no time to worry about broken metal right now.

If he escaped so did the chance of finding out where Destro was.

You fought blindly in the dark, thinking back to your training. You ignored the rain as it poured down on your head in the village. All you cared for was finding Storm Shadow, and pinning him to the ground.

You didn't bother to count how many ninjas you beat up. It didn't matter anyway. You simply fought with everything you had.

You would beat up the one in front ofyou, duck at an attack from behind, and charge at a guy to the side.

But then five cornered you in a circle. You kept backing away from them as they drew in closer. Then your back contacted with someone else. You jumped back and turned to see who it was. The other person did the same thing. But you both broke into a smile upon seeing eachother's faces.

"Mind helping me out?" Flint asked.

You smiled, "Definently."

You both went back to back. You pulled out your guns, two each, and fired. They all ducked down, some from being hit others from fear. When your guns ran out of ammo you tossed them aside and pulled out new ones.

After that everyone was ducking. When you finished they hesitantly raised their heads. Then you saw him.

"There!" You screamed, pointing at him.
Storm Shadow turned and ran. He ran to the entrance, where he was flanked by red ninjas. You chased after him, and Azure was close behind.

Storm Shadow turned and threw several shurikens. He ran off onto the night before seeing if they had actually done something.
You reached the entrance just in time to see him jump off. You tried to shoot him, but your gun was empty. And you didn't have time to get a dagger or needle, because he was out of sight quickly.

You hissed to yourself as you gazed out into the dark, stormy sky. He had escaped, all that hard work, for nothing. He was gone, and Azure was bleeding in the arm.

"Are you ok?" You asked her worriedly.

She gave a nod, "Yea, he's a lot stronger than I thought he would be, but I'm fine."

"You didn't realize that from chasing him for twelve hours?"

"Running and fighting are two different things," she responded, her breath labored and her arm beginning to shake.

Snake was still chasing after Storm Shadow. Jinx was inside fighting off some of the red ninjas. Team beta was scattered around the edge of the cliff side temple. Roadblock and Scarlet were at the top of the temple, shooting from above.

"Lets get you inside," you reached for Azure. She flinched away.

"I can do it on my own," she sighed. She took one step and fell, you caught her just in time.
A red ninja whipped past you, you scratched his leg with your dagger. He fell to the ground in pain. You grabbed him and pulled him close. You held the dagger at his throught.

"Where is he going?" You growled. He didn't respond. You hissed with rage and punched him unconscious. You were beginning to develop a habit for taking hostages.

You tossed him over your shoulder as you stood up. You held Azure around the waist, she was going to faint soon with the amount of blood she was losing.

You stumbled to the clinic. Thankfully it wasn't too far from the entrance. You kicked the door down, it fell all too easily.

Rip and LGK we sitting at the edge of the same bed. The five women had pushed four beds together, laying the children to sleep in the middle. They sat at the head of each bed, and the woman who had been bleeding as laying down beside the children. The two nurses were by the white curtain, whispering to eachother.

Everyone turned to look at you once you entered. The woman who had a bandage on her nose simply tilted her head to look at you, her eyes dull. The children remained asleep, but one little boy stirred a little.

"What happened?" Rip jumped up, staying off her injured leg.

You handed Azure to the nurses before responding, "Storm Shadow escaped," you watched as they laid Azure upon a stretcher and yanked out the white curtain. You finally looked at Rip, to see her eyes blazing with anger. LGK stood behind her, rubbing his neck nervously.

"And you let him?" She hissed. You threw down the red ninja, not at all caring about his well being. You yanked off your black clothing, showing the white tank top underneath. Your arms, stomach, and chest were covered in red slashes. In the dim light of the two lightbulb it couldn't be seen with the black clothing.

You glared straight at Rip, "I fought with everything I had," you spoke slowly so that the words had time to sink in. You continued, "If this isn't hard enough I might as well be dead."

Roadblock was the one who gave the report to headquarter. Will checked up on everyone, making sure they were ok. Rip was told she couldn't walk for about a month, two weeks without using it at all. Wild Style was found asleep in a corner. Her clothes were ripped and torn everywhere. LGK made sure to track where they were going.

The red ninja I had captured was injected with a tracking device behind his ear. He was left outside, far away. You went it go check on him, and like everyone had hoped he ran away.
You hoped he did something useful.

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